Drying kinetics and quality of beetroots dehydrated by combination of convective and vacuum-microwave methods (Figiel).pdf

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Drying kinetics and quality of beetroots dehydrated by combination of convective and vacuum-microwave methods
Journal of Food Engineering 98 (2010) 461–470
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Journal of Food Engineering
Drying kinetics and quality of beetroots dehydrated by combination
of convective and vacuum-microwave methods
Adam Figiel *
Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Wrocław, Poland
article info
Article history:
Received 5 November 2009
Received in revised form 30 December 2009
Accepted 23 January 2010
Available online 28 January 2010
Beetroot cubes were dehydrated by convective drying in hot air at 60 C and by the combination of con-
vective pre-drying (CPD) until moisture content 1.6, 0.6 or 0.27 kg/kg db and vacuum-microwave finish
drying (VMFD) at 240, 360 or 480 W. The control samples were obtained by freeze-drying (FD). The dry-
ing kinetics of beetroot cubes was described with an exponential function. VMFD significantly reduced
the total time of drying and decreased drying shrinkage in comparison with convective method. A critical
moisture content divided the temperature profile of samples during VMFD into increasing and falling
periods. At the falling temperature period a significant increase in the colour parameters L * , a * and b *
was found. VM treated samples as well as FD ones exhibited lower compressive strength, better rehydra-
tion potential and higher antioxidant activity than those dehydrated in convection. Increasing the micro-
wave wattage and decreasing the time of CPD improved the quality of beetroot cubes dried by the
combined method.
Compressive strength
Antioxidant activity
2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
age, which is a result of tissue collapse caused by volume reduction
due to the loss of moisture as well as the presence of internal forces
( Sjöholm and Gekas, 1995; Mayor and Sereno, 2004 ).
Some novel drying methods are free of those weaknesses typi-
cal for convective drying. Nevertheless, their application in exclu-
sive form involves other problems such as low productivity, high
costs or technical inconveniences. Hence, hybrid techniques com-
posed of complementary drying methods which donate their
advantages are of the highest interest. Convective drying in hot
air is still worth consideration due to the satisfactory efficiency
at the initial period of dehydration characterized by relatively high
drying rate and large capacity. Therefore convective drying should
be followed by a method which can ensure adequate drying rate at
the final period of dehydration and high quality of the dried prod-
uct. Shrinkage and texture are considered to be quality attributes
of dried product ( Rahman, 1999 ). Colour is another quality factor
of a dried product ( Yongsawatdigul and Gunasekaran, 1996 ), being
not only an indicator of the changes occurring in the material dur-
ing drying ( Maskan, 2001 ), but also an important attribute boost-
ing the attractiveness of a food product ( Soysal et al., 2009 ). The
most suitable method satisfying these requirements is drying with
application of microwaves under vacuum.
Drying with the microwave method under vacuum is a modern,
efficient method of food preservation ( Men’shutina et al., 2005 ).
During vacuum-microwave (VM) drying the energy of microwaves
is absorbed by water located in the whole volume of the material
Beetroots (Beta vulgaris) are rich in valuable, active compounds
such as carotenoids ( Dias et al., 2009 ), glycine betaine, ( de Zwart
et al., 2003 ), saponins ( Atamanova et al., 2005 ), betacyanines ( Pat-
kai et al., 1997 ), folates ( Jastrebova et al., 2003 ), betanin, polyphe-
nols and flavonoids ( Váli et al., 2007 ). Therefore, beetroot ingestion
can be considered a factor in cancer prevention ( Kapadia et al.,
1996 ). However, fresh beetroots are exposed to spoilage due to
their high moisture content. One of the preservation methods
ensuring microbial safety of biological products is drying ( Math-
louthi, 2001 ). Dried beetroots can be consumed directly in the form
of chips as a substitute of traditional snacks, that are rich in trans
fatty acids ( Aro et al., 1998 ), or after easy preparation as a compo-
nent of instant food ( Krejcova et al., 2007 ).
Convective drying in hot air is still the most popular method ap-
plied to reduce the moisture content of fruits and vegetables ( Lew-
icki, 2006 ), including beetroots ( Kami ´ ski et al., 2004; Shynkaryk
et al., 2008 ). However, this method has several disadvantages
and limitations; for instance, it requires relatively long times and
high temperatures, which causes degradation of important nutri-
tional substances ( Marfil et al., 2008 ) as well as colour alteration
( Chua et al., 2001 ). Another disadvantage of that method is shrink-
* Tel.: +48 71 3205730; fax: +48 71 3482486.
