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Teaching Listening Skills - Activities
· Activity 6
Accents : Taiwanese female,
Japanese male, Korean female
Speed : slow Activity type : information
Time : 30m
Theme : Talking about birthdays
Skills : Listening for details, listening for specific information
Level : Pre-intermediate
Grammar focus : Going to for future plans, adverbs of frequency
Vocabulary : age, birthday, CD player, celebrate, dumplings, flight attendant, guitar, meal, movie, nice,
noodles, park, picnic, present, restaurant, special, weather.
Preparation : Download Worksheet 6 and make one copy for every two students. Cut each copy as
shown by the lines.
1. Write Birthdays on the board and tell students to call out any words they know related to the topic (for
example, present, celebrate , etc.). Review pronunciation and then add any additional words from the
Vocabulary section above that you think students may not know.
2. Explain to students that they are going to hear three people talking about birthdays. Write these names
on the board; Sun-Hyi, Kenji, Martha . Then dictate the following questions:
a. Who usually celebrates their birthday with their family?
b. Who doesn’t usually celebrate their birthday with their family?
c. Who doesn’t usually celebrate their birthday at all?
Tell students they must listen and identify the correct person in each case. When students are ready,
play the recording.
Answers : a. Martha, b. Kenji, c. Sun-Hyi
3. Put students into pairs and ask them if they can remember what each person is going to do or get for
their birthday this year. Give them a few moments to discuss and then play the recording again for
them to listen and check their ideas.
Answers : Martha is going to have a party, Kenji is going to get a guitar, Sun-Hyi is going to have a
party, but she doesn’t know what she’s going to get (although she’d like a CD player)
4. Put students into pairs and give each group a set of Word cards from Worksheet 6. Be sure to mix the
cards thoroughly before you hand them out. Tell students that they are going to listen to the three
people again. Explain that this time they should listen carefully and match the words and phrases on
each card with the person who says them. Tell students to look at the words and phrases on the cards
and give them time to match any they can from memory. When students are ready, play the
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Answers : Martha; flight attendant, China Airlines, work, restaurant, evening, dumplings, noodles,
parents, grandmother, money. Kenji: Tokyo, May 14 th , weather, really nice, park, picnic, friends. Sun-
Hyi; Pusan, mother, sometimes cooks, meal.
5. Put students into pairs and tell them to ask and answer questions about each person and what they
usually do on their birthday, using the word cards as a guide. For example:
Where is Sun-Hyi from? – He’s from Pusan, in Korea
What is Martha’s job? - She’s a flight attendant for China Airlines
Where does Kenji usually go for his birthday? – To a park with some friends
6. Extension options
Focus on grammar by playing the recording again and telling students to shout Stop! whenever they
hear going to . Have them write each phrase they hear with going to in their note books. You may also
wish to do the same for adverbs of frequency ( usually, sometimes, never , etc).
Put students into groups and tell them write what Martha usually does on her birthday as exactly as
they can using the word cards as a guide. When student are ready, play the recording again and have
them listen and check their work.
Post-listening tasks
1. Put students into groups and tell them to talk about what they usually do on their birthday. Perhaps
start them off by talking about what you usually do for your birthday.
2. Now tell students to talk about what they are going to do for their birthday this year, and what
presents they hope to get. Their partner should listen carefully and make notes. When they finish, tell
students to swap partners. Explain they should use their notes to talk about their previous partner’s
plans for their next birthday.
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Recording script
Activity 6
Hello. My name is Martha and I’m from Taiwan. I’m a flight attendant with China
Airlines, so I sometimes work on my birthday. But I usually celebrate my birthday with
my family. We go to a restaurant in the evening and eat dumplings and noodles. My
parents and my grandmother always give me money. This year I’m going to have a party. I
hope all my friends can come.
Hi. I’m Kenji and I live in Tokyo. My birthday is on May 14 th . The weather is usually
really nice, so I often go to the park and have a picnic with my friends. Sometimes we go
to a movie in the evening. I don’t usually celebrate my birthday with my family, but they
buy me presents. This year I’m going to be eighteen, and my mother and father are going
to buy me a guitar.
My name is Sun-Hyi and I’m from Pusan in Korea. It’s my twentieth birthday next week.
Twenty is a very special age in Korea so my friends are going to have a party for me. My
brother and sister are going to come, too. I don’t usually have a party. In fact, I usually
don’t celebrate my birthday at all. But my mother sometimes cooks a special meal for my
family. I’d like a CD player for my birthday, but I don’t really know what I’m going to get.
[ Source: Get Real! 2, Lesson 1A Listen In.]
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