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Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity
Volume 2012, Article ID 805762, 14 pages
Review Article
Wine Polyphenols: Potential Agents in Neuroprotection
Abdelkader Basli, 1, 2 Stephanie Soulet, 3 Nassima Chaher, 4 Jean-Michel Merillon, 1
Mohamed Chibane, 5 Jean-Pierre Monti, 1 and Tristan Richard 1
1 GESVAB, EA 3675, ISVV, Universite de Bordeaux, 33882 Villenave d’Ornon, France
2 Laboratoire 3BS, Universite de Bejaia, Targa Ouzemour, 06000 Bejaia, Algeria
3 BIOTEM, EA 4239, Universit´edelaPolynesie Fran¸aise, BP 6570, Tahiti, 98702 FAAA, Polynesie Fran¸aise, France
4 Laboratoire de Biochimie Appliquee, Faculte des Sciences de la Nature et de la vie, Universite de Bejaia, 06000 Bejaia, Algeria
5 Laboratoire de Technologie Alimentaire, Faculte des Sciences, Universite AMO Bouira, Bouira, Algeria
Correspondence should be addressed to Tristan Richard, trichard33@gmail.com
Received 10 February 2012; Revised 20 April 2012; Accepted 20 April 2012
Academic Editor: David Vauzour
Copyright © 2012 Abdelkader Basli et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
There are numerous studies indicating that a moderate consumption of red wine provides certain health benefits, such as the
protection against neurodegenerative diseases. This protective e ect is most likely due to the presence of phenolic compounds in
wine. Wine polyphenolic compounds are well known for the antioxidant properties. Oxidative stress is involved in many forms
of cellular and molecular deterioration. This damage can lead to cell death and various neurodegenerative disorders, such as
Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s diseases. Extensive investigations have been undertaken to determine the neuroprotective e
ects of
wine-related polyphenols. In this review we present the neuroprotective abilities of the major classes of wine-related polyphenols.
1. Introduction
tissues, particularly the brain, are highly exposed to oxidative
damages because of their elevated oxygen consumption and
the induced generation of large amounts of reactive oxygen
species [ 7 , 8 ].
Oxidative stress resulting in ROS generation and inflam-
mation is responsible for many forms of cellular and mol-
ecular deterioration such as mitochondrial collapsing, DNA
damage, and protein, carbohydrate, and lipid oxidation [ 9 ].
This damage can lead to early cell aging, cell death, and
various chronic pathologies like neurodegenerative disor-
ders, cardiovascular illnesses, cancers, or type 2 diabetes
[ 2 , 6 , 10 , 11 ]. Di
Aging is a risk factor common to a number of neurodege-
nerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and
Parkinson’s disease. Moreover, associated with the popula-
tion aging, the occurrence of these neurodegenerative disor-
ders is also likely to augment [ 1 ]. In addition to the possible
involvement in aging, the common characteristic of most
degenerative diseases is that they result from neuronal death.
Oxidative stress may play a crucial role in progressive neu-
ronal death [ 2 ].
Free radicals are oxidative molecules that occur naturally
in the environment but can also be generated in vivo .Reactive
oxygen species (ROS) are produced by immune cells in
order to sustain their antibacterial and antifungal functions
[ 3 ]. When ROS are overproduced, they are taken in charge
by various enzymatic pathways for inactivation (superoxide
dismutase, catalase, cytochromes, etc.) [ 4 , 5 ]. Although these
enzymatic pathways can be overstepped, ROS accumulate
and can react with the di
culty in treating these diseases and better
understanding of their development and causes highlight the
usefulness of antioxidants as prevention treatments.
A number of epidemiological studies have shown that the
consumption of a diet rich in antioxidants can influence the
incidence of neurodegenerative disorders [ 12 ]. Orgogozo et
al. have shown a positive correlation between a moderate
consumption of red wine and a decreased incidence of
dementia [ 13 , 14 ]. This protective e
erent cell molecules such as lipids,
proteins, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids. These interac-
tions with the ROS apply an oxidative stress to cells [ 6 ]. Some
to the presence of phenolic compounds in wine. Wine and
grape vine polyphenols are mainly flavonoids (flavanols,
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity
flavonols, and anthocyanins) and nonflavonoids (phenolic
acids, hydrolysable tannins, and stilbenes) [ 15 ]. Extensive
investigations have been undertaken to determine the neu-
roprotective e
[ 15 , 30 ]. The condensations of flavanol in wine induce the
formation of oligomers (proanthocyanidins and condensed
Flavanol intake has been associated with various bene-
ficial health e
ects of wine polyphenols [ 16 19 ]. These
polyphenols have displayed neuroprotective capacities in
numerous in vitro and animal models of neurotoxicities [ 19 ].