E-mail address: adam.figiel@up.wroc.pl
0260-8774/$ - see front matter 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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A. Figiel / Journal of Food Engineering 98 (2010) 461–470
a, b, c function parameters
A, B, C pre-drying levels
AC absorption capacity (kg/kg)
AC R absorption capacity rate (kg/kg/h)
CPD convective pre-drying
CPD–VMFD combination of convective pre-drying and vacuum-
microwave finish drying
db dry basis
dw dry weight
D R drying rate (min 1 )
FD freeze-drying
F max breaking force (N)
FRAP ferric reducing ability of plasma
FSE fit standard error
k drying constant (min 1 )
L * degree of lightness
a * degree of redness
b * degree of yellowness
m A mass of water absorbed from humid air (kg)
m D mass of water removed during drying (kg)
M moisture content (kg/kg db)
M e equilibrium moisture content (kg/kg db)
M 0 initial moisture content (kg/kg db)
M R moisture ratio
MP microwave power
MRPs Maillard reaction products
P 1 ,P 2 breaking points
R 2 coefficient of determination
S surface of beetroot cube cross-section (mm 2 )
t time (min, h)
T Trolox
TPTZ 2,4,6-tri(2-pyridyl)-1,3,5-triazine
V R relative volume of the dried material (m 3 /m 3 )
V volume after drying (m 3 )
V 0 volume before drying (m 3 )
VM vacuum-microwave
VMFD vacuum-microwave finish drying
Greek symbols
a significance level
r max breaking stress (MPa)
a, b, c indicate significant differences
u, x, y, z indicate significant differences
being dried. This creates a large vapour pressure in the centre of
the material, allowing rapid transfer of moisture to the surround-
ing vacuum and preventing structural collapse ( Lin et al., 1998 ).
As a consequence, the rate of drying is considerably higher than
in traditional methods of dehydration ( Sharma and Prasad, 2004 ).
A decisive factor enhancing drying rate is the wattage of micro-
waves ( Andres et al., 2004; Figiel, 2006 ). The puffing phenomenon,
that accompanies the rapid process of dehydration, creates a por-
ous texture of the food and facilitates obtaining a crispy and deli-
cate texture ( Sham et al., 2001 ), and in this way it reduces the
product’s density as well as shrinkage.
The VM technique has already been satisfactory applied to re-
duce the moisture content of many plant materials, such as carrots
( Cui et al., 2004 ), cranberries ( Sunjka et al., 2004 ), strawberries
( Krulis et al., 2005 ), peanuts ( Delwiche et al., 1986 ), bananas ( Mou-
sa and Farid, 2002 ), apples ( Sham et al., 2001 ), pumpkin ( Nawirska
et al., 2009 ) and garlic ( Cui et al., 2003 ). However, at the beginning
of VM dehydration the intensive water evaporation from the mate-
rial being dried may exceed the vacuum pump capacity. This
would require a reduction in the raw material subjected to drying
or application of a large vacuum installation. This problem can be
overcome by pre-drying of the material using convective drying in
hot air which is very efficient in the initial period of dehydration.
As a result of pre-drying the mass loads of a VM equipment can
be radically decreased ( Hu et al., 2006 ). Pre-drying of the material
by convective method before VM finish drying (VMFD) reduced the
total cost of dehydration and improved the quality of dried toma-
toes ( Durance and Wang, 2002 ) and nutritional value of strawber-
ries ( Böhm et al., 2006 ).
No scientific work has yet been reported on the combined dry-
ing of beetroots. The combined method consisting of CPD and
VMFD (CPD–VMFD) could make a significant contribution to the
vegetable processing industry. However, it is not obvious when
convective drying should be replaced with VM method and what
microwave wattage is supposed to be applied to ensure the opti-
mal conditions of beetroots dehydration. Therefore the aim of this
work was to determine the effect of microwave power and the
level of CPD on the drying kinetics as well as on some quality fac-
tors of VMFD beetroot cubes in terms of shrinkage, texture, colour,
rehydration potential and antioxidant activity. The assumption
that these quality factors are in some ways interrelated, due to
the decisive impact of water content on a large majority of biolog-
ical material properties, induces the necessity to explain the phe-
nomena which occur within the material subjected to combined
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Sample preparation
Beetroots of ‘‘Alto F1” variety were cultivated in a field situated
close to Wroclaw (Poland). Roots of similar size were washed and
cut into 10 mm cubes by using of a cutter equipped with a knife
moving perpendicularly to a horizontal base. The base was covered
with thick rubber. To ensure proper size of the samples a vertical
base was fixed at 10 mm distance from the action plain of the
knife. Before drying the cubes were mixed in a plastic container
and then divided into 180 g portions.
