Don Moc - Sym Scales.pdf

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Don Moc - Sym Scales
Guitqr Secrets r
metricql Scqles Reveqled
Poge *
CD trock
Unitt: Modesof fhe Diminished ond Whole'Tone Scoles
IA-l C
Unit2: Stqtic ond FunctioningDominont Tfhs'
ExomPles 2A-28
Unit3: Fingerings of fhe Diminished Scqle'
Unit 4: How lo leorn qnd Prqctice the Diminished Scqle...,''"""'""""I0
C7Proctice Trock
"""""'I I
Unit 5: Diminished Scqle Sequences.,,,
4-.l3.,'.,, ..,
Unit 6: Diminished
""' ro
l4A-l 4E.,'.
Unif7: Using the Diminished Scole
Unit8: Six-Nofe DiminishedShqpes
ExomPles 23-24
Unil 9: Moior Triods in the Diminished Scqle
unif l0: usingthe Diminishedscqle over stqtic chords
UnitI l:
of the Whole-Tone Scole
Unif l2:
Whole-Tone ScqleSequences.,.,,.,
Exomples 42-47
Whole-Tone ArPeggios ',
Unii l4:
Using fhe Whole-Tone Scqle.,.,
Exoriples 49-56
Modern Uses of the Whole-Ione - Stolic Chords """"""" """"'52
Exomples 57-60
Unit l5:
TheFingerboqrd - Symmetricql Scoles Geometric Ployground '54
Exomples 6l-66
Unit | 6:
Unil l7:
Diminished ond Whole-Tone Lines
Exomples 67-76
porf of everyguitorployer's proctice schedule, Ployers hovespentcounfless hours procticing scoles up
ond down oll overthe guitor, sometimeswithgreot success ond sometimes withfrustrotion osthe end
Those of you who know me from my books ond videos or yeors of the GuitorInstitute of Technology(GlT)
knowl've been involvedinguiior educqtion foro long time,l've seen hundredsof studentsstrugglewith
After mony yeors of experience, both pldying ond teoching, l've become o big believer incuttingthrough
the nonsense ond getting to the point of it oll,which is ploying music,
Thepresentotion ond ideos inthisbookore definitelyfrom o ployer'sperspective. We're not going to get
theory of the diminished ond whole-tone scoles, We,llfocusmore
on their usesincontemporory styles
likeblues, rock,fusion, ond )ozz. Don'tget me wrong;there willbe no
shortcuts herewhen it comesto modernmusictheory. Asfor osl'm concerned, oll guitorployers must
hove o good working knowledge of hormony ond theory ond the obilityto reod music, evenif it,sonlysim-
ple chordchorts,
Three Sfeps to Success
to improvise con be thought of oso three-rtdp Jro""rr. Thefirst stepistypicolly the teorning of
scoles, Usingeitherthe key centeropprooch orthe modol opprodch, studentsshould leornot leost o few
usefulfingerings of the mojor scoleond be oble to ploy them indttt<eys, Also,inthisfirststep,ployers need
to leornobout hormony ond theory to helpunderstond whichscole fitsoverwhich chord.Armed with
some theoryknowledge, studentscon immediotely begin ploying overevendif1cult chordchonges by
simplyswitching to the correctscoleor keycenterforthe given chord,
Most ployers oftero period of timewill beginto findthis firststeplimiting. Theymoysoy thot theycon,t
seemto moke theirsolos soundlikethe chords,thot they soundtoo scolor. Movingon to steptwo, we
introduceorpeggios oso toolto creotechord sounds,Mixing orpeggioswith ourscolesstortsmoking our
oswe now stortreollyleorning mugc.Soforwe,ve been using
scolesond orpeggiosbut moy not been obleto mokeoursolos soundmelodic, Nowit'stimeto leorn
melodies.Mostof usneedto leorno repertoire of melodic linesto use whenwe improvise. Almostevery
one of ourfovoriteployers hos, of one time or onother,leqrned linesby copying recordings or tronscriptions.
l've met mony studentswho tell me theydon't wont to sound likeonyoneelseond feeltheyshouldn,t
copy other ployers, Theysoonreolize thot the roodto originolitygoes throughthe lond of copyinglicks,
phrosing, ond concepts usedby fovoriteployers, Eventuolly,
own originolstyle.
