His Persomal Assistent.pdf

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His Persomal Assistent
His Personal Assistant
His Personal Assistant
Proloug - 4
- 4
Chapter 1 Caffiene Fix
Caffiene Fix - - - - 6
Chapter 2 Little Lamb
Little Lamb - 8
- 8
Chapter 3 Victorious At Victory
Victorious At Victory - 12
- 12
Chapter 4 Spank Me
Spank Me - 16
- 16
Chapter 5 Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty - 20
- 20
Chapter 6 Defeat
Defeat - 25
- 25
Chapter 7 Towere Of Terror
Towere Of Terror - 31
- 31
Chapter 8 Key Me
Key Me - 36
- 36
Chapter 9 Innuendo
Innuendo - 40
- 40
Chapter 10 Success?
Success? - 45
- 45
Chapter 11 Control
Control - 50
- 50
Chapter 12 Erogenous Zones
Erogenous Zones - 56
- 56
Chapter 13 Daddy Issues
Daddy Issues - 62
- 62
Chapter 14 My Angel
My Angel - 67
- 67
Chapter 15 IceQueen
IceQueen - 74
- 74
Chapter 16 Quick Fix
Quick Fix - 80
- 80
Chapter 17 Forks
Forks - 85
- 85
Chapter 18 Porn Stars
Porn Stars - 94
- 94
Chapter 19 Sleeping Hobits
Sleeping Hobits - 102
- 102
Chapter 20 Green Eyed Monster
Green Eyed Monster - 108
- 108
Chapter 21 Morning After
Morning After - 115
- 115
Chapter 22 Home Run
Home Run - 121
- 121
Chapter 1
Caffiene Fix
Chapter 2
Little Lamb
Chapter 3
Victorious At Victory
Chapter 4
Spank Me
Chapter 5
Sleeping Beauty
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Towere Of Terror
Chapter 8
Key Me
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Erogenous Zones
Chapter 13
Daddy Issues
Chapter 14
My Angel
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Quick Fix
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Porn Stars
Chapter 19
Sleeping Hobits
Chapter 20
Green Eyed Monster
Chapter 21
Morning After
Chapter 22
Home Run
Chapter 23 Epiphany
Epiphany - 131
- 131
Chapter 24 Lobotomy
Lobotomy - 136
- 136
Chapter 25 Shameless Provocatur
- 143
Chapter 26 I Am Women
I Am Women - 152
- 152
Chapter 27 Hear Me Roar
Hear Me Roar - 158
- 158
Chapter 28 3 Houres Earlier
3 Houres Earlier - 167
- 167
Chapter 29 3 Houres Later
3 Houres Later - 174
- 174
Chapter 30 Princess
Princess - 181
- 181
Chapter 31 Synchronization
Synchronization - 187
- 187
Chapter 32 Join Em'
Join Em' - 194
- 194
Chapter 33 Distracted
Distracted - 200
- 200
Chapter 34 Play Time
Play Time - 208
- 208
Chapter 35 Tweedle's
Tweedle's - 216
- 216
Chapter 36 Pacing
Pacing - 224
- 224
Chapter 37
37 Resigned
Resigned - 230
- 230
Chapter 38 Boarding?
Boarding? - 238
- 238
Chapter 39 Miracles
Miracles - 243
- 243
Chapter 40 Elevanth Hour
Elevanth Hour - 248
- 248
Chapter 4 Stay
Stay - 254
- 254
Chapter 42 Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong - 261
- 261
Chapter 43 Stage: Step
Stage: Step - 265
- 265
Epilouge - 275
- 275
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Shameless Provocatur
Shameless Provocatur - 143
Chapter 26
I Am Women
Chapter 27
Hear Me Roar
Chapter 28
3 Houres Earlier
Chapter 29
3 Houres Later
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Join Em'
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Play Time
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Elevanth Hour
Chapter 4
Chapter 42
Donkey Kong
Chapter 43
Stage: Step
My lust-addled brain swiftly reached a conclusion; his jeans most definitely needed to come off.
The top button was undone, his snail trail running from his bellybutton and disappearing down, like
an arrow pointing to the Holy Grail. The prize in question was currently straining against its
confines, and the idea that it was I who did this to him made me writhe underneath him.
Please…” I begged, because this was what he had reduced me to.
My hands were captive above my head by one of his; every inch of his body was strategically
plastered to my naked form, pinning me to his bed and creating a delicious friction when he shifted.
Turning me into a begging, blubbering mess underneath him with the skill of an artist.
Please what?” He spat down at me.
The cords in his neck were strained, his bronze hair was damp, his lips were swollen, his nostrils
were flared and his eyes were black as pitch. His face would have been frightening if he hadn’t
spent the last forty minutes kissing, sucking, biting and licking every inch of my naked body. As it
was, I knew he was simply trying incredibly hard not to unzip a little bit more and plunge himself
into me.
Which was a mite inconvenient considering that was exactly what I wanted.
Please…please…” my arguments, which seemed so coherent in my head, came out in garbled
whimpers. “I’m ready now…”
He raised himself slightly, making sure my eyes were on his hand as he lowered it to his jeans. He
stopped with his palm flat against his bulge.
You’re ready now?” He questioned darkly, and I nodded in response, eyes still fixed on his hand.
When he started roughly rubbing himself through his jeans I heard myself moan, without any
conscious knowledge of making the sound.
I’m not sure I believe you. I’ve spent all night convincing you – rather eloquently, I feel, how much
I want you. You remember my arguments? The ones where I used me teeth, and my tongue, and my
fingers?” He was hissing at me, barely managing to get the words out as his hand continued to rub
up and down his length.
I nodded more emphatically this time, looking up to meet his intense stare with a desperate one of
my own. He ignored my frustration and finished, “and all you can say in response is “I’m ready
now”? Try a little harder.”
I want you inside of me,” I rasped shamelessly – because if this was what I needed to say to get to
the Holy Grail – then say it I would. And just in case that didn’t work, I pulled out the big guns; the
words I know would get him every time. “I want you to make me yours.”
His eyes, if possible, became darker. His breathing, heavy before, picked up now until he was
panting against my cheek. He leaned in until his forehead was touching mine and I heard his zipper
being lowered.
Baby,” he snarled “you are mine.” His tongue ran over my lips in an animalistic gesture of
But seeing as you don’t seem to realize it yet, I think I can spend a couple more hours drilling the
message in…”
And then my alarm woke me up.
My sheets were twisted around me, my sticky hair falling into my eyes and my heart hammering
away in my chest.
“Well, crap. ” I had a serious, serious problem.
I was dreaming about Edward Cullen – an issue most likely faced by the entire female (and possibly
some of the male) population of New York.
Don’t get me wrong; dreaming about Edward shouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing. Who wouldn’t
want to spend their night thinking about that bronzed-haired God touching them? To think about
him looking at you so possessively and intensely it could burn a hole through your heart?
But when I had to come face-to-face everyday with the literal man of my dreams, it became
something of an issue.
Especially when I was Mr. Cullen’s Personal Assistant, and he was my oblivious boss.
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