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Woodworking Technique: Machine-Cut Dovetails
With a router and a dovetail jig you can
cut a perfect-fitting joint in seconds. The
trick is getting the jig set up properly.
still remember the first time I
used a dovetail jig. I don’t
know if it was the high-powered
scream of the router, the shower
of chips, or the rhythmic motion
of moving the router in and out
around the template, but I was
hooked. For the next few
months, I used dovetails on just
about ever y project I made.
Although that initial excite-
ment has subsided a little, I still
think a dovetail jig is a great
accessor y for any shop. I can’t
imagine building the chest-on-
chest featured in this issue with-
out one. For speed and accura-
cy, a dovetail jig is hard to beat.
But there’s more to cutting
dovetails than simply flipping
the switch on your router. The
jig and router requires a care-
ful setup. Plus, you’ll need a cou-
ple test pieces to “fine-tune” the
fit. Fortunately, this isn’t too dif-
ficult. All it takes is a little
patience and perseverance.
HALF-BLIND JIGS . There are sev-
eral kinds of dovetail jigs on the
market designed to cut a vari-
ety of dovetails. But one of the
more common types is that
which cuts half-blind dovetails,
see box below. (Half-blind dove-
tails are often used on drawers
where you don’t want the dove-
tails to be visible from the front.)
All half-blind dovetail jigs
work in the same fashion, see
series of photos at right. The
two workpieces are clamped in
the jig at a right angle. Then a
comb-like template is placed
over the workpieces. A bushing
on the router base (or some-
times a bearing on the router
bit) guides a dovetail-shaped bit
around the “fingers” of the tem-
plate, cutting both the pins and
the tails at the same time.
{ Clamp pieces in jig. After positioning both
workpieces underneath the jig template, tight-
en down the cams on the clamping bars to
hold the workpieces securely in place.
{ Rout dovetails. The template guides the
router in and out as the dovetails and pins
are routed simultaneously. This ensures a
perfectly-aligned joint every time.
While there are a number of half-blind
dovetail jigs on the market, they all
work in the same manner. The main
differences lie in the type of clamping
system (some use cams, others use
wing nuts), the material used for the
template (plastic or metal), and the
ease of adjusting the stops.
A bare-bones jig can be purchased
for as little as $60 while heavier-duty
versions sell for $300 to $350.
Editor’s Note : Although we used the
Woodsmith dovetail jig for this article,
the procedure is nearly identical for all
half-blind dovetail jigs of this type.
{ Test fit . With the pieces removed from the
jig, test the fit of the joint. The tails should
slide halfway into the sockets. A soft mallet
can then be used to drive the joint home.
© 2002 August Home Publishing Company
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The template controls the spacing
of the dovetails. Most templates are
designed to cut 1 / 2 "-wide dovetails
spaced 7 / 8 " apart. So it’s best to plan
your projects so the width (height)
of the drawers is always a multiple of
7 / 8 ". This way, you’ll end up with a
joint that is symmetrical — a perfect
half-pin on both the top and the bot-
tom, see drawing in margin.
TEST CUTS . The template may control
the spacing of the dovetails, but there
are still a couple of adjustments that
you’ll have to make to control the fit
of the joint. And since you don’t want
to risk ruining your finished work-
pieces, you’ll need to practice on a
couple of test pieces that are the same
width and thickness as your drawer
pieces. Then once you get the set-
tings just right, you can rout the dove-
tails on your actual workpieces.
SETTING UP THE JIG . Essentially, there
are three different adjustments that
you’ll need to be concerned with
when setting up the jig.
First, a “stepped” stop on each
end of the jig is used to create an
offset between the two workpieces
and to position them from side-to-
side underneath the template. (On
some jigs, this offset is created by
using two separate stops.) This stop
ensures that the dovetails are cen-
tered on the width of the work-
pieces (leaving equal-sized half-pins
at the top and bottom).
When you’re making a drawer or
box, half the joints are cut on the left
side of the jig and half are cut on the
right side. (This way, the bottom of the
workpiece is always against a stop.)
So you’ll have to set the stop at each
” offset
between the two workpieces and to
position them from side-to-side
&/ 1 6
beneath the template. You’ll need
to adjust each end of the jig inde-
pendently, since half the joints are
cut on the left and half on the right.
end independently, see Step 1.
