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and convenient way to sort expenses and prepare for tax time. However, I think that
we do such summarising not only when we have to take into account ourselves, but
also when we think about our life and work. I have all 6 issues that have been published
in 2009 on my desk, when looking at the covers I see how many new topics we have
presented in Hakin9 and how fast it has changed.
I hope that you agree that it was a really fruitful year for all of us. We also need to
remember that it was also a really hard year for all of us, but we must think positively
that the next one will be better than the last. This year has brought us many new attacks
and many new defense techniques. We are all waiting for the next one to be able to
write about them, to find more and more information on how to prevent against these
attacks and to make our life really interesting and enjoyable.
As most surveys reported, we also wrote about Web 2.0 and virtualisation this year
and we provided you with various articles on the hot topic of data protection. Data theft
was and is probably the main motive for most of the exploits.
We have also noticed that the attacks are becoming more and more sophisticated.
The world was attacked by the Confiker worm this year, a simple virus that infected 9
million machines. Just connecting a USB stick with devices, like a printer to print some
PDF documents, was enough for Confiker to infect and spread.
We also wrote about PDF (in)security in the 2009 issues. And we continue this motif
in the Hakin9 6/2009 issue. Let’s see what you have in your hands now and what you
can read in this end-of-the-year issue.
Our lead article is Windows FE A Windows-PE Based Forensic Boot CD written
by Marc Remmert. Also you can find an instructional tutorial (without sound) on the
CD. I hope that it will make for good additional content and will help you follow the
instructions included within the article. To further peak your interest in digital forensics;
go to page 24 and start reading Mervyn Heng’s article Network Forensics: More Than
Looking For Cleartext Passwords .
In the Attack section of the magazine you will find some excellent articles
concerning ways and means to breach security. You will learn how to stay hidden in
networks if you read Steffen Wendzel’s article on Protocol Channels . You can also find
out how fuzzing works by reading the article on page 42 written by Tamin Hanna.
Definitively, you should open the magazine on page 46 and read the second part of
Windows Timeline Analysis article written by Harlan Carvey. This time Harlan applies
all the theory to practice and tells you how to build your own timeline. Turn to page
50 to learn all about how to analyze PDF documents with the PDFiD and PDF-Parser
tools. This is the second part of Didier Stevens’ article on Anatomy of Malicious PDF
Finally the last two articles in the Defence section definitely need to be read. If
you want to see how symbol recovery can be applied to other areas, read Recovering
Debugging Symbols From Stripped Static Compiled Binaries written by Justin Sunwoo
Kim and if you want to know how to check on possible data leakage, you should read the
article entitled Simple DLP Verification Using Network Grep contributed by Joshua Morin.
I hope that you find some free evenings as you have 9 articles in this issue to read.
Please do not forget about the Regulars. The fantastic article on how the mobile phone
opens the door to location (LBS) tracking, proximity marketing and cybercrime written
by Julian Evans and Matt Jonkman’s great column – Emerging Threats entitled Viva la
Revolucion .
We are always looking for new article topics and ideas that make Hakin9 unique and
continue taking on challenges in the creation of our magazine to provide you next year with
even greater joy and knowledge. Please remember we are waiting for your emails. Send
them to en@hakin9.org . All ideas and thoughts help us prepare a better and stimulating
magazine for you. Our aim is to create the magazine that will be read by all security
experts in the world – It is for all of you that we strive so hard to keep everyone in touch
with the latest techniques, thoughts and concerns throughout the IT Security industry...
We wish you joyful and happy holidays.
Hakin9 Team
Year-End Summary
I know that the Year-End Summary is mostly related to our finances and is an easy
Editor in Chief: Ewa Dudzic
14 Windows FE
A Windows-PE Based Forensic Boot CD
The basic work was conducted by Troy Larson, a Senior Forensic
Investigator in Microsoft's IT Security Group. He first built a modified
Windows PE for forensic purposes called Windows FE, which stands
for Forensic Environment. Astonishingly Windows is broadly used as an
operating system for almost all of the recognized big forensic software
packages – but it has never been used before as the base system for a
forensic Boot-CD. Marc Remmert will try to show how to build your own
Windows-based Boot CD.
