Nabisco Snack Well's Banana Snack Bars.txt

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Nabisco Snack Well's Banana Snack Bars 

Servings: 21 Snack Bars
Nutrition Facts Serving size � 1 bar Servings � 21 Total fat
 (per serving) � 1.8g Calories (per serving) � 118
2 egg whites, 1 cup plus 5 tablespoons sugar,
2 tablespoons brown sugar,  2 tablespoons molasses,
1 1/2 cups banana puree* , 3 tablespoons shortening, 
1/4 cup whole milk,  1/2 teaspoon vanilla butter nut extract,
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour, 1/2 teaspoon salt,
1/4 teaspoon baking soda.
Preparation Instructions: 1. Preheat oven to 350�. 2. In a large
 bowl, whip the egg whites with an electric mixer until they 
become thick. Do not use a plastic bowl for this. 3. Add the 
sugar to the egg whites and continue to beat until the mixture 
forms soft peaks. 4. Add the brown sugar, molasses, banana puree,
 shortening, milk and vanilla butter nut flavoring to the mixture,
 beating after each addition. 5. In a separate bowl, combine the
 remaining ingredients. 6. While beating the wet mixture, slowly
 add the bowl of dry ingredients. 7. Lightly grease a 9x14-inch
 pan with a light coating of non-stick cooking spray. Be sure to
 coat the sides as well as the bottom of the pan. Dump about 3 
tablespoons of sugar into the pan, then tilt and shake the pan 
so that a light layer of sugar coats the entire bottom of the pan,
 and about halfway up the sides. Pour out the excess sugar. 8.
 Pour the batter into the pan, and spread it evenly around the 
inside of the pan. Sprinkle a light coating of sugar -- about 
two tablespoons -- over the entire top surface of the batter. 
Gently shake the pan from side-to-side to evenly distribute the 
sugar over the batter. Bake for 25-28 minutes or until the cake
 begins to pull away from the sides of the pan. 9. Remove the 
cake from the oven and turn it out onto a cooling rack. When cake
 has cooled, place it onto a sheet of wax paper on a cutting board
 and slice across the cake 6 times, creating 7 even slices. Next 
cut the cake lengthwise twice, into thirds, creating a total of 21
 snack bars. When the bars have completely cooled, store them in a
 resealable plastic bag or an airtight container. *Puree whole 
bananas (approximately 3) in a food processor or blender until 
smooth and creamy. 
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