
(85 KB) Pobierz
(to come into effect on 19 th May 2005)
The purpose of MARPOL Annex VI is to regulate emissions from ships. One of the main
producers of air borne emissions from ships is the marine fuel burned in ships' engines.
However, Annex VI covers not only Sulphur in fuel oil, but also waste chemicals, etc.
Buyers and Suppliers of Bunkers will be obliged to monitor and/or follow certain
implementations, mainly in respect of the handling and documentation of supplies.
If Annex VI should come into force without further changes or amendments, the items
listed hereafter will have to be followed, however we understand that still some
discussions are held within the respective working groups.
MARPOL Annex VI Requirements (as known on 12 th April 2005):
Bunkersuppliers have to be registered with the appropriate authorities of their
Suppliers have to warrant the quality of the fuel supplied in respect of
a. Sulphur content,
b. Density
c. Lack of substances in the fuel supplied which will cause additional air pollution,
engine damage, health & safety problems for the crew.
Suppliers will have to provide prescribed information on their BDRs, copies of
which must be kept by them and the receiving ship for 3 years.
BDRs are required to state:
Name and IMO number of receiving ship
Date of commencement of delivery
Name, address and telephone number of marine fuel oil supplier
Product name(s)
Quantity (metric tons)
Density at 15 deg C (kg/m3) - Tested in accordance with ISO 3675
Sulphur content (% m/m) - Tested in accordance with ISO 8754
AND the so-called “composition clause” :
a declaration that the fuel oil supplied is in conformity with regulation 14(1) (ie Max 4.5%
Sulphur) or (4)(a) (ie Max 1.5% Sulphur) and regulation 18(1) of Annex VI ie the fuel supplied is
free from inorganic acid and any added substance or chemical waste, which jeopardizes or harms
the safety of the crew, ship and machinery, adds to air pollution and adversely affects the
machinery performance.
Suppliers will have to provide the vessel with a MARPOL-use-only sample (in
addition to the usual commercial sealed samples), which has been drawn during
the course of the delivery at the ship’s manifold by continuous drip sampler, or
mechanical equivalent.
The receiving ship has to keep the MARPOL-sample for minimum one year and
to keep a log recording the supplier, date, port, storage, use, etc., of all bunkers
delivered on-board for the previous 3 years.
Resumé / Current Status:
Most suppliers are in the process of preparing themselves to comply with the
requirements of MARPOL Annex VI – if they do not yet – as from 19 th May onwards.
While most of the items displayed above are not expected to cause any major problems,
it still remains to be seen, if there will be any ratification of changes or amendments
incorporated in the final version.
Absolutely new to the Bunkerindustry are the items "composition clause" and "point of
sampling" and a lot of suppliers still have panels working on the changes related to the
new Marpol regulation, with BDR's being reshaped to a form that applies to the new
rules and reviews on the procedure of the sampling during bunkering being done, as
this might be in conflict with some local Country laws, Safety- or ISPS-regulations.
This is quite an issue, but we expect agreements and clear positions will be reached
before the enforcement date.
Shipowners and Buyers of bunkers are for the time being only left with the duty to inform
their Masters/Crew accordingly and in the future could help to facilitate compliance by
advising the respective IMO-number of a Ship, when placing an enquiry for bunkers.
Once these regulations are enforced, we will of course ensure that all Supplies to be
effected will only be performed in accordance with the governing rules.
We will further monitor developments and advise news as soon as they become
Best regards
Nordic Shipping GmbH
Ph.: +49-40-355 2000
Fx.: +49-40-355 200 35
Annex VI
Timing of implementation
Baltic Sea SECA
Scrubbers approved for use
E.I.F. = Entry into Force
G.P. = Grace Period
Worldwide 4.5%S limit
Global use of BDN
Channel & North Sea SECA
E.I.F. (1)
G.P. (2)
North Sea
& Channel
1.5% S fuel
Use of 0.1% S
Gas oil in port
& territorial
Mandatory use of
0.1%S Marine Fuel in
all EU ports
Council of Ministers
use of 0.2%
S Gas oil in
port &
Baltic Sea designated 1.5% S fuel
Mandatory max 1.5% S fuel for all EU
passenger ferries to/from EU ports &
territorial waters
Use of approved exhaust aftertreatment
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