The second adjustment to make is
to the template. Two stop nuts on the
threaded rods control the front-to-
back positioning of the template,
which affects the depth of the sock-
ets. (The sockets are the spaces into
which the dovetails fit.)
And finally, raising or lowering the
height of the dovetail bit in the router
controls the fit of the dovetails.
Later, you’ll fine-tune each of these
adjustments. But for now, you just
want to get them “in the ballpark” so
you can make your first test cut, see
Steps 2 through 4.
adjust the stop so the edge of
the front test piece is centered in the
first notch or opening of the template.
or out so fingers of template are
centered over the “joint line” between
the two test pieces.
4 Mount &/ 1 6” guide bushing onto
router. Then to start with, raise
” from router base. It may have
to be adjusted slightly later on.
© 2002 August Home Publishing Company
1 The stops on the ends of the jig
are used to create a
2 With the test pieces in the jig,
3 Stop nuts should be adjusted in
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Rout Test Pieces
{ To get a perfect-
fitting joint,
you’ll need to
rout a few test
pieces first.
Once you have the initial
settings in place, you’re ready
to start making your
test cuts and “tweak-
ing” the adjustments. To
do this, place a test drawer
side under the clamping bar
on the front of the jig and a test
drawer front under the clamping
bar on top of the jig.
Make sure that both pieces are
tight against the stops and the end
of the drawer side piece is flush with
the top face of the drawer front piece.
(This is also important when it
comes to routing the dovetails in
your actual workpieces.)
ADD TEMPLATE . Next mount the tem-
plate on the jig. Hold it down flat on
the workpieces while you tighten
the wing nuts. Check to make sure
the template is resting flat and isn’t
flexed by the workpieces (especially
if your template is plastic).
ROUT THE TEST PIECES . Now the pieces
can be routed. To prevent chipout,
start by making a light scoring pass
from right to left, see Step. 5. Safety
Note: It’s normally not a good idea
to rout in this direction (backrout-
ing). But it’s okay in this case since
you are taking just a light pass.
After the initial scoring cut, start
gently moving the router in and out
of the fingers, beginning on the left-
hand side of the jig, see Step 6. You
should be able to feel the guide bush-
ing stop at the back of each notch.
Let the bushing and the template
guide the router. You want to keep
the bushing in contact with the edge
of the template, but you don’t need
side, start by making a light pass
from right to left. This skim cut estab-
lishes a clean shoulder line.
to right in and out of the notches.
Push the router into each notch until
the bushing hits the back of the notch.
to force it. Shop Tip: To help the
router glide smoothly over the tem-
plate, tr y applying a little paste wax to
the router base and the template.
One other thing. When you’re rout-
ing the dovetails, be careful to keep
the router base flat on the template at
all times. If you accidentally tip the
router or lift it up, the bit will take a
chunk out of your dovetails, your tem-
plate, or both. (This is not good.)
REMOVE TEMPLATE . When you’ve fin-
ished routing the dovetails in the
test pieces, turn off the router and
remove the template to examine the
dovetails. It’s a good idea to leave
the pieces in the jig until after you’ve
checked to make sure that you’ve
routed ever y pin and socket clean-
ly, see Step 7. This way, if you miss
a spot you can simply place the tem-
plate back on the workpieces and
clean up the area you missed.
TEST FIT . Now you can remove the
test pieces from the jig and see how
they fit. Before fitting the pieces
together, though, take a second to
blow out any chips in the sockets
and lightly sand off any wood fibers
remaining on the pieces, see Step 8.
Slide the pieces together to see how
they fit, see Step 9. Ideally, you should
be able to slide the dovetails about
halfway into the sockets by hand.
Then a light tap or two with a mallet
should fully seat the tails.
Don’t worr y if the fit isn’t perfect
on the first tr y. Chances are you’ll
have to make some adjustments to
the jig or the router bit (or both),
see box on opposite page.
The important thing is to avoid tr y-
ing to adjust ever ything in one fell
swoop. Instead, focus on one thing at
a time and keep making test cuts until
you get it right. Shop Note: You can
re-use your test pieces by simply trim-
ming the dovetails off the ends.
Once you’re satisfied with the fit, tr y
cutting a test joint on the right side of
the jig as well to make sure the stop
on this end is positioned correctly.