2.2. Drying
The beetroot cubes were subjected to drying with three meth-
ods. The first method was hot air convective drying, the second
one was a combination CPD–VMFD, while the third one was
freeze-drying (FD). The beetroot cubes obtained by FD were con-
sidered as control samples. Convective drying was performed in a
drier designed and built in the Institute of Agriculture Engineering
(Wroclaw, Poland). The air temperature and velocity were 60 C
and 1.8 m/s, respectively. The portions of 180 g were spread on a
round 100 mm tray. The tray was placed on top of a drying pipe.
The convective dryer, equipped with six pipes, enabled simulta-
neous drying of six portions. In the combined method CPD was car-
ried out until the three levels of moisture content: 1.6, 0.6 and
A. Figiel / Journal of Food Engineering 98 (2010) 461–470
0.27 kg/kg db. Each CPD portion was divided into three equal por-
tions. The divided portions were dehydrated by VMFD in SM-200
dryer (Plazmatronika, Wroclaw, Poland) at 360 W microwave
power. Samples pre-dried until 0.6 moisture content were addi-
tionally dried by VMFD at 240 or 480 W. The pressure in the vac-
uum-drum ranged from 4 to 6 kPa and the drum was revolving
at 6 rev/min. During FD (freeze drier OE-950, Hungary) the pres-
sure was reduced to 65 Pa. The temperature in the drying chamber
was 60 C, while the heating plate reached 30 C.
The drying kinetics for convective drying and VMFD was deter-
mined on the basis of mass losses of beetroot cubes when the ini-
tial moisture content M 0 amounted to 10.25 kg/kg db. The
experiment was interrupted whenever the mass of dried cubes
was measured. The moisture ratio M R was determined from the
M R ¼ M ð t Þ M e
M 0 M e
P 1 (F 1 max )
P 2 (F 2 max )
ð 1 Þ
Fig. 1. Typical compressive curves for a very dry beetroot sample with breaking
point P 1 and for a sample of high moisture content with breaking point P 2 .
The equilibrium moisture content M e was determined at the fi-
nal stage of drying as an asymptotic value of the function fitted to
the experimental points using Table Curve 2D Windows v2.03
( Nawirska et al., 2009 ).
The moisture content of dehydrated cubes subjected to quality
estimation was in the range 0.053 to 0.15 kg/kg db. This moisture
content was determined by drying the previously ground samples
in vacuum dryer (SPT-200, ZEAMiL Horyzont, Krakow, Poland) for
24 h at temperature 60 C. The result was the mean value of two
gently smoothed using sand paper in order to avoid local ruptur-
ing. Fig. 1 shows typical compressive curves for a very dry sample
with breaking point P 1 and for a sample of high moisture content
with breaking point P 2 . It was assumed that beyond the breaking
point the compressive force is decreasing or the increase of that
force is going along the straight line indicating the yielding period
of compression. The breaking stress was the ratio of the breaking
force to the cross-section of compressed beetroot cubes:
2.3. Temperature measurement
r max ¼ F max
10 3
ð 3 Þ
During VM drying the vacuum-drum was rotating in order to
avoid the local overheating of beetroot samples. Nevertheless,
the temperature of individual cubes differed despite of the drum
rotation. The temperature of beetroot cubes was measured with
an infrared thermometer immediately after taking them out of
the VM dryer. The external temperature of most heated cubes
was recorded. It was supposed that the temperature measured
with this method reflected the course of mean temperature during
drying. A direct internal temperature measurement of the cubes in
the drying chamber under vacuum is practically not possible be-
cause the measuring elements inserted into the dried material
are heated by the microwave emission.
Seven replications were performed on samples with the same
moisture content.
