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Advanced WinSock Multiplayer Game Programming:
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Advanced WinSock Multiplayer Game
Programming: Multicasting
by Denis Lukianov
Combatting lag is a major problem in multiplayer network game development. As multiplayer
game developers, we always strive to make things faster, leaner and meaner to reduce lag and
free up bandwidth. This is why we often forsake the reliability of TCP for the speed that UDP
provides. Multicasting is yet another step in the fight against latency, carrying many promises,
including the transmission of very high quality streaming digital TV over Networks and in the
future, the Internet. What is the magic behind multicasting and how can it be used in our games?
In short, it can not only reduce server workload but is also a solution to the age old problem of
players fining each other on networks without the game developer having to put up dedicated
master servers (but more on that later).
Oh, and if DirectPlay uses multicasting extensively, then it's all more the reason for us to use it :).
The Idea Behind Multicasting
The theory goes something like this. In the most commonly used networking client-server model,
when a client sends input to the server, this input updates the game state and then the server tells
all the other clients about what has happened by sending the same information to all the clients:
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As you can see there is a traffic problem on the server's Network connection. If, say, there were
32 players connected to the server at the time, then the same information would be sent 32 times
(once to each player). If there were 20 bytes of data to be sent to each of the 32 players then 640
bytes would have to be sent through the server's Network connection. If that were to happen
every time any of the 32 players pressed a key or moved the mouse, a huge amount of traffic is
generated. Naturally, there is no replacement for good code practice and sending only the data
that is needed, but multicasting can seriously help.
So how can multicasting help? Well, Multicasting can dramatically reduce the amount of data that
needs to be sent by taking the task of packet replication away from the game server to the actual
Network infrastructure. In multicasting, packets can be sent to groups of Network addresses,
instead of individual addresses.
This is a similar to the way email works - when we want to send the same email message to
multiple email addresses, we don't send the message to every address from our computer. Instead
we send the message once, telling the server to replicate the message to all the other addresses.
The Darker Side
Of course, there are reasons why multicasting is not commonly used:
z Some ISPs and networks don't support multicasting yet. Bastards. So if you want to
implement multicasting in a game, you're better off adding it as an option. Internet
multicasting is rarely supported, but hopefully it will be in the future.
z Multicasting only makes a worthwhile gain in performance when network data is replicated,
realistically only worth bothering when there is support for more than about three players.
z Multicasting requires some more coding and programmers are lazy to even look into it. As
you will see, in fact it requires very little additional code. The corporate "Quality Digital TV
via Multicasting" idea seems to put game programmers off the subject altogether, I suspect
it has something to do with hacker ethics, so long live the .org's!
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How Multicasting Works
You may have heard of broadcasting. Broadcasting forwards data to every address on the network.
Unlike broadcasting, multicasting only forwards to those addresses who have explicitly registered
interest in the data.
On an IP Network supporting multicasting there are such things as multicast groups. If you want to
receive multicast data packets, you must join a multicast group. Although it is should be possible
to send data packets to a multicast group regardless of membership, it is often better to join a
group before sending to it for reasons I won't venture into. If you are a member of a group to
which you are sending multicast datapackets, you will receive a copy of the data packets. Also, a
client will not receive all data packets from a multicast group, but only those which are sent to the
port that the socket is bound to.
So a sensible idea would be for all the game clients to join a multicast group and wait for data on
the same port. Then the server, by sending a single packet of data to that multicast group, would
be sending to all the clients as the packets are replicated somewhere along the way.
We've seen the light, we've seen the darkness, so let us onto the code...
Joining a Multicast Group and Receiving Multicast
Data Packets
To receive multicast packets sent to a multicast group, your game will need to join or become a
member of that multicast group. To request becoming a member of a multicast group is a lot
simpler than you may at first imagine. You need to first bind() your UDP socket to a local port
(elementary, my dear friend):
SOCKADDR_IN addrLocal;
// We want to use the Internet address family
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addrLocal.sin_family = AF_INET;
// Use any local address
addrLocal.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
// Use arbitrary port - but the same as on other clients/servers
addrLocal.sin_port = htons(uiPort);
// Bind socket to our address
if(SOCKET_ERROR == bind(hUDPSocket, (LPSOCKADDR)&addrLocal,
sizeof(struct sockaddr)))
{cout << "Euston, we have a problem";}
// Ready to switch to multicasting mode
And then just make a call to setsockopt() , and here's a prototype for your convenience *grin*:
int WSAAPI setsockopt(SOCKET s, int level, int optname,
const char FAR * optval, int optlen);
If you thought you were getting away with just 1 new line of code to learn, you were wrong...
