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The best office
A recent in-flight business magazine has named international law firm Clifford Chance’s London building as
‘Office of the month’. Why was it chosen?
1 Describe the building where you work to your partner. Use some of the words and expressions in the box below.
big / medium-sized / small light / dark
lobby reception canteen restaurant
tall / low modern / old noisy / quiet
gym showers car park meeting rooms
2 Complete the Fact Box on the company Clifford Chance by scanning the article.
Clifford Chance: Fact Box
London, 1999
Offices worldwide:
New London office opened:
Employees, London:
London location:
Canary Wharf
Employees, worldwide:
Office of the month
What does a building say about a company’s corporate
culture? In August 2003, Clifford Chance moved to a
purpose-built 32-story skyscraper in Canary Wharf, London.
This brought over 2,000 employees, previously working at
different locations across London, together under one roof.
Clifford Chance is the largest fully integrated global law firm
in the world, with 28 offices in 19 countries. It has over 6,500
employees worldwide. The London building has just been
named ‘Office of the month’ in a recent in-flight magazine.
city. Not only that, but clients can pop in for a shower and a
meal whenever they are in London, offering opportunities for
networking. The introduction of a few large-screen
televisions will be more popular than ever during the
forthcoming World Cup. Last year, special monitors in the
lobby showed three films, made in India, Ireland and
Germany. These were the winning entries in a competition
run by the company and the University of the Arts, London.
The firm believes its employees are extremely hard-working
and wants to reward them by providing a motivating place
to work. It considers ‘commitment’ and ‘quality’ among its
corporate values. Clifford Chance, which provides advice on
international and local law to corporate clients and financial
institutions, describes itself as ‘the worldʹs leading
international law firm’. Does it have the best working
environment in London?
The state-of-the-art building has a swimming pool and a
gym. The gym employs fitness trainers. Employees can do an
aerobics workout in one of the studios. The building contains
a travel agent, a medical centre and a restaurant. The offices
are open all day and night, which means that staff can use
the facilities whenever they like. You can have breakfast
before starting work, or have dinner before heading off to the
3 Read the whole article. What facilities does Clifford Chance have?
4 Complete the following word formation tables. Use some of the words to create sentences about your own company.
a) integrated
f) motivating
c) financial
5 How could your workplace be improved? Brainstorm some ideas with a partner and then select the best one. Prepare
to present your idea to the class. Your presentation should include the estimated costs and benefits of the improvement.
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