2.6. Rehydration test
The maximally dried samples of beetroot were subjected to a
rehydration test. Before that these samples were placed in an exs-
iccator for 3 months in order to reduce and equalise their moisture
content. The samples of ca. 0.7 g weight were placed in a WK111 340
GmbH (Germany) chamber at 21 C and 95% relative humidity. The
curves of absorption capacity were determined at certain intervals
for 50 h on the basis the weight of samples kept in the chamber
compared to the initial weight, which was almost equal to the
dry mass. Longer duration of rehydration exposed the beetroot
samples to microbial spoilage. These samples were weighed each
time, when out of the chamber, in plastic containers on a balance
with 0.001 g accuracy. Absorption capacity AC, expressing the de-
gree of water restoration in dry material resulting from absorption
of water vapour relative to water content before drying, was calcu-
lated from an equation similar to that proposed by Le Loch-Bonazzi
et al. (1992) and Lewicki (1998) :
AC ¼ m A
m D
2.4. Shrinkage
Shrinkage, which occurred during drying as a result of water
evaporation, was evaluated by determination of the relative vol-
ume of dried material. The relative volume was the ratio of beet-
root cube volume after drying to that before drying:
V R ¼ V
V 0
ð 2 Þ
The volume of beetroot samples was calculated by multiplica-
tion of three basic sizes measured with the use of a slide caliper.
Seven replications were performed on samples with the same
moisture content.
ð 4 Þ
Each experimental point was the result of three replicates.
2.7. Colour measurement
2.5. Compressive test
The compressive strength of dried beetroot cubes was deter-
mined with an Instron 5544 strength-testing machine (Instron,
High Wycombe, UK) equipped with one of two replaceable strain
gauges of 2 kN or 100 N range. The individual cubes were com-
pressed between two parallel plates with a speed of 6 mm/min.
The contact surfaces of the cubes deformed by shrinkage were
Colour of dried samples was evaluated by a Minolta Chroma
Meter CR-200 (Minolta Co. Ltd., Osaka, Japan). Instrumental colour
data were expressed as CIE L * , a * , b * coordinates, which define the
colour in a three-dimensional space: L * (dark–light), a * (redness–
green) and b * (yellowness–blueness). Samples before measurement
were ground using an electric mill. Colour measurements were
performed in triplicate.
A. Figiel / Journal of Food Engineering 98 (2010) 461–470
2.8. Antioxidant activity
In the initial phase of convective drying the water loss is rela-
tively rapid, whereas the successive dynamics of water loss de-
creases and drying with that method begins to be time-
consuming ( Maskan, 2000 ). Application of VMFD enabled consid-
erable shortening of the total time of drying. The time of drying
with the convective method necessary to reach a moisture content
of 0.05 kg/kg db reached ca. 420 min. With the early application of
VMFD (at microwave power 360 W) the time was ca. four times
shorter. The total time of drying was shorter when the VMFD dry-
ing was introduced earlier and the applied power of microwaves
was higher. A similar result was obtained with CPD-VMFD of pears
( Figiel et al., 2008 ).
Differentiation of Eq. (5) enabled drying rate estimation:
The total antioxidant potential of beetroot samples was deter-
mined using the ferric reducing ability of plasma (FRAP) assay as
described by Benzie and Strain (1996) . In this method a potential
antioxidant reduces the ferric ion (Fe 3+ ) to the ferrous ion (Fe 2+ );
the latter forms a blue complex (Fe 2+ /TPTZ), which increases
absorption at 593 nm. FRAP reagent was prepared by mixing ace-
tate buffer (300 l M, pH 3.6), a solution of 10 l M TPTZ in 40 l M
HCl, and 20 l M FeCl 3 at 10:1:1 (v/v/v). The reagent (300 l L) and
sample solutions (10 l L) were mixed thoroughly. The absorbance
was taken at 593 nm after 10 min. Standard curve was prepared
using different concentrations of Trolox. All solutions were pre-
pared daily. The results were expressed in l M Trolox per 100 g
dry weight. All determinations were performed in triplicate.
