present simple interrogative.doc

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B) Use the verbs in brackets to complete the questions:


·         Where ___________ she ___________? (live)

·         ___________you ___________ where I live? (know)

·         What ___________ Mark ___________ for lunch? (have)

·         ___________she ___________ French? (speak)

·         When ___________ we ___________? (get up)

·         ___________ Peter ___________ sports? (like)

·         Why ___________ she ___________ so much? (study)

·         How long ___________ you ___________ to get to school? ( take)


C) Complete the questions:


·         What time ___________________________________________________?

I go to school at 8:30.


·         Where ______________________________________________________?

My father works in Lisbon.


·         ____________________________________________________________?

Yes, Mary speaks English very well.


·         ____________________________________________________________?

No, I don’t like milk.


·         How ________________________________________________________?

I go to school by bus.


D) Ask questions:


·         __________________________________________________________?

Yes, I like ice-cream.


·         __________________________________________________________?

No, Mark doesn’t speak French.


·         __________________________________________________________?

Yes, She arrives at 8 o’clock.

Vanda51              Página 2


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