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Essentials of English Grammar : 25th impression, 1987
Essentials of English Grammar
Essentials of English Grammar
Otto Jespersen
First published March 1933 by George Allan & Unwin Ltd
Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group
This edition published in the Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2006.
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THE appearance of this book is due to urgent appeals from some English friends (among
them Professors W.E.Collinson, G.C.Moore Smith, and R.A.Williams), who asked me to
bring out a one-volume grammar embodying the principles explained in The Philosophy
of Grammar and partly carried out in the seven volumes of my Modern English
Grammar . After some years of hesitation I have now made the attempt, but of course the
responsibility for its shortcomings rests exclusively upon me. Parts of the manuscript
have been submitted to various friends, to whose kind criticisms I owe a great debt of
gratitude. I must mention Dr.E.R.Edwards, who read nearly the whole of the manuscript;
Professors C.A.Bodelsen and G.E.K.Braunholtz, Miss Isabel Fry, Dr.G.E.Fuhrken, and
Miss J.Young, Ph.D., who all of them read a greater or lesser number of chapters and
communicated to me their remarks. Niels Haislund, M.A., assisted me in copying the
manuscript, and gave me valuable assistance in reading the proofs. My heartfelt thanks to
all these kind scholars!
To the student I may perhaps offer two pieces of advice: to read in general the
examples before the rules, and, if he is not particularly interested in phonetics, to skip
Chapters II–VI until he has finished the rest of the book.
I may be allowed here to repeat what I wrote in 1909 in the first volume of my bigger
“It has been my endeavour in this work to represent English Grammar not as a set of
stiff dogmatic precepts, according to which some things are correct and others absolutely
wrong, but as something living and developing under continual fluctuations and
undulations, something that is founded on the past and prepares the way for the future,
something that is not always consistent or perfect, but progressing and perfectible—in
one word, human.”
A detailed exposition of the reasons that have led me to deviate from much of what is
usually found in English grammars, and some criticism of the views of other scholars,
will be found in a paper on “The System of Grammar,” which will be printed in a
volume, “Linguistica: Selected Papers in English, French, and German,” and will also be
sold separately. 1
January 1933
1 London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd.
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