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#####Lithuanian Major Events#####
###By Joakim 'Greven' Bergqwist##

#The Statute of Lithuania#
event = {

	id = 3445
	random = no
	country = LIT
	name = "EVENTNAME3445"
	desc = "EVENTHIST3445"
	style = 1

	date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1428 }
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 1 month = january year = 1430 }

	action_a ={				#Domestic Balance of Power#
		name = "ACTIONNAME3445A"
		command = { type = domestic which = ARISTOCRACY value = 1 }
		command = { type = domestic which = CENTRALIZATION value = -1 }
		command = { type = domestic which = SERFDOM value = 1 }
		command = { type = provincetax which = -1 value = -1 }
		command = { type = provincetax which = -1 value = -1 }
		command = { type = provincetax which = -1 value = -1 }
		command = { type = provincetax which = -1 value = -1 }
		command = { type = stability value = -1 }
		command = { type = treasury value = 200 }

	action_b ={				#Royal Prerogative#
		name = "ACTIONNAME3445B"
		command = { type = domestic which = ARISTOCRACY value = -2 }
		command = { type = domestic which = CENTRALIZATION value = 2 }
		command = { type = domestic which = SERFDOM value = -2 }
		command = { type = provincetax which = -1 value = 1 }
		command = { type = provincetax which = -1 value = 1 }
		command = { type = provincetax which = -1 value = 1 }
		command = { type = provincetax which = -1 value = 1 }
		command = { type = stability value = -4 }
		command = { type = revoltrisk which = 12 value = 6 }

	action_c ={				#Magnate Republicanism#
		name = "ACTIONNAME3445C"
		command = { type = domestic which = ARISTOCRACY value = 2 }
		command = { type = domestic which = CENTRALIZATION value = -2 }
		command = { type = domestic which = SERFDOM value = 2 }
		command = { type = provincetax which = -1 value = -2 }
		command = { type = provincetax which = -1 value = -2 }
		command = { type = provincetax which = -1 value = -2 }
		command = { type = provincetax which = -1 value = -2 }
		command = { type = stability value = 3 }
		command = { type = inflation value = -10 }
		command = { type = trade value = 800 }
		command = { type = gainmanufactory which = -1 value = refinery }


#Nemiem Captivabus extended to Lithuania#
event = {

	id = 3446
	random = no
	country = LIT
	name = "EVENTNAME3446"
	desc = "EVENTHIST3446"
	style = 1

	trigger = {
					domestic = {
							type = ARISTOCRACY
							value = 7
			NOT = {
					domestic = {
							type = CENTRALIZATION
							value = 5

	date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1432 }
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 1 month = january year = 1437 }

	action_a ={				#Accept the Magnates demands#
		name = "ACTIONNAME3446A"
		command = { type = provincetax which = -1 value = -2 }
		command = { type = provincetax which = -1 value = -2 }
		command = { type = provincetax which = -1 value = -2 }
		command = { type = provincetax which = -1 value = -2 }
		command = { type = provincetax which = -1 value = -2 }
		command = { type = provincetax which = -1 value = -2 }
		command = { type = domestic which = ARISTOCRACY value = 2 }
		command = { type = domestic which = CENTRALIZATION value = -2 }
		command = { type = domestic which = SERFDOM value = 2 }
		command = { type = stability value = 1 }

	action_b ={				#Limit the Magnates demands#
		name = "ACTIONNAME3446B"
		command = { type = provincetax which = -1 value = -1 }
		command = { type = provincetax which = -1 value = -1 }
		command = { type = provincetax which = -1 value = -1 }
		command = { type = provincetax which = -1 value = -1 }
		command = { type = provincetax which = -1 value = -1 }
		command = { type = provincetax which = -1 value = -1 }
		command = { type = domestic which = ARISTOCRACY value = 1 }
		command = { type = domestic which = CENTRALIZATION value = -1 }
		command = { type = revoltrisk which = 12 value = 6 }
		command = { type = stability value = -1 }

