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Ticket On The Train - Mini-Story Lesson
Hello there. Welcome to the mini-story lesson for the conversation “Ticket On The Train.”
Let’s get started with the story.
* * * * *
Brian the dog has a chip on his shoulder. He just got fired from his job as a bus driver. Then, to
top it off, he locked his keys in his car.
He had been saving money because he wants to go to Thailand. It costs a pretty penny to buy a
plane ticket to Thailand. So he’s been racking his brain trying to think of how to pay for the ticket.
Then his brother Frankie called him. He told him about a job. The job was working at a café
owned by Carla the cat. Carla the cat did not like dogs. Brian thought that it was a total long shot
but he asked Carla about the job. Carla really liked Brian, so she offered him a job.
Later that week Brian had enough money to buy the plane ticket. He was no longer angry that he
was fired from his job as a bus driver. It’s just water under the bridge now.
* * * * *
Okay, so that brings us to the end of the story. Now, as always, I will begin at the start of the story and I
will ask questions this time when I read the story. Please answer the questions out loud. If you need a
little more time then you can press pause on your computer or your mp3 player and then you can press
play again when you’ve had enough time. And, of course, if you just feel like listening and not answering
the questions out loud, well then that’s fine, too.
Okay, let’s get started.
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Brian the dog has a chip on his shoulder.
Does Brian the dog have a chip on his shoulder?
Yes, he does. He has a chip on his shoulder.
Who has a chip on his shoulder? Does Freddie the frog or Brian the dog have a chip on his shoulder?
Brian the dog, Brian the dog has a chip on his shoulder.
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Ticket On The Train - Mini-Story Lesson
Does Freddie the frog have a chip on his shoulder?
No, it’s not Freddie the frog.
Does Brian the dog have a chip on his shoulder?
Yes, he does. Brian the dog has a chip on his shoulder.
Is Brian the dog happy?
No, no, he’s not. He has a chip on his shoulder. That means he is not happy.
Is Brian the dog angry?
Yes, yes, he is. He has a chip on his shoulder which is the same thing as saying he is angry. If you have
a chip on your shoulder then you are angry.
What type of animal is Brian? Is he a cat or a dog?
A dog, Brian is a dog.
He just got fired from his job as a bus driver.
Did he just get fired from his job as a bus driver?
Yes, he did. He just got fired from his job as a bus driver.
What happened to him? Did he get fired from his job or set his house on fire?
He got fired from his job.
Did he set his house on fire?
No, he didn’t set his house on fire.
Did he get fired from his job?
Yes, yes, he did. He got fired from his job.
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Ticket On The Train - Mini-Story Lesson
Who got fired from his job? Did Brian’s father get fired from his job?
No, it wasn’t Brian’s father.
Did Brian get fired from his job?
Yes, yes, he did. Brian got fired from his job.
What was Brian’s job? Was his job an airplane pilot or a bus driver?
A bus driver, his job was a bus driver.
Did Brian get fired from his job as a bus driver?
Yes, he did. He got fired from his job as a bus driver.
Then, to top it off, he locked his keys in his car.
Did he lock his keys in his car?
Yes, he did. He locked his keys in his car.
What did he do? Did he lock his house?
No, he didn’t lock his house.
Did he lock his keys in his car?
Yes, that’s what he did. He locked his keys in his car.
Did he lock his keys in his car in addition to being fired?
Yes, he did. He locked his keys in his car in addition to being fired. To top it off, he locked his keys in his
car. To top it off means in addition to.
Who locked his keys in his car? Did Brian lock his keys in his car?
Yes, yes, he did. Brian locked his keys in his car.
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Ticket On The Train - Mini-Story Lesson
Where were his keys? Where his keys in his car?
Yes, yes, they must have been in his car because he locked them in his car.
Did he lock his keys in his car?
Yes, he did. He locked his keys in his car.
He had been saving money because he wants to go to Thailand.
Was he saving money because he wants to go to Thailand?
Yes, yes, he was. He had been saving money because he wants to go to Thailand.
What had he been doing?
Well, he had been saving money.
Had he been saving money?
Yes, yes, he did. He had been saving money.
Who had been saving money? Had Brian or Pablo been saving money?
Brian did, Brian had been saving money.
Why had he been saving money?
Because he wants to go to Thailand, that’s why he’s been saving money.
Had he been saving money because he wants to buy a car or go to Thailand?
Go to Thailand, he’s been saving money because he wants to go to Thailand.
Where does he want to go? Does he want to go to Paris?
No, he doesn’t want to go to Paris.
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Ticket On The Train - Mini-Story Lesson
Does he want to go to Thailand?
Yes, he wants to go to Thailand.
Had he been saving money because he wanted to go to Thailand?
Yes, that’s exactly true. He had been saving money because he wants to go to Thailand.
It costs a pretty penny to buy a plane ticket to Thailand.
Does it cost a pretty penny to buy a plane ticket to Thailand?
Yes, it does. It costs a pretty penny to buy a plane ticket to Thailand.
What costs a pretty penny?
A plane ticket to Thailand, it costs a pretty penny to buy a plane ticket to Thailand.
Does a boat ride to Thailand cost a pretty penny?
No, we’re not talking about a boat ride here.
Does a plane ticket to Thailand cost a pretty penny?
Yes, yes, it does. It costs a pretty penny to buy a plane ticket to Thailand.
Does a plane ticket to Thailand cost a lot of money?
Yes, yes, it does. It costs a pretty penny, which is the same as saying it costs a lot of money because a
pretty penny means a lot of money.
Is it expensive to buy a plane ticket to Thailand?
Yes, yes, it is. It costs a pretty penny, which means it costs a lot of money, which is the same thing as
saying it is expensive.
Is a plane ticket to Thailand cheap?
No, it’s certainly not cheap. It’s expensive. It costs a pretty penny. It costs a lot of money.
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