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Official KUBOTAN Techniques
Officers today are constantly striving for new techniques and ideas lo
assist them In the controlling of situations where individuals resist arrest.
Resisting may take the form of simply refusing to move, or of attempting to
fight with the oflicer. In any arrest situation, the chances of an officer getting
hurl are always high, and with today's recent trend in law enforecemenl to
lower height and weigh1 requirements for police applicants, as well as the
number of women being hired as police officers, many officers are confron-
ling criminals who are much larger, or who are more powerful.
Additionally, the views of society have changed toward law enforcemenl
officers. The lack 01 respect toward police officers is more and more evidenl
In the increasing number of suspects who resist arrest and who verbally
chaslise law enforcement officers. There does not seem lo be the sense of
outrage and shock voiced by society when a police officer IS murdered, as
shown in past decades. Those who once would have hesitated lo challenge
an officer's authority are no longer hesitant, and officers are finding
lhemselves having to increasingly control suspects with physical means.
The Kubotan, developed by Master Takayuki Kubota, is a 51/2 inch long
cylindrical piece of plastic which, when used properly, will control a suspect,
regardless of his size, by even the smallest oflicer. It does not appear offen-
sive and is actually very harmless looking with one model made with a key
ring. Its small size makes it ideal to be carried by uniformed offlcers, detec-
lwes, corrections or parole officers, or anyone else who deals in law enforce-
ment. The Kubotan can be held in an officer's hand, under his citation book,
readlly available if the offense develops inlo an altercation. A handcuff key
may be attached to the Kubotan key rlng model, making the Kubotan always
available when removing handcuHs from a suspecl.
Another advantage of Ihe Kubotan is that it Can be carried with an officer
al all times
KUBOTANB is a registered trademark of Takayuki Kubota.
Michael N. Becar
Idaho P.O.S. T.
Michael N. Becar is a pollce training coordinator with the Peace Officer
Standards and Training Academy (P.O.S.T.) in Boise, Idaho. He is responsi-
ble for coordinating in-service training for law enforcement officers in
Soulhwestern Idaho.
- both on and off duty - and is always readily available in a
pocket, stuck in the belt, or just carried in the hand. All too ofen an oflicer is
trained to use a baton or similar tool, only to find it is left in the patrol car
when needed, or that the oflicer is not in uniform and unable to carry it.
The Kubotan shouldn't be carried unless the oflicer has been tralned in
~t'suse. A minimum arnounl of training is required to learn Ihe six basic
techniques and orher applications illustraled in this manual. With proper in-
struction, virtually any law enforcement officer will have a tool which will
enable him to do his job more effectively and safely, while rninlrnlzing injury
lo the suspect.
This book, with 114 pholographs, contains the most complete and most
comprehensive training lechniques utilizing the Kubotan. It is dedicated to
officer safety, to professlonalisrn and lo surviaval.
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- of situations where the Kubolan has been used successfully.
We know of a few cases where, because of the Kubolan, suspect's lives
were saved. In one case, a suspect had been severly beaten with a conven-
tional baton for resisling arresl. Allhough badly hurl, the suspect continued
to fight. An officer who had been cerlified in the Kubolan arrived on the scene
as a responding back-up unil. Quickly, he applied Ihe Kubotan Lo the
suspecl's wrist. Immediately, the suspect stopped struggling and "agreed"
to go along with the officer. A subsequent medical examination showed that
the suspect would have died, had he been hrl once more with a baton.
We also know of a few cases where an officer was spared serious injury
because he used the Kubolan. For example, an officer who answered a call
for assislance at a hospital, was greeted upon arrival by a wild mental
patlent. Four other officers were chasing the patient through the hospital try-
ing to wrestle hlrn to the ground. The Kubotan-lrained officer applied the
Kubotan to the patient's wrist, subduing the mental patient. Oflicers have
also used Ihe Kubotan lo remove people from courtrooms, jails and from
similar siluations.
Many officers have told us that carrying the Kubotan gives them a
greater sense of security. They have commented that just carrying the
Kubotan in their hand gives them an advantage over Ihe suspecl. If suddenly
surprised while walking or while talking to a suspect, they are ready for
Another frequent comment is that unlike so many new "gimmicks"
offered to them. the Kubotan is practical. Many officers carry their cruiser,
handcuff, apartment or other keys on the Kubotan. It is also a handy device
for "altitude adjuslment", should a suspect get "frisky" during the removal
of a set of handcuffs. Undercover officers cite it's harmless looklng
appearance and its easy concealability. And, if you are carrying Ihe key ring
model, when asked, "What is that funny looking thlng?", you can honestly
reply: "It's my key chain."
Key ring or plain model, Ihe basic reason for the Kubotan'sexistance is
your safety. The Kubolan can help you lo better perform your duties, while
increasing your safety. For example, once lrained in the Kubotan you can
reslrain and control people without severely injuring Ihem. Your safely is also
incresased a number of ways.
First, you carry Ihe Kubolan with you (remember your keys are on it),
thus making It possible for you lo immedialely react to trouble. You don't
need to remove it from a ring or holster to use it; it's in your hand, ready lor
Second, should you drop it during a scuffle, no one should know how lo
use it. Unllke a dropped baton which can be used by most anyone to club
you, to use the Kubotan a person musl have been trained in it's use. The
result: an important bullt-In safety feature.
There are numerous other ways In which the Kubotan will increase your
- posslbly even
safety; however, we'll let you discover [hem during your training and during
your career. Remember, lhe single most important factor alfecling your sale-
ly is prolessional training. Complele a Kubotan Inslllute cerlified train~ng
program, before you carry the Kubolan. The reasons: lo avoid gelting injured
or injuring the suspect because you didn't know what you were doing, and lo
avoid needless liligation and law suits. The Inslilute's instructorsare former
police officers who are dedicated and trarned lo give you the best training
available inthe use of Ihe Kubotan. All of us subscr~belo the philosophy that
the classroom is the best place to learn, and the only safe place to make
mistakes. Once trained and certified, you too, can begin to make the
Kubotan work for you.
We hope lhal you will never need to use the Kubotan. Should you be
lorced to use it, however, you will join the growing number of officers from
around the world who have used it to "adjusl" a suspecL's allitude. Then you
loo, can tell "war stories" about it's effectiveness.
Takayuki Kubola
Los Angeles
John G. Peters, Jr.
During the past few years, criminal justice personnel from around the
globe have been using the Kubotan inthelr daily activities
- bolh on and ofl
duly. And, as you can suspect, there have been hundreds
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