Several neuroprotective mechanisms of action have been
proposed, suggesting that polyphenols exert their activities
by reducing the production and the accumulation of ROS,
whose accumulation is likely to play a crucial pathological
role in brain aging, reducing oxidative stress and inflam-
mation and modulating the activity of intracellular signal
transduction molecules [ 19 21 ].
In this review we investigate the neuroprotective abilities
of the major classes of polyphenols in wine: flavanols, proan-
thocyanins, flavonols, anthocyanins, phenolic acids, tannins,
and stilbenes. Each specific class of polyphenol has shown
neuroprotective e
ects [ 31 , 32 ], and flavanols are known to be
brain-permeable substances [ 33 ]. Their transport is stereo-
metabolizing with glucuronic acid, for example [ 34 ]. Numer-
ous studies indicate that flavanols are of benefit for neuronal
health. Catechin may protect against the brain injuries
produced by endogenous neurotoxins involved in the onset
of Parkinson’s disease [ 35 ]. Catechin and epicatechin gallate
have also shown an ability to suppress neuroinflammation
and can attenuate and inhibit activation of microglia and/or
astrocytes associated with the release of the mediators linked
to the apoptotic death of neurons [ 36 ]. In addition, numer-
ous studies indicate that catechin derivatives may delay the
onset of neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s
disease through a numerous di
ects against neurodegenerative diseases.
Their neuroprotective activity has been documented, and we
underline the evidence suggesting that their mechanism of
action involves their antioxidant activity.
erent mechanisms such as
iron chelators, radical scavengers, and modulators of pro-
survival genes [ 31 , 37 40 ].
3.1.2. Proanthocyanidins. Proanthocyanidins and condensed
tannins are complex flavonoid polymers naturally present in
cereals, legumes, and fruits [ 41 ]. They are mainly formed
by the condensation of flavanol units to generate oligomers
(proanthocyanidins) and polymers (condensed tannins).
Their levels in wine depend on pressing techniques and grape
varieties. Typically they range from 5mg/L in white wines
to 1 g/L or even higher levels in old red wines [ 15 , 41 ].
They are associated with a change in wine quality such as a
modification of the hue and a decrease in astringency.
Very few studies have concerned the bioavailability of
proanthocyanidins. Condensed tannins should be degraded
in monomeric phenols, absorbed and metabolized, as has
been shown for other flavonoids [ 1 , 2 ]. Numerous studies
indicate that proanthocyanidins and condensed tannins
might prevent both cancers and cardiovascular diseases [ 42 ,
43 ]. Some reports demonstrate that its biological abilities
to scavenge the reactive oxygen species are associated to
the degree of polyphenol oligomerization. Some of these
polyphenols might have specific structures that exhibit
neuroprotective e
2. Wine Polyphenols
Products such as wine extract, grape seed, and grape skin
extracts are all known to contain a large variety of potent
antioxidants in the form of polyphenols. Plant phenolic
constituents are produced through two metabolic pathways,
the main being that of shikimic acid which leads to cinnamic
acids, whereas the polyacetate pathway induces the linkage of
a second aromatic ring to the first pathway molecules [ 22
24 ].
Wines contain various water-soluble polyphenols includ-
ing phenolic acids, stilbenes, tannins, flavanols, flavonols,
and anthocyanins (see Figure 1 ). Wine phenolics are divided
into two groups: flavonoid and nonflavonoid. The amounts
of phenolic compounds in wines are highly variable due to
varietal di
erences and process diversities. Indicative levels of
phenolic components in wine are shown in Ta b l e 1 [ 15 ]. Due
to wine processing, red wines containmore polyphenols than
white wines. Red wine has more antioxidant capacity than
white wine due to its phenolic content [ 25 27 ] . Phenolic red
wines are mainly composed by flavonoids with 1450mg/L
for young wines and 1285mg/L for aged ones. Phenolic
white wines are composed principally of nonflavonoids with
164mg/L for young wines and 245mg/L for aged ones [ 15 ,
24 ].
