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Microsoft Word - lesson_36
We use the when a noun is specific. A noun is specific when:
There is only one: The President; the Pope; the Pacific ocean
The + noun + of : The University of Cambridge.
A clause specifies the noun : The football game that I went to yesterday .
The football game you went to was great.
The football match on TV is boring.
The listener knows which one : Did you go to the cinema yesterday?
The + adjective = group noun: The poor, the rich, the unemployed.
The + noun = concept/idea The computer ( = every computer)
The noun has been mentioned before: I have a new car. The car...
For superlatives :
The highest; the best; the strongest .
For ordinal numbers :
The first, the second, the third etc
UWAGA! The rules for the are stronger than the rules for a/an . For example:
The nature of Canada is beautiful = nature is abstract and so should not normally have an article, but
here it is specific because we use the noun + of structure.
The tables that my mother has are very nice = tables is plural and so we should not normally use an
article but here they are specific because of the clause that my mother has.
We use the in the following circumstances:
'Plural' countries:
the Netherlands, the United States
Groups of islands:
The Times, The Daily Mirror, The Evening Standard*
Rivers and oceans:
the Thames, the Danube, the Pacific, the Atlantic
the Sahara, the Gobi, the Atacama
Musical instruments:
the piano, the flute, the cello
Mountain ranges:
the Himalayas, the Andes, the Tatras*
the Park Hotel, the Ritz, the Hilton
The + language:
the English language, the French language*
Times of day:
the morning, the afternoon, the evening *
Historical periods:
the eighties, the 1970s, the seventeenth century*
Names of ships:
the Titanic, the SS Indianapolis
Public bodies:
the Police, the Army, the Government
the Bahamas, the Azores, the Cyclades*
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Parts of a city:
the centre, the suburbs, the outskirts*
* see exceptions below
We don't use the and a/an in the following circumstances:
Abstract nouns
love, happiness, nature
'Singular' countries:
France, Germany, England
Individual islands:
Rhodes, Ibiza (BUT the Isle of Man )
French, German, English
Vogue, GQ, ewsweek
Cities, towns, villages:
London, Paris, Lithohoro
London Road, Halfmoon Avenue
Lake Windermere, Lake Superior, Lake Geneva
Single mountains:
Everest, K2, Olympus, Ben Nevis ( but the Eiger)
Abstract nouns:
love, nature, anger, independence
Days, months, years:
Wednesday, October, 1971 (BUT the 17 th of May)
breakfast, lunch, dinner
Sports and games:
football, chess, rugby
Historical places:
Ancient Greece, Victorian England
Easter, Christmas, New Year
Marks and Spencer's, Harrods
NOT *the night
Fill the gaps with a/an, the or nothing:
Uzupełnij luki przedimkiem: a/an , the lub nic .
1) I haven't got ........... camera.
2) ............ man I told you about is very tall.
3) ........... big man hit me with ......... heavy wooden stick.
4) ........... love is like .................. chocolate.
5) I've never seen such .............. terrible film!
6) This game is ............ great fun, isn't it?
7) She gave me ............ kiss on my .......... cheek.
8) It was ............. rainy day in July.
9) .......... huge cat ate my hamster.
10) ........... president has arranged to meet ........ pope this evening.
11) ........... capital of France is Paris.
12) .......... football game that I went to yesterday was excellent!
13) Did you go to ............ cinema yesterday?
14) This country has a major problem with ........... poor.
15) ......... washing machine is perhaps .......... greatest technological invention.
16) My father has bought ....... new car. ........ car has only three wheels.
17) ........... highest mountain in ............ world is Everest.
18) That's ........... first time I've ever seen ........... chicken fly!
Africa, Asia, Europe
Fill the spaces with a suitable article, a/an, or the . Some spaces do not require an article. Think carefully
about each noun and ask yourself these questions:
Is the noun singular or plural?
Is the noun specific or common?
Is the noun countable or uncountable?
Does the noun have it's own special rule?
Uzupełnij luki odpowiednim przedimkiem: a/an lub the . iektóre luki nie wymagają przedimka. Pomyśl
uważnie o każdym rzeczowników i zadaj sobie następujące pytania:
Czy rzeczownik jest w liczbie pojedynczej czy mnogiej?
Czy rzeczownik jest specyficzny czy pospolity?