D R ¼ dM R
ð 7 Þ
2.9. Statistical analysis
Because the complex form of Eq. (5) is exponential,
The results obtained in the study were subjected to statistical
analysis. Standard deviations were estimated by means of Micro-
soft Excel (Microsoft Office 2000 SR-1 Professional). Table Curve
2D Windows v2.03 (Jandel Scientific Software, USA) enabled math-
ematical modelling with the best determination coefficient. The re-
sults obtained were evaluated by statistical analysis with the use of
the Statistica v. 8.0 (StatSoft, Inc., Tulsa, USA). Homogeneous
groups were determined with the Duncan’s multiple range test at
significance level a = 0.05. The one-way analysis of variance was
applied in order to find out if the differences in the mean values
estimated were significant.
dM R
dt ¼ k a e k t
ð 8 Þ
Taking into consideration Eq. (5) again,
dM R
dt ¼ k M R
ð 9 Þ
and finally according to Eq. (7) :
D R ¼ k M R
ð 10 Þ
The relationship between D R and M R for convective drying and
for VMFD ( Fig. 3 ) is linear according to Eq. (10) . The slop of the
straight lines, which represent this relationship, determines the
values of the drying constant k ( Table 1 ). The linear course of
experimental points displayed in Fig. 3 confirms that Eqs. (5) and
(6) describe adequately the drying kinetics of beetroot cubes.
When drying by convective method the value of D R diminished
from 0.02448 to 0.0 min 1 . However, the introduction of VMFD
at M R equal 0.16, which corresponded to 1.6 kg/kg db, resulted in
the jump of D R from 3.51 10 3 to 19.35 10 3 min 1 . The high-
est increase in D R , from 1.33 10 3 to 23.50 10 3 min 1 , was
found for VMFD at 480 W and the lowest one, from 1.33 10 3
to 10.74 10 3 min 1 , occurred for VMFD at 240 W. On the other
hand, the highest k value 747.0 10 3 min 1 was found for the
sample maximally pre-dried by convective method, while the low-
est one 124.0 10 3 min 1 for the sample minimally pre-dried. It
can be stated that the higher the value of k the higher D R for as-
sumed M R . It was found that both the increase in microwave power
and the level of CPD increased the k value.
The positive effect of microwave power on k value was ex-
pected. This expectation was supported by the results of investiga-
tions made on other biological materials such as mint leafs
( Therdthai and Zhou, 2009 ) and apples ( Figiel, 2007 ). However,
the effect of the level of CPD on D R during VMFD has not yet been
studied and needs more consideration. Namely, during convective
drying the external heating is associated with an inward gradient
of moisture. Under such drying conditions water is evacuated from
the surface of the dried material to ambient as a vapour. The sur-
face is all the time supplied with water diffusing from the deeper
and deeper parts of the material. This creates no uniform distribu-
tion of water within the material. Longer CPD enhance transforma-
tion of microwave energy into heat energy by water dipoles
located deeper and more bound with the cellular system of the
material ( Tang, 2005 ). As a result, at the beginning of VMFD the in-
ner temperature of more pre-dried material is higher than the tem-
perature of less pre-dried one of the same moisture content. This
temperature, associated with the pressure within the material
( Szarycz, 2001 ), affects the current drying rate.
3. Results
3.1. Drying kinetics
Drying kinetics of beetroot cubes dehydrated by the convective
as well as by combined method is shown in Fig. 2 . For both the
methods the decrease in moisture ratio M R in time was described
by an exponential function:
M R ¼ a e k t
ð 5 Þ
For convective drying the a value amounted to 1, and Eq. (5)
might be simplified to the Lewis’ model:
ð 6 Þ
For VMFD the a value was lower than 1 ( Table 1 ). This value was
the lower the longer was the time of convective pre-drying.
A, 360 W
B, 240 W
B, 360 W
B, 480 W
C, 360 W
Time (min)
Fig. 2. Drying kinetics of beetroot cubes dehydrated by convection and by
combined method (CPD until moisture contents: 1.6 (A), 0.6 (B) or 0.27 (C) kg/
kg db and VMFD at microwave power 240, 360 or 480 W).
M R ¼ e k t
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A. Figiel / Journal of Food Engineering 98 (2010) 461–470
Table 1
Values of the parameters a, b and k of the functions describing the drying kinetics, relative volume and breaking stress of beetroot samples.