Editorial Advisory Board: Matt Jonkman, Rebecca
Wynn, Rishi Narang, Shyaam Sundhar, Terron Williams,
Steve Lape, Peter Giannoulis, Aditya K Sood, Donald
Iverson, Flemming Laugaard, Nick Baronian, Tyler Hudak,
Michael Munt
DTP: Ireneusz Pogroszewski , Przemysław Banasiewicz,
Art Director: Agnieszka Marchocka
Cover’s graphic: Łukasz Pabian
CD: Rafał Kwaśny
Proofreaders: Konstantinos Xynos, Ed Werzyn, Neil
Smith, Steve Lape, Michael Munt, Monroe Dowling, Kevin
Mcdonald, John Hunter, Michael Paydo, Kosta Cipo, Lou
Rabom, James Broad
Top Betatesters: Joshua Morin, Michele Orru, Clint
Garrison, Shon Robinson, Brandon Dixon, Justin Seitz,
Matthew Sabin, Stephen Argent, Aidan Carty, Rodrigo Rubira
Branco, Jason Carpenter, Martin Jenco, Sanjay Bhalerao, Avi
Benchimol, Rishi Narang, Jim Halfpenny, Graham Hili, Daniel
Bright, Conor Quigley, Francisco Jesús Gómez Rodríguez,
Julián Estévez, Chris Gates, Chris Grifin, Alejandro Baena,
Michael Sconzo, Laszlo Acs, Benjamin Aboagye, Bob
Folden, Cloud Strife, Marc-Andre Meloche, Robert White,
Sanjay Bhalerao, Sasha Hess, Kurt Skowronek, Bob Monroe,
Michael Holtman, Pete LeMay
24 Network Forensics: More Than Looking For
Cleartext Passwords
Digital forensics can be defined as the acquisition and analysis of evidence
from electronic data to discover incidents of malicious or suspicious intent
and correlate them with hackers or non-compliant employees. Sources
of electronic data would include computer systems, storage mediums,
electronic files and packets traversing over a network. Digital forensics is
mainly conducted at two layers: network and system. Mervyn Heng will
introduce you to network forensics.
Special Thanks to the Beta testers and Proofreaders who
helped us with this issue. Without their assistance there
would not be a Hakin9 magazine.
Senior Consultant/Publisher: Paweł Marciniak
CEO: Ewa Łozowicka
Production Director: Andrzej Kuca
Marketing Director: Ewa Dudzic
Circulation Manager: Ilona Lepieszka
28 Unified Communications Intrusion Detection
Using Snort
Unified Communications (UC) is one of the hottest topics in the
communications industry. UC converges several communications
technologies – voice, video, messaging (instant and email) and collaboration
(conferencing, white board) into one seamless IP based communication
architecture. The UC service seamlessly detects the location, application,
network and device through which to make contact. Much of the promise
of UC is based on features found in and delivered by the Session
Initiation Protocol (SIP) IETF RFC 3261. Mark Rubino's article is intended to
simplify configuration of Snort for operation on Windows platforms and to
provide a measure of warning of malicious SIP activity aimed at unified
communications servers and services in their infrastructure.
Email: subscription_support@hakin9.org
Publisher: Software Press Sp. z o.o. SK
02-682 Warszawa, ul. Bokserska 1
Phone: 1 917 338 3631
Print: ArtDruk www.artdruk.com
Distributed in the USA by: Source Interlink Fulfillment
Division, 27500 Riverview Centre Boulevard, Suite 400,
Bonita Springs, FL 34134, Tel: 239-949-4450.
Distributed in Australia by: Gordon and Gotch, Australia
Pty Ltd., Level 2, 9 Roadborough Road, Locked Bag 527,
NSW 2086 Sydney, Australia, Phone: + 61 2 9972 8800,
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the high quality
of the magazine, the editors make no warranty, express or
implied, concerning the results of content usage.
All trade marks presented in the magazine were used only
for informative purposes.
All rights to trade marks presented in the magazine are
reserved by the companies which own them.