Czy rzeczownik jest policzalny czy niepoliczalny?
Czy rzeczownik posiada swoje „własne” zasady?
____ first time I ever visited ____ United States, I was amazed at ____ height of ____ buildings that can be
seen in some ____ large cities. One of ____ highest is ____ Sears Tower in ____ Chicago. On ____ top floor
there is ____ restaurant where you can buy ____ variety of ____ tasty meals including ____ spaghetti, soups
and ____ Chinese food. I was staying at ____Ritz Hotel, which is ____ very expensive place to stay.
However, ____ service they offer is ____ best in _____ world. I can recommend it.
Write the names of these domestic objects/rooms.
apisz nazwy przedmiotów/pomieszczeń domowych.
Piece of furniture to rest your feet
Press this to turn on/off a light
A small light
Place to keep your socks, for example
Flat object for carrying plates etc
Keeps you warm in winter (metal object)
A large cup, for coffee maybe
Room in a house used for cooking
It looks like a box with a door used for cooking
A big comfortable chair with support for your arms
You use it to eat soup
People have their meals in this room
You will find a bath or shower, a washbasin and a toilet there
You put your rubbish in it
For storing things in the kitchen
Vocabulary from the unit:
abstract nouns – rzeczowniki abstrakcyjne
carry nosić
cheek policzek
circumstances okoliczności
clause zdanie
concept pojęcie
desert pustynia
group nouns – rzeczowniki oznaczające grupy ludzi (np. bezrobotni)
hamster chomik
height wysokość
historical period – okres historyczny
invention wynalazek
listener słuchacz
major ważny
mention wspominać
mountain range – łańcuch górski
mug kubek
ordinal numbers – liczby porządkowe
perhaps może
radiator kaloryfer
recommend – zalecać, radzić
rest odpoczywać
rubbish śmieci
ship statek
specific specyficzny
specify – wyszczególniać, precyzować
stick – patyk, kij
stool – taboret, stołek
store przechowywać
stronger – silniejszy, mocniejszy
superlative – stopień najwyższy
support – podpora, wsparcie
switch wyłącznik
tasty smaczny
tray tacka
a variety of – wiele różnych
washbasin umywalka
wooden drewniany
Lesson 4 – answer key
Practice 1
1. I haven't got a camera.
2. The man I told you about is very tall.
3. A big man hit me with a heavy wooden stick.
4. Love is like chocolate.
5. I've never seen such a terrible film!
6. This game is great fun, isn't it?
7. She gave me a kiss on my cheek.
8. It was a rainy day in July.
9. A huge cat ate my hamster.
10. The President has arranged to meet the pope this evening.
11. The capital of France is Paris.
12. The football game that I went to yesterday was excellent!
13. Did you go to the cinema yesterday?
14. This country has a major problem with ........... poor.
15. The washing machine is perhaps the greatest technological invention.
16. My father has bought a new car. The car has only three wheels.
17. The highest mountain in the world is Everest.
18. That's the first time I've ever seen a chicken fly!
Practice 2
The first (ordinal number) time I ever visited the United States (plural country), I was amazed at the ( the + of) height of
the buildings ( buildings is described by that can be seen ) that can be seen in some ____ large cities (cities is plural). One
of the highest (superlative) is the Sears Tower (there is only one) in ____ Chicago (we don't use articles for cities). On
the top (only one top floor) floor there is a restaurant (a nonspecific restaurant) where you can buy a variety (a + of =
nonspecific variety) of ____ tasty meals ( meals is plural) including ____ spaghetti (uncountable), soups (plural) and
____ Chinese food (uncountable) . I was staying at the Ritz Hotel (the + hotel), which is a very expensive place
(countable, common, singular) to stay. However, the service ( service is described by they offer ) they offer is the best
(superlative) in the world (only one world). I can recommend it.
House 2
Piece of furniture to rest your feet
Press this to turn on/off the light
Place to keep your socks, for example
For storing things in the kitchen
Flat object for carrying plates etc
Keeps you warm in winter (metal object)
A large cup, for coffee maybe
Room in a house used for cooking
It looks like a box with a door used for cooking
A big comfortable chair with support for your arms
You use it to eat a soup
People have their meals in this room
You will find a bath or shower, a washbasin and a toilet there
You put your rubbish in it
A small light
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