Drying method CPD level
(kg/kg db)
MP (W) Drying kinetics
Relative volume
Breaking stress
M R ¼ a e k t
V R ¼ a M þ b
r max ¼ a e b
R 2
R 2
R 2
0.156 0.124 0.9949 3.440 10 3
0.653 0.432 0.9564 6.875 10 3
7.251 0.0292 0.9959 29.81 10 3
0.055 0.195 0.9999 0.165 10 3
0.471 0.351 0.9343 4.012 10 3
61.37 0.0173 0.9870 72.83 10 3
0.051 0.288 0.9984 0.811 10 3
0.585 0.385 0.9636 4.340 10 3
30.55 0.0197 0.9966 38.31 10 3
0.050 0.471 0.9992 0.610 10 3
0.939 0.436 0.9786 4.537 10 3
11.59 0.0234 0.9966 24.40 10 3
0.020 0.747 0.9982 0.376 10 3
0.720 0.386 0.9635 2.814 10 3
16.20 0.0236 0.9883 58.51 10 3
1.0 0.024 0.9994 6.455 10 3
0.322 0.215 0.9649 2.520 10 3
28.09 0.0226 0.9903 93.64 10 3
CPD = convective pre-drying, VMFD = vacuum-microwave finish drying, MP = microwave power, R 2 = coefficient of determination, FSE = fit standard error.
A, 360 W
B, 240 W
B, 360 W
B, 480 W
C, 360 W
A, 360 W
B, 240 W
B, 360 W
B, 480 W
C, 360 W
Moisture content (kg/kg db)
Moisture ratio
Fig. 3. Relationship between drying rate and moisture ratio for convective drying
and for combined method (CPD until moisture contents: 1.6 (A), 0.6 (B) or 0.27 (C)
kg/kg db and VMFD at microwave power 240, 360 or 480 W).
Fig. 4. Temperature profile for beetroot cubes during VMFD at microwave power
240, 360 or 480 W, after CPD until moisture contents: 1.6 (A), 0.6 (B) or 0.27 (C) kg/
kg db.
It is hard to measure directly the inner temperature of the
material being VM dried. However, the assumption that external
temperature measured with an infrared thermometer reflexes
the inner temperature may support the considerations made
Schubert (1996) clamed that with VM drying the temperature of
dehydrated banana slices was increasing reaching the highest va-
lue at the end of drying when the moisture content ranged from
0.05 to 0.08 kg/kg db. The decreasing in sample temperature at
the final stage of drying was not recorded. In this study the peak
temperatures were found for the critical moisture contents in the
range from 0.09 to 0.15 kg/kg db. One can presume, that the course
of temperature versus moisture content depends on two phenom-
ena. The first is the generation of heat energy by water dipoles in
microwave field ( Tang, 2005 ) while the other one is the absorbing
of that energy by water evaporating from the surface of the mate-
rial. The increase in the material temperature until critical mois-
ture content results from the excess of the energy generated over
the energy necessary for water evaporation. Naturally, the
amounts of water generating the energy and water evaporating
are decreasing with decreasing moisture content. Beyond the crit-
ical moisture content the energy generated by water dipoles is
lower than the sum of the energy necessary for water evaporation
and that transferred from the material to the ambient of lower
temperature. However, this explanation needs further, compre-
hensive investigation.
3.2. Temperature
During VMFD an increase in the beetroot cubes temperature
was observed until a critical moisture content. Beyond that mois-
ture content the samples temperature was decreasing ( Fig. 4 ).
The peak temperature 86 C was recorded for VMFD beetroot cubes
maximally pre-dried and the lowest one, amounting to 79 C, for
VMFD cubes dehydrated with the lowest microwave wattage. It
was found that the increase in microwave wattage to 480 W in-
creased the peak temperature to 83 C. These results confirm the
explanations regarding the effect of microwave power and the le-
vel of pre-drying on the drying rate. However, according to those
explanations the peak temperature of the samples pre-dried to
1.6 kg/kg db should be lower than those determined for the sample
pre-dried to 0.6 kg/kg db, while the data presented in Fig. 4 show a
reverse relationship for this case. This discrepancy follows from the
relatively long time of microwave energy accumulation by the
whole volume of those samples pre-dried to 1.6 kg/kg db. Never-
theless, the temperature gradient, resulting from the temperature
distribution within the material, is enhanced by longer pre-drying.
Another problem which needs clarification is the presence of
peak temperature. During convective drying the temperature of
material is successively increasing reaching the temperature of
hot air at the end of drying ( Roberts et al., 2002 ). Drouzas and
3.3. Shrinkage
The relative volume (V R ) can be treated as a parameter describ-
ing the ability of a material being drying to shrink – the lower V R
the higher shrinkage of the material. The V R determined for VMFD
beetroot samples was significantly higher as compared with sam-
ples dried by convection ( Fig. 5 ), despite the noticeably high stan-
dard errors of the mean values of relative volume. These high
standard errors resulted from the anisotropic nature of biological
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