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Chapter 1. Design Optimization
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Chapter 1. Design Optimization
1.1. What Is Design Optimization ?
Design optimization is a technique that seeks to determine an optimum design. By "optimum design," we mean
one that meets all specified requirements but with a minimum expense of certain factors such as weight, surface
area, volume, stress, cost, etc. In other words, the optimum design is usually one that is as effective as possible.
Virtually any aspect of your design can be optimized: dimensions (such as thickness), shape (such as fillet
radii), placement of supports, cost of fabrication, natural frequency, material property, and so on. Actually, any
ANSYS item that can be expressed in terms of parameters can be subjected to design optimization. (See Use
ANSYS Parameters in the ANSYS Modeling and Meshing Guide for a description of ANSYS parameters.)
The ANSYS program offers two optimization methods to accommodate a wide range of optimization problems.
The subproblem approximation method is an advanced zero-order method that can be efficiently applied to
most engineering problems. The first order method is based on design sensitivities and is more suitable for
problems that require high accuracy.
For both the subproblem approximation and first order methods, the program performs a series of analysis-
evaluation-modification cycles. That is, an analysis of the initial design is performed, the results are evaluated
against specified design criteria, and the design is modified as necessary. This process is repeated until all
specified criteria are met.
In addition to the two optimization techniques available, the ANSYS program offers a set of strategic tools that
can be used to enhance the efficiency of the design process. For example, a number of random design iterations
can be performed. The initial data points from the random design calculations can serve as starting points to
feed the optimization methods mentioned above.
Advanced Analysis Techniques Guide
1.2. Basic Definitions
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1.2. Basic Definitions
Before describing the procedure for design optimization, we will define some of the terminology: design
variable, state variable, objective function, feasible and infeasible designs, the analysis file, iterations, loops,
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Chapter 1. Design Optimization
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design sets, etc. We will start with a typical optimization problem statement:
Find the minimum-weight design of a beam of rectangular cross section subject to the following constraints:
Total stress σ should not exceed σ max [ σ < σ max ]
Beam deflection ∆ should not exceed ∆ max [ ∆ < ∆ max ]
Beam height h should not exceed h max [h < h max ]
Figure 1.1. Example of a Beam for Design Optimization
Design Variables (DVs) are independent quantities that are varied in order to achieve the optimum design.
Upper and lower limits are specified to serve as "constraints" on the design variables. These limits define the
range of variation for the DV. In the above beam example, width b and height h are obvious candidates for
DVs. Both b and h cannot be zero or negative, so their lower limit would be b,h > 0.0. Also, h has an upper
limit of h max . Up to 60 DVs may be defined in an ANSYS design optimization problem.
State Variables (SVs) are quantities that constrain the design. They are also known as "dependent variables,"
and are typically response quantities that are functions of the design variables. A state variable may have a
maximum and minimum limit, or it may be "single sided," having only one limit . Our beam example has two
SVs: σ (the total stress) and ∆ (the beam deflection). You may define up to 100 SVs in an ANSYS design
optimization problem.
The Objective Function is the dependent variable that you are attempting to minimize. It should be a function of
the DVs, that is, changing the values of the DVs should change the value of the objective function. In our beam
example, the total weight of the beam could be the objective function (to be minimized). You may define only
one objective function in an ANSYS design optimization problem.
The design variables, state variables, and objective function are collectively referred to as the optimization
variables . In an ANSYS optimization, these variables are represented by user-named variables called
parameters. You must identify which parameters in the model are DVs, which are SVs, and which is the
objective function.
A design set (or design ) is simply a unique set of parameter values that represents a particular model
configuration. Typically, a design set is characterized by the optimization variable values; however, all model
parameters (including those not identified as optimization variables) are included in the set.
A feasible design is one that satisfies all specified constraints - constraints on the SVs as well as constraints on
the DVs. If any one of the constraints is not satisfied, the design is considered infeasible . The best design is the
one which satisfies all constraints and produces the minimum objective function value. (If all design sets are
infeasible, the best design set is the one closest to being feasible, irrespective of its objective function value.)
The analysis file is an ANSYS input file (which can be created in a variety of ways) that contains a complete
analysis sequence (preprocessing, solution, postprocessing). It must contain a parametrically defined model,
using parameters to represent all inputs and outputs which will be used as DVs, SVs, and the objective function.
From this file, an optimization loop file ( Jobname.LOOP ) is automatically created and used by the optimizer to
perform analysis loops.
A loop is one pass through the analysis cycle. (Think of this as one pass through the analysis file.) Output for
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Chapter 1. Design Optimization
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the last loop performed is saved on file Jobname.OPO . An optimization iteration (or simply iteration ) is one or
more analysis loops which result in a new design set. Typically, an iteration equates to one loop. However, for
the first order method, one iteration represents more than one loop.
