01-Advanced Cold Reads - 8 Types.pdf

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Cold Reads For The
part 1 f 8
of the Pandora’s Ph.D.
Strategy Series
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Written by
Brian Burke
? Plain and simple, it is a tool to get a result. In this
case, it is a conversational tool to get an emotional result in the person you
are “reading.”
A cold read is one of the most powerful conversational tools you can use,
in any situation – professional, romantic, or purely social. Basically a
read is an observation about someone that makes him or her feel as if you
understand them on a very deep level. Because a read is merely a statement,
but has such a powerful emotional impact, it is extremely efficient. It is the
efficiency of this conversational tool that gives you profound leverage when
dealing with others. There is nothing more effective than an accurate cold
read when influencing another people’s emotions.
Why does an observation about someone create such a profound emotional
effect? Let’s start with the term “cold.” It is called a “cold” read because you
are telling the other person something about themselves they have not told
you explicitly. You are observing something about them that is not easily
observable, and may in fact be completely undetectable by other people –
even people who have known that person for years.
(Remember - the egotistical self-centeredness of 99% of human beings makes
your job very easy when it comes to cold reading someone effectively.)
The best cold read is when you tell someone something about themselves that
they were previously unaware of when they realize your read is accurate.
What is a
If you can help a woman learn about herself, you are showing her
something new, as women are socialized (and genetically inclined) to
focus on others and figure out how everyone else “ticks.”
The first reason to use cold reads is that they create the perception, in your
subject, that you are an authority. This makes you influential. Influence is
power, in any relationship.
Another reason to use cold reads is that they create in your subject, the
perception that you understand them on a much deeper level than anyone
else. This makes your subject very comfortable with you, because they feel
like you understand them.
Automatically this leads to a sense of chemistry – the elusive and indefinable
quality of a great relationship. When two people “get” each other, they feel
that click that is chemistry. Women already desire this click with everyone
they meet, and when you convey that you understand her, she will desire
that click so much that she will convince herself that the two of you “get”
each other.
Lastly, and most practically, a cold read creates the opportunity to escalate,
out of thin air . Universally, women want to think that you like them for
their personalities – this is what attracts (or repels) them to men and this is
their evolved strategy for keeping their sexual partners around
(Remember, personality lasts a lifetime, while her body, i.e. sex, lasts a
matter of minutes – until the man orgasms).
When you Cold Read a woman, you create a reason, based on her
personality, to escalate physically. This must always be the interpersonal
dynamic with women you are pursuing sexually.
There are two ways to read someone. Obviously, telling them
something about themselves is the primary method. We’ll call this a
Direct Cold Read
There is a more subtle way to read someone, where you talk about
yourself in a way that you know your subject will immediately
relate to. This is like “pacing” in NLP terms, but much more natural
conversationally. We’ll call this method an
Indirect Cold Read
they will resist. But when you fractionate your own idiosyncrasies and
vulnerabilities with your observations about her, she feels as if you are
just “talking.”
too much
is used heavily in the Time/Mate Optimization
Axis. This is because the first Axis is most subject to her conscious
awareness, and most likely to change over time. Therefore, the more you
try to directly shape her at this level, the more likely she is to resist.
Direct Read
: “You are ____.” You tell her what you already know about
: “I am ____.” You pace her worldview by talking about
yourself, prompting her to think or say “Me too! This guy must
understand me because we are the same.”
W hat are different ways to Read someone?
An organic, conversational, natural-sounding read incorporates both
elements. When you try to tell someone about themselves
You’ll notice that
Indirect Read
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