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A rise in Internet crime is causing problems for employers and employees.
1 What would you do if you received the following e-mail?
From: Euro-International State Lottery
Re [Anti-spam]: Congratulations!
We are delighted to inform you that your name has been selected by our computer and that you are a winner in our Lottery of the
sum of €200,000.We shall forward the contact information of the bank which will enable you to claim the funds. Please be aware
that there are some important documents that will be required by the bank to activate the transfer. Please contact us urgently to
guarantee safe receipt of your winnings. Congratulations!
2 Which of the following words do you know?
spyware adware scam spam fraud
3 Scan the article below. How many of these words, or derivatives (e.g. fraudsters), can you find in two minutes?
Hi-tech fraud Both the US and the UK are
experiencing a rise in ‘phishing’, pronounced ‘fishing’.
Fraudsters send an e-mail message that seems to come from a
bank (Citibank, Lloyds) or a company like E-bay or Amazon.
The message looks genuine, and may direct you to a website
which includes a corporate logo. You are asked to send or
confirm personal information, such as your bank account
number or password. This information is then used for
fraudulent activity, such as online gambling, or to siphon off
money from your account. As many as 20% of recipients are
fooled by this scam.
IT managers estimate that over 90% of computers in
organisations have been infected by some kind of spyware.
Many employees unknowingly download spyware onto their
machines. This software, which hides somewhere in your
computer, collects information about you and what you do
on the internet – it may even record your credit card details if
you shop on the Internet. On average every PC has 28 so-
called spyware programs installed on it, according to one
recent audit by a software firm.
Adware is a form of spyware which installs secret
advertising software on your computer, such as annoying
pop-up ads. There are government moves in various
countries to make spam illegal. As the Internet becomes more
and more an integral part of our lives so we have to give
more time to protecting ourselves against cyber-crime.
This is another example of spamming. The nature of spam is
changing from being just a nuisance to more serious financial
scams. Many mails sell fake pharmaceuticals on the black
market. Financial and pharmaceutical spam now make up an
incredible 70% of all spam.
4 Read the article again. Did you find out anything new or surprising?
5 Find words in the article from the following definitions.
(a) to move money from one bank account to another illegally or dishonestly
(paragraph 1)
(b) a symbol that represents an organisation or company
(paragraph 1)
(c) risking money, often in a game, hoping to win more if you are lucky
(paragraph 1)
(d) made to look like something real in order to trick people
(paragraph 2)
Definitions from or based on Macmillan English Dictionary . Text © Bloomsbury Publishing Plc 2002.
6 Work in small groups. Rank the following crimes in order of their seriousness. Decide on a suitable penalty for each.
(paragraph 3)
sending spam e-mails placing spyware on a computer creating / distributing a computer virus
manufacturing / selling fake drugs sending adware across the Internet stealing credit card details
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Copyright Macmillan Publishers Limited 2007.
(e) an official examination of a situation within a company
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