ects by interacting with putative neuron-
specific receptors [ 44 ]. Takahashi et al . have shown that pro-
cyanidin oligomers from grape seed exhibit higher growth-
promoting activity than the monomers toward mouse hair
epithelial cells in vitro and in vivo , these results indicating
ect might be correlated with their
structure [ 45 ]. Other research on rat brain suggests that
grape seed extract enriched in proanthocyanidins might
protect against pathology age-related oxidative brain damage
[ 46 ].
the specific e
3. Wine Polyphenols and Neuroprotection
3.1. Flavonoids and Neuroprotection
3.1.1. Flavanols. The flavanols, also called flavan-3-ols or
catechins, are the most reduced form of flavonoids. They are
present in various plants and are associated with the health
benefits of green tea [ 28 , 29 ]. The levels in wine depend on
the di
3.1.3. Flavonols. Flavonols occur in a wide range of vegeta-
bles. There polyphenols are always found in glycoside forms
in plants including grape berries, where they are present
in the skin. Flavonol glycosides and aglycones are found in
grape wine from trace amounts up to 200mg/L in some
erent grape cultivars and are typically in the range of
20–100mg/L. Catechin is usually the major flavanol in wine
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity
eic acid (hydroxycinnamate)
Gallic acid (benzoic acid)
Vescalagin (hydrolyzable tannin)
Catechin (flavanol)
Resveratrol (stilbene)
Quercetin (flavonol)
O +
Malvidin (anthocyanidin)
Dimer B3 (condensed tannin)
FIGURE 1: Chemical structures of some phenolic compounds from wine.
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Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity
TABLE 1: The levels of principal phenolic classes (mg/L) in red and
white table wine [ 15 ].
[ 61 , 63 66 ]. Anthocyanins also possess beneficial neuropro-
tective abilities. Some of them have the ability to cross the
blood-brain barrier and di
use through the central nervous
system [ 67 , 68 ]. Anthocyanins have neuroprotective benefits
in reducing age-associated oxidative stress and improving
cognitive brain function [ 61 , 69 72 ]. They induce significant
neuroprotective e
White wine
Red wine
Phenol class
ects against oxidative stress, DNA frag-
mentation and lipid peroxidation in mouse brain [ 73 , 74 ].
Thus, it appears that the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
benzoic acids
hydrolyzable tannins
ects of anthocyanins contribute to its neuroprotective
stilbenes (resveratrol)
Total mg/L
flavanol monomers
3.2. Nonflavonoids and Neuroprotection [ 73 , 74 ]
Condensed tannins
3.2.1. Phenolic Acids. The benzoic acids are a minor compo-
nent in wines. Whereas the hydroxycinnamates are the most
important class of nonflavonoid phenols in grape vine and
the major class of phenolics in white wine [ 15 , 75 ]. The three
important ones in wine are coumaric acid, ca
Total mg/L
eic acid, and
ferulic acid. Amount of total hydroxycinnamates in wine are
typically about 60mg/L in reds and 130mg/L in whites [ 15 ].
Hydroxycinnamates have an antioxidant activity by
scavenging free radicals [ 76 , 77 ]. Their strong antioxidant
properties help to explain their beneficial role on health
and in reducing disease risk. Hydroxycinnamates and other
phenolic acids have received less attention. It has been
shown that p-coumaric acid, hydroxycinnamates ca
red wines [ 15 , 47 , 48 ]. Myricetin, quercetin, and kaempferol
conjugates are the major flavonols in wine [ 48 , 49 ].
Primary results indicate that flavonols can pass the
blood-brain barrier [ 50 , 51 ]. Moreover, numerous stud-
ies indicated that flavonols, in addition to many other
health benefits, contribute significantly to the protection of
neuronal cells against oxidative-stress-induced neurotoxicty
[ 52 , 53 ]. In Alzheimer’s disease, neuronal loss is preceded
by the extracellular accumulation of amyloid-
eic acid,
and a Champagne wine extract rich in these compounds
have neuroprotective e
ects against injury induced by 5-
S-cysteinyl-dopamine in vitro [ 78 ]. Ca
). It has been shown that pretreatment of primary
hippocampal cultures with quercetin significantly attenuates
eic acid has been
reported to have neuroprotective e
neurotoxicity in vitro and to inhibit peroxynitrite-induced
neuronal injury [ 78 80 ]. Ferulic acid has been showed to
protect primary neuronal cell cultures against hydroxyl- and
peroxyl-radical-mediated oxidative damage [ 81 , 82 ].
ects against A
-induced toxicity, lipid peroxidation, protein oxidation
and apoptosis [ 54 ]. A dose-response study indicated that
quercetin exhibited protective capacities against A
toxicity by modulating oxidative stress at lower doses [ 54 ].