The optimization database contains the current optimization environment, which includes optimization variable
definitions, parameters, all optimization specifications, and accumulated design sets. This database can be
saved (to Jobname.OPT ) or resumed at any time in the optimizer.
Some of the above concepts can be better understood through an illustration. Optimization Data Flow shows the
flow of information during an optimization analysis. The analysis file must exist as a separate entity, and note
that the optimization database is not part of the ANSYS model database.
Figure 1.2. Optimization Data Flow
Chapter 1. Design Optimization
1.3. About GUI Paths and Command
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Chapter 1. Design Optimization
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1.3. About GUI Paths and Command Syntax
Throughout this document, you will see references to ANSYS commands and their equivalent GUI paths. Such
references use only the command name, because you do not always need to specify all of a command's
arguments, and specific combinations of command arguments perform different functions. For complete syntax
descriptions of ANSYS commands, consult the ANSYS Commands Reference .
The GUI paths shown are as complete as possible. In many cases, choosing the GUI path as shown will perform
the function you want. In other cases, choosing the GUI path given in this document takes you to a menu or
dialog box; from there, you must choose additional options that are appropriate for the specific task being
For all types of analyses described in this guide, specify the material you will be simulating using an intuitive
material model interface. This interface uses a hierarchical tree structure of material categories, which is
intended to assist you in choosing the appropriate model for your analysis. See Material Model Interface in the
ANSYS Basic Analysis Guide for details on the material model interface.
1.2. Basic Definitions
1.4. How to Do Design Optimization
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Advanced Guide > Chapter 1. Design Optimization >1.4. How to Do Design Optimization
1.4. How to Do Design Optimization
You can approach an ANSYS optimization in two ways: as a batch run or interactively through the Graphical
User Interface (GUI). The approach you take will depend on your ANSYS expertise and your preference for
interacting with the ANSYS program.
If you are very familiar with ANSYS commands, you may choose to perform the entire optimization by
creating an ANSYS command input file and submitting it as a batch job. This may be a more efficient method
for complex analyses (for example, nonlinear) that require extensive run-time.
On the other hand, the interactive features of optimization offer greater flexibility and immediate feedback for
review of loop results. When performing optimization through the GUI, it is important to first establish the
analysis file for your model. Then all operations within the optimizer can be performed interactively, allowing
the freedom to probe your design space before the actual optimization is done. The insights you gain from your
initial investigations can help to narrow your design space and achieve greater efficiency during the
optimization process. (The interactive features can also be used to process batch optimization results.)
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The usual procedure for design optimization consists of the following main steps. These steps may vary
slightly, depending on whether you are performing optimization interactively (through the GUI), in batch mode,
or across multiple machines.
1. Create an analysis file to be used during looping. This file should represent a complete analysis sequence
and must do the following:
Build the model parametrically (PREP7).
Obtain the solution(s) (SOLUTION).
Retrieve and assign to parameters the response quantities that will be used as state variables and
objective functions (POST1/POST26).
2. Establish parameters in the ANSYS database which correspond to those used in the analysis file; this step
is typical, but not required (Begin or OPT).
3. Enter OPT and specify the analysis file (OPT).
4. Declare optimization variables (OPT).
5. Choose optimization tool or method (OPT).
6. Specify optimization looping controls (OPT).
7. Initiate optimization analysis (OPT).
8. Review the resulting design sets data (OPT) and postprocess results (POST1/POST26).
Details of the optimization procedure are presented below. Differences in the procedure for a "batch" versus
"interactive" approach are indicated, where appropriate.
1.4.1. Create the Analysis File
The analysis file is a key component which is crucial to ANSYS optimization. The program uses the analysis
file to form the loop file, which is used to perform analysis loops. Any type of ANSYS analysis (structural,
thermal, magnetic, etc.; linear or nonlinear) may be incorporated in the analysis file.
An explicit dynamics analysis using ANSYS/LS-DYNA cannot be optimized.
In this file, the model must be defined in terms of parameters (which are usually the DVs), and results data
must be retrieved in terms of parameters (for SVs and the objective function). Only numerical scalar parameters
are used by the design optimizer. See Use ANSYS Parameters in the ANSYS Modeling and Meshing Guide for a
discussion of parameters. See the ANSYS APDL Programmer's Guide for a discussion of the ANSYS
Parametric Design Language (APDL).
It is your responsibility to create the analysis file and make sure that it is correct and complete. It must represent
a clean analysis that will run from start to finish. Most nonessential commands (such as those that perform
graphic displays, listings, status requests, etc.) should be stripped off or commented out of this file. Maintain
only those display commands which you would like to see during an interactive session [ EPLOT , etc.], or
direct desired displays to a graphics file [ /SHOW ]. Keep in mind that the analysis file will be used over and
over again during optimization looping. Any commands that do not have direct bearing on the analysis will
produce wasted action and therefore decrease looping efficiency.
There are two ways to create an analysis file:
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