these influencesmerge togetherintoyour
One lostthing:A commonmisconception obout improvising
isthe phrose "ploying whot you heor.,,Mony
to thinkthot they simplymoke up musicon the spot,Whotthey
ore reollysoying isthot they ore ploying whot theyknow,
isthe spontoneousperformonce of ideosthot come to you inthe midstof soloing, you moy
not knowoheod of timewhot you ore going to ploy, but ormed withscoles,orpeggios, melodicideos,
ond theoreticolconcepts,you con ploy o creotive ond spontoneous
improvised solo,
welcome Io Symmetricotscoles Reveoled, Leorning how to ploy ond usescoleshos olwoysbeen o lorge
the someproblems thot Ifoced whengling throughthe process of leorning how to ploy ond usescoles,
too in-depthinto the history ond clossicol
Stepthree isthe finolfrontier of improvising,
ployerssoy theydo this,leoding students
scoles ore bestdefined oshoving repetitive or equol-note spocingthot repeots throughout the octove, For
exomple, the whole-tone scqle isexoctlywhot the nqme indicotes;
it'so scole builten1rely of wholetones,
The symmetry of o diminished scoleiso pottern of olternoting wholesteps ond holfsteps, fourtimes per
one greot thingobout symmetricolscoles isthqt they orevery guitor-friendly
ond eosy to memorize.The
to o slide-rule,
Inmost coses, you con get by with just one
fingering for eoch of these scqlesond then repeotthe somefingeringevery two frets(whole-tone) orthree
frets(diminished) up or down the fingerboord, Guitor ployers con eosity discoverhundreds of unique
melodic ond hormonic ideosthot ore not os obviouson other instruments
like keyboords,
reeds, or bross,
Bothof thesescoles oreveryuseful ond creotivetools usedby improvisers,
how thesesimple scqlescon provide such o complexsound, Intrqditionol jou,
Theirsimplicity con be decep-
theyprovide o controsting
flovorogoinst functionol dominontchords. Modern ployers exploitthese scoles
to odd on outside soundto contemporory
jou, rock, ond even blues.
ln Symmetricol Sco/es Reveqled you'll leornthe most usefulscolepotterns ond explore sequences ond
followedby severol
of myfovorite melodiclines,
. ;
know o fingering ortwo,stickwiththem orfeelfree to modifyony oi theiingerings hereto suityour tech-
for eoch scole,lfyou olreody
nique ond style'The ultimote gool is to be obleto ploy the porticulor scoleonywhere on the guitor in ony
Onemore thingobout the fingerings: Youore limited onlyby the lowest ond highest noteson the guitor.
Think of scolesoshoving no beginning ond no end. Don'tbe too concerned withthe bottomortop notes
of eoch individuolpottern, You'llfindthot eoch hos q different stortingond endingnote becouseof the
noturolronge of the strings,
Scolesoresimply o rowof notes, ond you shouldleorn to controlthe scoleby being oble to stort qnd end
on ony note,Eventuolly,
individuol scolefingerings willbeginto blend togetherintJlorgerpotterns until
The bestwoy to get the mostout of thisbookisto sconthrougheoch chopterfirst,Get o feetobout where
ond whot the vorious topicsoreond if theycontoininformotionyou olreodyknow, you shouldreod every
This book deolswiththe two mostusedsymmetricol scoles-the diminished ond whole-tone, Symmetricol
fingerboord is o visuol, grophic instrument similor
tive; it's olmostsurprising
orpeggios withinthe scoles'Nextwe'll leornthe secrets of how to best usethe scoles,
We'llbegin eoch of the two sectionsby first leorningsomegood,fingerings
finollythe wholefingerboord isunderyour control!
Howfo Get the Most Ouf of This Book
poge corefully, but it'sokoy to stortwith onysectioninthe bookthot interests
Unitl: Modes of the Diminished qnd Whole-Tone Scqles
the term mode whendiscussing
symmetricol scolesmqyseemstronge,but modes oren't just found
includingmelodic ond hormonicminorond eventhe pentotonic, hove modes
contoinedwithin them,Of ourtwo symmetricolscoles, the diminishedhostwo modeswhilethe whole-tone
hos just one,
Thefirstmode of the diminishedscolebegins,when oscending,with q wholestepfromthe firstnote or
root,lnsteodof giving itsomeweirdGreeknome,we'lljustcollthe firstmode Ihe diminishedscole.
@l ExomptelA: C Diminished 6cate (tst Modet
I step I/2 step I step I /2 step I step I /2 step I step I /2 step
Theothermodefound inthe diminished
scolebegins witho holfstep,A good nomeforthis one is the domr-
Example I B: D Dominonl Diminished Sca.le(2nd Mode)
I/2step lstep l/2step lsfep l/2sfep tstep l/2step tstep
Don'tlet thismode businesswiththe diminished scoleconfuse you. Bothmodesorestill diminishedscoles
ond ore ployed exoctly the some,Onlythe stortingnotes oredifferent,Youcon ploy both diminished
modeswithone fingering pottern,just stortwitheitherthe whole-step or holf-stepscqle,Youdon't wont to
confuse your fingers
intothinkingthere oretwo different potterns,
you willnot only ploy the diminishedscoleover diminishedchords,but moreoftenthon notyou willolso
ploy it overdominont7thchords, Thinking
intermsof two modes mokeslocotingorsuperimposing
Example lC: C Whole-ToneScale Mode
Whenit comesto the whole-tone scole,thereisonlyone possiblemode, No motterwhichnote you stort
on ino whole-tone scole,the resultingscolewill olwoysbe the some,
I step
I sfep
I sfep
I sfep
I step
in mojor scqles.Allscoles,
I sfep | /2 step I step I /2 step I step I /2 step
nont diminished scole,
I /2 step I step I /2 step I sfep
Thereosonwe ore evenconsideringboth modes isto mokethe scole'sopplicotion eosier,
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