ANSYS ICEM CFD Tutorial.pdf

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Meshing Tutorial Manual
Version 4.2.2
September 2002
© 2002 by ICEM CFD Engineering
All Rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or used in any form
otherwise without express permission from ICEM CFD Engineering.
All other products or name brands are trademarks of their respective holders.
ICEM CFD Engineering
2855 Telegraph Avenue
Suite 501
Berkeley, CA 94705
Table of Contents
Getting Started
Section 1:Introduction to ICEM CFD 1
1.0.1:The Unified Geometry Input Concept.......................... 2
1.0.2:The ICEM CFD Geometry Generation Interface ......... 4
1.0.3:Meshing Modules ......................................................... 4
1.0.4:Mesh Visualization and Optimization .......................... 6
Section 2: ICEM CFD Mesh Editor 9
2.0.1:The ICEM CFD Main window................................... 10
2.0.2:The Display window .................................................. 13
2.0.3:The ICEM CFD Messages window............................ 14
Tutorial Example 2.1: 2D Pipe Junction 15
2.1.1:Starting the Project in ICEM CFD MED ................... 16
2.1.2:Generating the Geometry ........................................... 17
Tutorial Example 2.2: 3D Pipe Junction 25
2.2.1:Starting the Project ..................................................... 25
2.2.2:Generating the Geometry ........................................... 27
Tutorial Example 2.3: Sphere Cube 35
2.3.1:Starting the Project ..................................................... 35
2.3.2:Generating the Geometry ........................................... 36
Tutorial Example 2.4: Pipe Blade 43
2.4.1:Starting the Project ..................................................... 43
2.4.2:Generating the Geometry ........................................... 44
Version 4.2.2
Meshing Tutorial Manual
ICEM CFD Engineering
Section 3: ICEM CFD Hexa 49
3.0.1:Introduction ................................................................ 49
3.0.2:Mesh Generation with ICEM CFD Hexa ................... 51
3.0.3:The Hexa Database..................................................... 52
3.0.4:Intelligent Geometry in ICEM CFD Hexa ................. 52
3.0.5:Unstructured and Multi-block Structured Meshes ..... 53
3.0.6:Blocking Strategy ....................................................... 54
3.0.7:Using the Automatic O-grid ....................................... 55
3.0.8:The ICEM CFD Hexa Graphical User Interface ........ 56
Tutorial Example 3.1: 2D Pipe Junction 63
3.1.1:The Blocking Strategy................................................ 64
3.1.2:Starting the Project in ICEM CFD Hexa.................... 65
3.1.3:Splitting the Blocking Material .................................. 65
3.1.4:Creating Composite Curves........................................ 68
3.1.5:Projecting the Edges to Curves .................................. 69
3.1.6:Moving the Vertices ................................................... 71
3.1.7:Generating the Mesh .................................................. 73
3.1.8:Refining the Mesh with Edge Meshing ...................... 75
3.1.9:Saving the Blocking and Mesh before Quitting ......... 80
Tutorial Example 3.2: 2D Car 81
3.2.1:The Blocking Strategy................................................ 82
3.2.2:Starting the Project ..................................................... 83
3.2.3:Splitting the Blocks with Prescribed Points ............... 84
3.2.4:Splitting Blocks using the Index Control ................... 86
3.2.5:Reassigning the Material Domains............................. 89
3.2.6:Body Fitting the Blocking .......................................... 90
3.2.7:Aligning the Vertices.................................................. 92
3.2.8:Meshing with Curve Parameters ................................ 96
3.2.9:Creating an O-grid around the Car ............................. 98
3.2.10:Meshing with Edge Parameters ................................ 99
3.2.11:Saving your Replay File and Quitting Hexa .......... 101
3.2.12:Using Replay for the Design Iteration.................... 102
Tutorial Example 3.3: 3D Pipe Junction
ICEM CFD Engineering
Meshing Tutorial Manual
Version 4.2.2
3.3.1:The Blocking Strategy.............................................. 106
3.3.2:Starting the Project ................................................... 106
3.3.3:Creating Families in the Mesh Editor....................... 106
3.3.4:Starting ICEM Hexa ................................................. 109
3.3.5:Blocking the Geometry ............................................ 109
3.3.6:Projecting the Edges to the Curves........................... 111
3.3.7:Moving the Vertices ................................................. 112
3.3.8:Generating the Mesh ................................................ 114
3.3.9:Checking the Mesh Quality ...................................... 117
3.3.10:Creating an O-grid in the Blocking ........................ 119
3.3.11:Verifying and Saving the Mesh.............................. 123
Tutorial Example 3.4: Sphere Cube 125
3.4.1:The Blocking Strategy.............................................. 125
3.4.2:Starting the Project ................................................... 125
3.4.3:Creating Families in the Mesh Editor....................... 126
3.4.4:Starting ICEM CFD Hexa ........................................ 127
3.4.5:Creating the Composite Curves................................ 127
3.4.6:Projecting the Edges to Curves ................................ 128
3.4.7:Moving Vertices ....................................................... 129
3.4.8:Creating the O-grid................................................... 130
3.4.9:Fitting the O-grid Using Prescribed Points .............. 130
3.4.10:Setting the Inner block to VORFN......................... 131
3.4.11:Generating the Mesh .............................................. 132
Tutorial Example 3.5: Pipe Blade 135
3.5.1:The Blocking Strategy.............................................. 135
3.5.2:Starting the Project ................................................... 136
3.5.3:Creating Families in the Mesh Editor....................... 136
3.5.4:Starting ICEM Hexa ................................................. 138
3.5.5:Using Prescribed Points to Fit the Blocking ............ 138
3.5.6:Splitting the Topology Using Prescribed Points ...... 141
3.5.7:Collapsing Blocks to Represent the Blade Material. 142
3.5.8:Edge to Curve Association on the Blade.................. 144
3.5.9:Moving the Vertices ................................................. 145
3.5.10:Generating the O-grid............................................. 145
Version 4.2.2
Meshing Tutorial Manual
ICEM CFD Engineering
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