#The Act of Union with Poland#
event = {

	id = 3447
	trigger = {
				exists = POL
			NOT = {
				war = {
					country = POL
					country = LIT
	random = no
	country = LIT
	name = "EVENTNAME3447"
	desc = "EVENTHIST3447"
	style = 2

	date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1567 }
	offset = 90
	deathdate = { day = 1 month = january year = 1572 }

	action_a ={				#Poland inherits Lithuania#
		name = "ACTIONNAME3447A"
		command = { type = trigger which = 3475 }

	action_b ={				#Lithuania break with Poland#
		name = "ACTIONNAME3447B"
		command = { type = trigger which = 3476 }
		command = { type = breakvassal which = POL }
		command = { type = stability value = 1 }
		command = { type = INF which = -2 value = 10000 }
		command = { type = CAV which = -2 value = 10000 }
		command = { type = ART which = -2 value = 30 }
		command = { type = domestic which = ARISTOCRACY value = -2 }
		command = { type = domestic which = CENTRALIZATION value = 2 }

#Wave of Protestantism#
event = {

	id = 3448
	trigger = {
			NOT = {
				vassal = {
						country = POL
						country = LIT
	random = no
	country = LIT
	name = "EVENTNAME3448"
	desc = "EVENTHIST3448"
	style = 2

	date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1580 }
	offset = 90
	deathdate = { day = 1 month = january year = 1600 }

	action_a ={				#Accept the Movement#
		name = "ACTIONNAME3448A"
		command = { type = provincereligion which = -1 value = protestant }
		command = { type = provincereligion which = -1 value = protestant }
		command = { type = domestic which = INNOVATIVE value = 1 }
		command = { type = trade value = 800 }
		command = { type = relation which = POL value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = DAN value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = SWE value = 50 }

	action_b ={				#Support it and change State Religion#
		name = "ACTIONNAME3448B"
		command = { type = provincereligion which = -1 value = protestant }
		command = { type = provincereligion which = -1 value = protestant }
		command = { type = provincereligion which = -1 value = protestant }
		command = { type = provincereligion which = -1 value = protestant }
		command = { type = domestic which = INNOVATIVE value = 3 }
		command = { type = trade value = 500 }
		command = { type = infra value = 1000 }
		command = { type = religion which = protestant }
		command = { type = treasury value = 300 }
		command = { type = relation which = POL value = -100 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = -100 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -200 }
		command = { type = relation which = DAN value = 100 }
		command = { type = relation which = SWE value = 100 }
		command = { type = revoltrisk which = 60 value = 6 }

	action_c ={				#Crush the Movement#
		name = "ACTIONNAME3448C"
		command = { type = provincereligion which = -1 value = protestant }
		command = { type = domestic which = INNOVATIVE value = -3 }
		command = { type = land value = 500 }
		command = { type = relation which = POL value = 100 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = 100 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = DAN value = -100 }
		command = { type = relation which = SWE value = -100 }
		command = { type = revoltrisk which = 60 value = 6 }


#Wave of Calvinism#
event = {

	id = 3449
	trigger = {
			NOT = {
				vassal = {
						country = POL
						country = LIT
	random = no
	country = LIT
	name = "EVENTNAME3449"
	desc = "EVENTHIST3449"
	style = 2

	date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1590 }
	offset = 90
	deathdate = { day = 1 month = january year = 1610 }

	action_a ={					#Accept the Movement#
		name = "ACTIONNAME3449A"
		command = { type = provincereligion which = -1 value = reformed }
		command = { type = provincereligion which = -1 value = reformed }
		command = { type = domestic which = INNOVATIVE value = 1 }
		command = { type = trade value = 800 }
		command = { type = relation which = POL value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = DAN value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = SWE value = 50 }

	action_b ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3449B"		#Support it and change State Religion#
		command = { type = provincereligion which = -1 value = reformed }
		command = { type = provincereligion which = -1 value = reformed }
		command = { type = provincereligion which = -1 value = reformed }
		command = { type = provincereligion which = -1 value = reformed }
		command = { type = domestic which = INNOVATIVE value = 3 }
		command = { type = trade value = 500 }
		command = { type = infra value = 1000 }
		command = { type = religion which = reformed }
		command = { type = treasury value = 300 }
		command = { type = relation which = POL value = -100 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = -100 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -200 }
		command = { type = relation which = HOL value = 100 }
		command = { type = relation which = SWE value = 100 }
		command = { type = revoltrisk which = 60 value = 6 }

	action_c ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3449C"		#Crush the Movement#
		command = { type = provincereligion which = -1 value = reformed }
		command = { type = domestic which = INNOVATIVE value = -3 }
		command = { type = land value = 500 }
		command = { type = relation which = POL value = 100 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value ...
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