RQ - Growing Pains - RQ Scenario.txt

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"Growing Pains"Growing Pains
This is a supplement for RuneQuest, taking place in the East Wilds, which is the 
eastern part of Ralios. In order to utilize this material to its fullest, the GM 
should be familiar with the Orlanthi culture (as presented in the Glorantha box) 
and the cult of Orlanth (found in River of Cradles, for instance). The scenarios 
given here are intended as an introduction to a larger campaign, covering the 
entire East Wilds region.

East Wilds
The eastern regions of Ralios are dominated by orlanthi barbarians, unlike the 
western part, which mainly consists of the Safelster states. Orlanthi in the 
East Wilds lack the sophisticated society of their western neighbours, relying 
on their ancient traditions to guide them. Contact with Safelster is limited 
both in terms of cultural influence and of trading opportunities.

The East Wilds are isolated from the rest of the world by mountain chains to the 
north, east and south. Only to the west is normal travel possible, chiefly by 
way of the Doskior river. Much of the contact with other lands is with the 
Queendom of Halikiv, but this is often of a hostile nature.

Before Time the area was populated by hsunchen, who survived the Gods War by 
staying true to their primitive, close-to-nature faith. But during the Dawn Age, 
many of them were convinced by Theyalan missionaries and converted to Orlanth 
worship; these tribes also followed Nysalor when his empire reached them. The 
people of Ralios experienced a brief period of cultural flowering under the 
Golden Empire, but this was brutally ended by Arkat the Traitor, whose Dark 
Empire dominated this region in the early Second Age. The Halikiv trolls played 
the oppressors' role with enthusiasm. When the Dark Empire fell, the humans of 
the East Wilds had been isolated from other human cultures for a long time, and 
only towards the end of the Age was any real contact made with the West. The 
Third Age was at first characterized by a deepening of relations with Safelster, 
but this ended in war and renewed isolation.

The Adventure
The three scenarios in this book form a mini-campaign, stretching over several 
years and intended to introduce the East Wilds as a campaign setting. For this 
reason we strongly suggest that player characters are local-born, and have 
included a description of the Otter clan as a home locale for them. If you 
really want to introduce foreign adventurers, or just more experienced orlanthi, 
changes will have to be made in the background and/or plot - we provide some 
suggestions in the introduction to each scenario.

The basic structure of the plot is as follows: the PCs are tricked into doing 
something which initially seems beneficial, but in the long run turns out to 
have disastrous effects, and can only be rectified through heroic efforts on 
their part. The purpose of the whole exercise is to teach the characters (and 
their players) something about Orlanthi virtues, in particular about taking 
responsibility for their own actions.

The first scenario begins with the player characters about to undergo the final 
stage in their initiation into the Orlanth cult: a journey to the Other Side, 
the local mythical terrain. Normally, this is just a quick visit, the main 
purpose of which is to impress young Orlanthi with how real the magical and 
religious side of existence is. This time things are different. Instead of the 
guide they were supposed to receive (a sylph, flint slinger or other wind 
being), the PCs are met by a strange red-headed woman who is not very helpful, 
even if she claims to be. She tells them their mission is to find a poem. Four 
entities or groups each hold one fragment of this poem. Put together, it 
provides a clue to the second scenario. Actually, the poetry hunt has nothing to 
do with their initiation, it is part of a scheme devised by the person who calls 
himself the Wise One. He is a Riddler, a servant of Osentalka, who wants the PCs 
to find and use the wheat hidden in the temple. To this end he has enlisted the 
aid of the red-headed woman (who is really a spirit of Disorder), planted the 
fragments of the poem, and intruded into the ritual that brought the PCs here. 
Now only he can return them home, and will do so when they have pieced together 
the poem. The Wise One is a kind of ghost - he was once a brilliant agricultural 
researcher by the name of Alchangir, with plant improvement as his particular 
field of expertise, who can find no rest as long as his last invention remains 
untried. His motives are basically altruistic; he is firmly convinced that 
"transwheat", as he has called it, is a great boon to mankind, and has never 
considered the possibility that it might be less than perfect.