In cerebral ischemia, calcium dysregulation is one of the
main instigators of neuronal cell death and brain damage.
Quercetin has been shown to exert significant protection
against ischemic injury. Indeed, treatment with quercetin
reduced the spectrin breakdown products caused by ischemic
activation of calcium-dependent protease calpoin and inhib-
ited the acid-mediated intracellular calcium level [ 55 ].
3.2.2. Hydrolyzable Tannins. Tannins are water-soluble poly-
phenols. One of the major properties of these molecules is
their capacity to precipitate proteins such as gelatin from
solution [ 83 85 ]. In wine, hydrolyzable tannins arise during
maturation and ageing of wines in oak barrels [ 86 ]. Castala-
gin and vescalagine are the main representative compounds
of ellagic tannins [ 87 ]. Their levels are about 100mg/L in
aged white wines, while red wine levels are about 250mg/L
after aging in oak barrels for two or more years [ 15 , 88 ].
They are mainly ellagic acid and gallic acid ester derivatives
with glucose or other sugars. Due to the presence of the ester
linkage, they are described as being hydrolyzable. Hydro-
lyzable tannins are not present in Vitis vinifera but are present
in other fruits such as muscadine grapes and raspberries
[ 89 ]. These polyphenols are excellentantioxidantsand natural
preservatives, also helping give the wine structure and
texture. However, recent research on tannins has focused on
their potential to impact positively on human health. Tan-
nins have demonstrated a host of potent biological activities,
antiperoxidation properties, inhibition of mutagenicity of
carcinogens and tumor promotion, specific antitumor abil-
ities in relation with tannin structures, antibacterial activity,
3.1.4. Anthocyanins. Anthocyanins act as guard systems in
plants and protect them from UV damage. They form
complex molecules with other phenolic molecules and
strongly contribute to the color and the aging of wine
[ 56 58 ]. The aglycone ring of these flavonoids is called
anthocyanidin. However, nonconjugated anthocyanidins are
never found in grapes or wine, except in trace quantities.
In wine there are five anthocyanidins: malvidin, cyanidin,
delphinidin, peonidin, and petunidin. Malvidin is the most
abundant anthocyanidin in red wines [ 15 ].
Among the wine flavonoids, anthocyanins constitute one
of the higher potent antioxidants correlated to their capacity
to delocalize electrons and form resonating structures [ 59
62 ]. Anthocyanins present numerous health benefits such as
anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, or antidiabetic e
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Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity
and antiviral activity [ 89 91 ]. In vivo , ellagitannins are
mainly transformed into ellagic acid and its metabolites. In
fact, they could be the agent responsible for the e
crucial for understanding polyphenol bioactivity. Several
studies indicate that the antioxidant e
ect in vitro of some
polyphenols may not indicate its activity in vivo .Indeed,its
alteration into metabolites and other derivative constituents
constitute the true bioactive molecules [ 113 , 115 118 ].
Polyphenols are extensively metabolized in di
ects of
dietary ellagitannins observed in vivo [ 92 , 93 ].
There are few studies whose objective has been the
neuroprotective activity of hydrolyzable tannins. Ellagic acid
has been reported to promote the formation of
erent tissues
such as colon, small intestine, and liver [ 119 ]. Polyphenols
are absorbed through the gut barrier. Some of them who are
not absorbed pass to the large intestine and undergo colonic
biotransformation by the enzymes of the colonic microflora
[ 118 ]. Polyphenols metabolized in the gastrointestinal tract
undergo conjugation in the liver after absorption. Then,
polyphenols are present in circulation as sulfated, glucuroni-
proportion of polyphenols ingested are subjected to hydrol-
yses and degradation by colonic microflora to simple phe-
nolic compounds. Wine polyphenols are grouped into two
categories: flavonoids and nonflavonoids as described before.
Chemical structure of polyphenol is a factor involved in the
gut absorption and the metabolism. We report here data on
the absorption and the metabolism of the main polyphenols
found in wine.
Concerning flavonoids, flavanols were absorbed and eli-
minated at low micromolar amounts of their direct conju-
gates (methylated, sulfated, and glucuronidated derivatives)
[ 120 ]. However, the degradation of flavan structure in colon
leads to the formation of phenolic compounds [ 114 , 121 ].
