Glorantha: Cult of Argan Argar Cult of Argan Argar originally published in Trollpak and Troll Gods This document is Copyright © 1998 Issaries, Inc. It may be freely linked to, and one copy may be printed for personal use, but any other reproduction by photographic, electronic, or other methods of retrieval, is prohibited. Table of Contents Mythos and History Other Notes Mythos and History Argan Argar is a god of Darkness and a son of Night. Long before anyone existed, he figured prominently in an episode wherein he, Zorak Zoran, and Xiola Umbar witnessed the unveiling of Yelm. When Yelm died and went to Hell, many deities fled to the surface. One of the leaders of those that fled was Xentha, Goddess of Night. Shortly after coming to the surface, Xentha birthed Argan Argar -- first-born, natural leader of the dark gods on the surface of the world. Argan Argar was active during the Darkness, aiding anyone who called upon him, whether elf, man, or beast-man. But he was always most friendly to trolls, who love the shadows. During the Darkness, Argan Argar conquered Lodril, fire-god of the deep earth. He forced that steaming deity into humiliating chains of shadow, and had him build the immense Palace of Black Glass in Ernaldela. The cult of Argan Argar was widespread after the dawn of Time. In his obsidian palace in Ernaldela lived the Only Old One, Argan Argar's son and regent. The cult dominated all Kethaela and neighboring lands and had powerful connections with the trolls of Halikiv and Shadow's Dance. Other large pockets of Argan Argar worship existed in Peloria, Fronela, and Ralios. The civilized empires of the time influenced the cult and showed its amazing adaptability. When other peoples built nations and kingdoms, so did the Only Old One. Thus was born the Kingdom of Night, which haunted the area for the whole of the First Age, forming a barrier between Dragon Pass and the foreign sea. The kingdom was part of the First and Second Councils, and trolls dominated its politics. In most contemporary western documents, the Kingdom of Night is labelled the Shadowlands. In the Second Age, the Only Old One became an ally of the Empire of the Wyrm's Friends, and the Argan Argar cult spread to Pamaltela. The kingdom was destroyed by the arrival of the Pharaoh in 1258. In a series of epic battles, stratagems, magics, and rebirths, the Pharaoh managed personal conflict with the Only Old One at last. The fighting shattered the wonderful Palace of Black Glass, and at the end of the fight the Pharaoh crushed the body of the Only Old One into the earth. The dust from the castle now forms the treacherous black sandstorms of the Haunted Lands, and the Tarpit marks the site where the Only Old One's crushed brains melted a hole to Hell. The cult of Argan Argar was not suppressed by the Pharaoh, and lives on, popular not only in Kethaela, but everywhere in Glorantha that darkness is friendly with the rest of the world. The followers of Argan Argar are skillful in promoting such friendship, as befits the followers of the god of Surface Darkness. Argan Argar promises his followers that they will become part of his mother's whispery train of immortal darkness which sweeps across the world each night and moves magnificently through the netherworld each day. Burial customs for the cult always follow those of the dominant local culture. Argan Argar has the Runes of Communication and Darkness. Secondary Runes are Harmony and Mastery. Other Notes Holy Places and Centers of Worship The largest single area of Argan Argar worship is now in Halikiv, a more-or-less intact civilized troll queendom in Ralios. Shadow's Dance is another center of power. The holiest place is Morbode, the site where Argan Argar destroyed Braznofstel, and important chaos demon. A less important holy site is the Tarpit, where the Only Old One was slain. The Troll Woods and the Holy Country constitute another center of power and include many non-troll worshipers. Bolgs Bolgs are a troll unit of exchange. The bolg was invented by Argan Argar and is the sole coinage used by the cult to pay trollkin mercenaries. The bolg is unique as a coin, for it is designed for use as a slingstone as well as handy cash. The bolgs are used by trollkin and trolls by biting down on the mass of change and twisting it in the mouth while holding onto the money with the hand, thus forming the pellet. This feat is generally impossible for other races to duplicate. Bolgs are nominally worth 1/5 of a clack each. Troll-hating people and races usually will not accept bolgs as money. Spears and Trolls Spears, the usual weapon for armies of trollkin, were first introduced by Argan Argar, fresh from his conquest of Lodril. Trollkin and worshipers of Argan Argar are the only trolls likely to be found wielding spears. In some troll areas, the spear is the symbol for Argan Argar and his cult. See also: Tales of the Night Hag [ New Here? | Greg Sez! | Main Page | Product Listing | Coming Events | Cool Links ]