After the first scenario is concluded, time passes until the midst of Storm 
season comes around, bringing torrential rainstorms with it. One night, the PCs 
are troubled by dreams wherein the poem they found in the first scenario plays a 
central role. The following morning, the landmark known as the Rock has 
partially crumbled, revealing part of an ancient building. This was once a 
temple to Osentalka. The second scenario is centred on the exploration of those 
parts of the temple complex that have not yet caved in. The PCs will find a 
number of mysterious objects, some of which are dangerous, but first and 
foremost they will discover the barrels of transwheat. This is the treasure 
alluded to in the poem.

When the new grain is tried, on a small scale at first, it will be found to 
yield much larger crops than normal wheat. Soon the entire clan will be planting 
transwheat and enjoying great prosperity. Alas, there is a catch. This strain of 
wheat has gained its increased size and fertility through an infusion of Chaos. 
Alchangir was convinced that chaotic energies could be harnessed for the good of 
mankind, and after many failed attempts came up with an apparent success. But 
Chaos is essentially unpredictable; after the transwheat has been in use for a 
while the taint, which at first is so minute as to be undetectable, will give 
rise to a new mutation - a hitherto unknown disease. This will first be noticed 
when people start falling ill, hallucinating wildly and teetering on the brink 
of insanity. Attempts to return to the old ways fail since Ralia is displeased; 
it will become impossible to grow any kind of wheat at all on the clan's lands. 
The PCs will, somewhat unfairly, be blamed for this catastrophe, and forced to 
flee from their home in some haste.

The third scenario concerns the PCs' attempt to repair the damage they have 
inadvertently done. They need expert advice on how to avert divine wrath, and 
the logical place to go for this kind of help is the 'big city', Istakax. Once 
there, they learn that the only cure is to go on a Sacred Quest that will 
convince Ralia to restore the fertility of their lands. They have several 
options as to which quest to go on; depending on their attitudes, they will be 
faced with different obstacles. Hopefully, they succeed, though probably not 
without a good deal of hardship. Returning home, they are once more hailed as 

One final note: this mini-campaign is extremely tough, and in no way typical of 
what young would-be adventurers are faced with. It is designed to drive its 
points home forcefully and shape the player characters into true Orlanthi.
The Otter Clan
This clan is part of the Rolin tribe, which is ruled by chieftain Kvid, of the 
San clan. He resides in the village One Hundred Ears. The Rolin tribe is located 
in the land of Delela. Rolin tribesmen tend to be large, strong and hairy types. 
The Otter clan is composed of more than 400 people (somewhat below average size 
for a Delelan clan), of which roughly 150 are children (that is, not initiated).

Most of the clansmen are farmers, using the pony-like native horses to pull 
their wooden ploughs. About half also herd sheep, while the rest supplement the 
yield of their fields with fishing or hunting. Craftsmen in the clan's village 
include a smith, a carpenter, a leatherworker, two boatbuilders and two 
herbalists. There is also a part-time merchant. The clan thane keeps five 
warriors and a lawspeaker at his stead. Both Orlanth and Ernalda have local 

The clan is split into three bloodlines: Aren's, Bulrik's and Joren's. These 
employ different colours, in decorations or warpaint for instance, to mark their 
affiliation. Aren's, the most populous, has almost 200 members, their colour is 
yellow. Next is Bulrik's line, with approximately 120 "red" members. Joren's 
"blue" blood, finally, barely has 100 members. There is a certain rivalry 
between these different bloodlines, but no serious conflict. Outwardly, they all 
stand united, of course.

Neighbours to the south are the hsunchen Otter People, with whom the clan has 
always had good relations. Less good are those with the Kott clan (also of the 
Rolin tribe) to the north. There have been many raids and other troubles between 
the Kott and Otter clans throughout history. Galanini, horse people, live in the 
wastelands to the east and west. There is hardly any contact at all between them 
and the local orlanthi.

A story known to all clanspeople:

"Many, many years ago, even before the days of king Retter, the forefathers of 
the Otter clan lived further north. Then came an evil time with poor harvests 
and kinstrife among the people. To protect themselves and their families, three 
brothers left on a quest for a safe place to live. The three brothers were Aren, 
Bulrik and Joren, sons of Verad. While wandering t...
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