Because of their hydrosolubility and high molecular weight,
proanthocyanidins are not absorbed in the gut. The large
majority of proanthocyanidins cross without alteration
through the small intestine after which they are transformed
by the colonic microflora to produce simple phenolic acids
such as phenylacetic and phenylpropionic derivatives [ 122 ].
However, Tsang et al . reported that administration of grape-
seed procyanidins induce the formation of catechin glu-
curonide derivatives in rat plasma [ 123 ]. Flavonols are nat-
urally occurred as glycosides. Results indicate that flavonols
uptake induce a cleavage of the glycoside part in the small
intestine followed by absorption and metabolism of the agly-
cone [ 124 ]. Aglycones are then conjugated by sulfation and
glucuronidation as well as methylation of the catechol group
[ 118 ]. A large number of colonic metabolites identified are
simple phenolic acids [ 125 ]. Anthocyanins was absorbed
and excreted at a low proportion of the intact glycosides
after injection of wine extract [ 126 , 127 ]. The anthocyanins
degradation at the pH of the intestine in addition to the
microflora activity in the colon are at least in part involved in
the degradation of anthocyanins into more stable compound
such as phenolic acids [ 113 ].
Concerning nonflavonoids, ellagitannins are not absorb-
ed due to their large molecular size [ 128 ]. They are princi-
pally hydrolysed to ellagic acid under physiological condi-
tions in small intestine [ 113 ]. Ellagic acid and ellagitannins
reach the distal part of the small intestine and the colon, they
are mainly transformated by gut microflora into urolithin
derivatives [ 129 ]. The major stilbene compound found
in wine is resveratrol; thus, bioavailability of resveratrol
was investigated. Many investigations in animal models
and humans have indicated that a low bioavailability of
significant oligomer loss, in contradiction to previous results
indicating that polyphenols inhibited A
fibril formation
[ 94 ]. Nevertheless, ellagic acid reduces significantly A
induced neurotoxicity in human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma
cells. These results are in agreement with the hypothesis that
fibril formation may represent a protective mechanism of
local A
clearance. Thus, ellagic acid may have therapeutic
value in Alzheimer’s disease.
3.2.3. Resveratrol and Other Stilbenes. Stilbenes are second-
ary metabolites described as phytoalexins. Stilbenes are
found in grape vine and wine [ 95 97 ]. The main charac-
teristic of stilbenes consist of diary groups on either end of
an active double bond that generates the stilbene skeleton,
the so-called resveratrol. Stilbenes can also be found in
oligomeric and polymeric forms in wine [ 98 ]. Resveratrol is
found in wine from trace amounts up to 10mg/L typically
0.1mg/L in white wines and 2.0mg/L in red wines [ 15 , 99 ].
It is a substance with great potential that is being investigated
intensively, and its derivatives exhibit a wide range of phar-
macological and biological properties [ 100 ].
Resveratrol and its derivatives have also been reported
to be active against neuron cell dysfunction and death in
animal models [ 20 , 101 104 ]. Resveratrol can cross the
blood–brain barrier and exhibit neuroprotective properties
against cerebral injury [ 105 ]. Numerous mechanisms may
underline resveratrol neuroprotective e
induced neurotoxicity [ 106 ]. Resveratrol can act by reducing
the intracellular A
ects against A
level by inducing protease degradation
of the peptide in Alzheimer’s disease. Resveratrol and other
stilbenes have been shown to inhibit A
fibril formation in
vitro [ 107 , 108 ]. Furthermore, resveratrol has been shown
to exhibit significant free-radical scavenging abilities in
numerous cellular models [ 109 112 ]. Thus, overall scientific
data tend to show that among stilbenoids resveratrol has
ects against brain injuries in reducing brain damage in
complex manner including antioxidant properties, regula-
tion on neurovascular system, or ability to inhibit known
neuropathological processes.
4. Mechanisms
4.1. Bioavailability of Wine-Related Polyphenol. It is now
well established that wine polyphenols exhibit some bene-
ficial activities on health, particularly on neurodegenerative
diseases [ 113 ]. Biological activities are often measured on
cultured cells or isolated tissues using polyphenols in their
form present in wine (as aglycone or their sugar derivatives).
However, the question of their achievable concentration after
ingestion as well as the possibility of conjugate formation has
been ignored by many studies [ 114 ]. These data are though
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