you're only getting away with 4 new lines =). There are special parameters to prepare for this call:
s is your socket handle, level should be set to IPPROTO_IP , optname should be set to
IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP and a pointer to the p_mreq structure passed as optval , with its length in
optlen . This is what the p_mreq structure looks like:
struct ip_mreq {
struct in_addr imr_multiaddr; /* multicast group to join */
struct in_addr imr_interface; /* interface to join on */
It has 2 fields, both of them are in_add r structures: imr_multiaddr specifies the address of the
multicast group to join and imr_interface specifies the local address INADDR_ANY .
There are special (Class 'D') addresses allocated for multicast groups. These are in the range from to You can choose an address from the range as the target multicast
group to join, and set the imr_multiaddr to this address. The full setsockopt() call would look
something like this:
struct ip_mreq mreq;
mreq.imr_multiaddr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
mreq.imr_interface.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
nRet = setsockopt(hUDPSocket, IPPROTO_IP, IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP,
(char*)&mreq, sizeof(mreq));
And that's all there is to it, apart from a lot of error checking which I've decided to leave out for
clarity (aka Laziness). The socket will now receive data packets sent to the multicast group on the
specified port with calls to recvfrom() :
nRet = recvfrom(hUDPSocket, (char *)&Data, sizeof(Data), 0,
(struct sockaddr*)&addrSrc, sizeof(addrSrc));
When you're finished with the group and want to leave, just repeat the call with identical
parameters apart from IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP which should be replaced with
nRet = setsockopt(hUDPSocket, IPPROTO_IP, IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP,
(char*)&mreq, sizeof(mreq));
Now that we can join a multicast group and receive packets sent to it, the logical thing to do is to
learn how to send packets to a multicast group.
Sending Multicast Data Packets
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Sending multicast data packets is accomplished with a call to sendto() , specifying a multicast
group address as the destination IP address and the wanted port (on which your clients are tuned
to listen for data). So there really a lot to learn apart from using the TTL (Time To Live) socket
All IP packets carry a TTL value to make sure that they are discarded if they don't reach a
destination so they don't clog up the Network. In a multicast data packet, TTL specifies how far a
multicast data packet can travel:
TTL Threshold
TTL equal to 0
Restricted to the same host
TTL equal to 1
Restricted to the same subnet
TTL equal to 32
Restricted to the same site
TTL equal to 64
Restricted to the same region
TTL equal to 128
Restricted to the same continent
TTL equal to 255
Unrestricted in scope
[From MSDN]
Multicasting is nowhere as dangerous as broadcasting in terms of unwanted traffic that it can
produce but caution is advised when using some of the higher TTL values.
To set a socket's multicast TTL value, setsockopt() can be used with IPPROTO_IP as the protocol
level and IP_MULTICAST_TTL as the socket option.
char TTL = 32 ; // Restrict to our school network, for example
(char *)&TTL, sizeof(TTL));
Once the TTL is set, just sendto() away:
addrDest.sin_family = AF_INET;
// Target multicast group address
addrDest.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
// Port on which client is set to receive data packets
addrDest.sin_port = htons(uiPort);
// Something unoriginal to send
strcpy(szHi,"Hello Multicast Group!");
nRet = sendto(hUDPSocket, (char *)szHi, sizeof(szHi), 0,
(struct sockaddr*)&addrDest, sizeof(addrDest));
We can now join multicast groups, send and receive data from them, but how do we implement
multicasting as an option in our game and what would we use it for?
Uses of Multicasting in Games
I can think of two ways straight away - one is to use it for reducing (maybe even eliminating) the
amount of repeated data that a server has to send out, but another interesting use is a global
server-less interface for finding other players on the Network.
The scenario: there are 2 people on a large Network running the same game that want to play
together, but they don't know each other's IP addresses let alone the fact that the potential
opponent exists. The common ways for connecting the 2 players:
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