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Optimization and Computational Fluid Dynamics
Dominique Thevenin · Gabor Janiga
and Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dominique Thevenin
Dr.-Ing. Gabor Janiga
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Institut für Strömungstechnik und Thermodynamik (ISUT)
Universitätsplatz 2
39106 Magdeburg
DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-72153-6
Library of Congress Control Number: 2007941795
© 2008 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
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The idea of this book was born during the Conference on Modelling Fluid
Flow held in Budapest at the beginning of September 2006. During this oc-
casion, we had decided to propose and thus hold a workshop entitled Cou-
pling CFD with Optimisation, based on our rapidly increasing experience
with this highly interesting topic. We were nevertheless surprised to see the
resonating enthusiasm displayed throughout the workshop by the conference
From the discussions with all the speakers present at this workshop as well
as the survey of the scope of the available books and review articles on this
subject, it became easier to understand this great interest. While there is a
wealth of new research projects that deal with the coupling of Computational
Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and modern Optimization techniques, it is however
di cult to nd reference publications on this topic. There are indeed a few,
excellent books available (see also the Introduction), but they are mostly
restricted to aerodynamics, since this has been the rst eld of CFD for
which optimization has become a tool of major importance. Moreover, the
connection between CFD and Evolutionary Algorithms, often required when
considering more complex systems of equations and physical models, has not
been documented extensively.
Therefore we decided, together with the support of almost all workshop
participants and a few internationally renowned newcomers, to gather and re-
count our experience concerning Optimization based on evaluations obtained
through Computational Fluid Dynamics (a procedure abbreviated in this
book as CFD-O ), in order to prepare a book covering most of the relevant
aspects and issues. Thanks to the hard work and constant support of all con-
tributors, it has been nally possible to release this publication almost exactly
one year after the workshop in Budapest. We hope that the interested readers
will nd here appropriate answers to the main questions: What is indeed
CFD-O? What simulation is today possible using CFD-O? How can I rely on
CFD-O for my own applications and which approach should I choose?
Our rst research project on CFD-O was connected with the Ph.D. super-
vision of Mr. R. Baron at the Ecole Centrale in Paris. He is the creator of our
Optimization library (Opal) and must be thanked here for the quality of his
work and for his unsurpassed motivation. The authors would furthermore like
to thank Ms. Imelda Pasley for her thorough corrections of the manuscript.
The quality of many graphical illustrations has been greatly enhanced by
Mr. Imre Ferencsin.
Dominique Thevenin
August 2007
Gabor Janiga
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