To create graphs and diagrams
we used program by
Cover-mount CD’s were tested with AntiVirenKit
by G DATA Software Sp. z o.o
The editors use automatic DTP system
38 Protocol Channels
A protocol channel switches one of at least two protocols to send a bit
combination to a destination. The main goal of a protocol channel is that
the packets sent look equal to all other usual packets of the system. This is
what makes a protocol channel hard to detect. Protocol channels provide
attackers with a new way to stay hidden in networks. Even if detection by
network security monitoring systems is possible – e.g. because of the unusual
protocols used by the attacker – a regeneration of the hidden data near
impossible, since it would need information about the transferred data type,
the way the sent protocol combinations are interpreted (big-endian or little-
endian) and recording of all sent packets to make a regeneration possible.
Mathematical formulas created by Design Science
Selling current or past issues of this magazine for
prices that are different than printed on the cover is
– without permission of the publisher – harmful activity
and will result in judicial liability.
The techniques described in our articles may only be
used in private, local networks. The editors hold no
responsibility for misuse of the presented techniques
or consequent data loss.
4 HAKIN9 6/2009
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42 Fuzzing
Finding Vulnerabilities With rand()
Traditionally, the search for security-related flaws in code took place as
follows: relevant sections of code were printed out, and developers went
over them trying to find as many potential issues as possible. So-called
code reviews tend to work quite well – but happen rarely due to the
immense cost involved. Tamin will present you with what fuzing is and how
it works.
06 In brief
Selection of short articles from the IT
security world.
Armando Romeo &
ID Theft Protect
What's new on the latest Hakin9 CD.
hakin9 team
46 Windows Timeline Analysis, Building a
Timeline, Part 2
The increase in sophistication of the Microsoft (MS) Windows family of
operating systems (Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, and Windows
7) as well as that of cybercrime has long required a corresponding
increase or upgrade in response and analysis techniques. Harlan Carvey
will describe what sources of timeline data are available on a Windows
XP system and how to construct a timeline of system and user activity for
analysis from an acquired image.
12 Tools
DefenceWall HIPS
Don Iverson
Wireless Security Auditor
Michael Munt
70 ID fraud expert says...
A Look at How the Mobile Phone Opens
the Door to Location (LBS) Tracking,
Proximity Marketing and Cybercrime
Julian Evans
50 Anatomy of Malicious PDF Documents, Part 2
Malware analysis must be done in a safe environment – a virus lab. The
virus lab must help you prevent the malware from executing and contain
the malware in the virus lab, should it ever execute. The questions is, what
tools you need to analyze a malicious PDF document? You could use
Acrobat Reader, but then you run the risk of infecting your machine when
opening the PDF document. Didier Stevens, in this second article on
malicious PDF documents, will introduce some tools to help you with your
76 Interview
Interview with Michael Helander
Ewa Dudzic
78 Emerging Threats
Viva la Revolucion!
Matthew Jonkman
56 Recovering Debugging Symbols From
Stripped Static Compiled Binaries
A lot of malware programs have been stripped to prevent from analyzing
them and the method described will enhance the process of debugging
those malware programs and many other stripped binaries. Justin Sunwoo
Kim will show you a method that merely reflect other signature finding
methods such as FLIRT. Also his article will be based on finding libc
functions in the ELF binary format. As he claims, he first started to look into
symbol recovery to better solve various war-games with stripped binaries.
However, this can be applied to various areas.
79 Book Review
The Myths of Security: What the
Computer Security Industry Doesn't Want
You to Know
Michael Munt
Blown to Bits
Lou Raban
82 Upcoming
Topics that will be brought up in the
upcoming issue of Hakin9
Ewa Dudzic
66 Simple DLP Verification Using Network Grep
Today, companies have to worry about espionage and battling the internal
threat of confidential information being stolen or leaked. The demand to
implement and deploy network equipment and software for DLP increases
every year. How do you know if your network is safe? How do you know if
your configurations are set properly to prevent data loss? Joshua Morin
will actually show simple techniques for obtaining information or checking
possible data leakage.
Code Listings
As it might be hard for you to use the code
listings printed in the magazine, we decided
to make your work with Hakin9 much easier.
We place the complex code listings from
the articles on the Hakin9 website ( http:
//www.hakin9.org/en ).
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