(You shouldn’t have to change the bit
setting or the stop nuts for the tem-
plate.) Now you’re ready to rout the
dovetails on your actual pieces.
not the workpieces) and check to
make sure that all of the dovetails
and sockets are uniform.
blow out any remaining wood
chips and sand off any “whiskers” that
are still attached to the pieces.
the sockets about half way. A
couple of taps with a mallet should
drive them in the rest of the way.
© 2002 August Home Publishing Company
5 To prevent chipout on the drawer
6 Next, move the router from left
7 Finally, remove the template (but
8 Before testing the fit of the joint,
9 The dovetails should easily fit into
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Rout Drawer Pieces
The procedure for routing the dove-
tails on the final workpieces is the
same one that you used for routing
your test pieces. But this is where
all your patience in adjusting the
jig pays off. Now it’s just a matter
of clamping each piece in the jig
and routing the dovetails. The only
trick is keeping all the drawer
pieces organized as you go along.
LAY OUT JOINTS . To help keep things
straight, I like to start by laying out all
four drawer pieces on top of my
bench, with the inside faces up, see
detail ‘a.’ Then I number the match-
ing corners (starting at the left, front
corner) and label each piece (front,
back or side). Finally, label or mark
the bottom edge of each piece.
When you’ve got all the pieces
labeled, you’re ready to start routing
the first corner. There are two main
things to remember when placing the
pieces in the jig. First, the pieces are
always inserted so the inside faces
out. And second, the bottom edges
should always be against the stops.
This means that you have to cut half
the joints on the left side of the jig
and half on the right side. Shop Tip:
To help myself keep straight which
corner goes where, I also label the
ends of the jig, see drawing above.
ROUT FIRST CORNER . To rout the first
corner, place the drawer side in the
front of the jig and the drawer front
on the top of the jig, just like you did
with the test pieces. Make sure the
pieces are against the stops and the
clamps are tightened securely. Then
rout the dovetails.
At this point, you’ve routed the joint
at the left front corner of the drawer
(No. 1). Next, rout the right rear cor-
ner joint (No. 3) using the same pro-
cedure. (Place the drawer back piece
on the top of the jig.)
The other two joints (Nos. 2
and 4) are routed with the pieces
tight against the stop block on
the right side of the jig.
When routing on the right side of
the jig, follow the same procedure.
Make a scoring pass from right to left
and then move the router in and out
of the notches from left to right.
Now it’s just a matter of repeating
this process to cut the dovetails on
the remainder of the drawers. W
Setting up to
rout machine-cut
dovetails is
always a trial and
error effort.
There’s usually
lots of fiddling
around with test
pieces and adjusting of the
jig to get a perfect fit.
TOO LOOSE . If the joint is so loose that the
pieces wiggle around when they’re put
together, the depth of cut is too shallow, see
first photo. Increase the depth of cut about
1 / 32 " and tr y again.
TOO TIGHT . If a trial cut is so tight that
the pieces can’t be tapped together, the
router bit is extended out too far from the
router base. Decrease the depth of cut
about 1 / 32 " and tr y again.
TOO DEEP . If the pins on the drawer sides
go too far into the sockets on the draw-
er front, the sockets are too deep, see
middle photo below. To correct this,
move the template for ward (toward you)
by turning the stop nuts on the studs
counterclockwise. (Be sure to adjust the
nuts on both ends of the jig.)
TOO SHALLOW . If the pins don’t go far
enough into the sockets, move the
template back (away from you) by
turning the stop nuts clockwise.
OFFSET . If the top edges of the two pieces
aren’t flush when you assemble the joint,
the problem is either with the offset of the
stop blocks (it should be 7 / 16 ") or the fact
that the pieces weren’t tight against the
stops, see third photo.
OTHER PROBLEMS . Most other problems
are usually caused by the pieces not being
clamped down in the jig so they are flush
across the top, or because they move out
of position as they’re being routed.
Too Loose. If joint is too
loose, increase bit depth.
Too Tight. If the joint is
too tight, decrease depth.
Too Deep. If pins go deep,
move template forward.
Too Shallow. If not deep
enough, move back.
Offset. If the pieces don’t
align at top or bottom,
they may not have been
tight against stops.
© 2002 August Home Publishing Company
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