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¨ 2003, www.FunLessonPlans.com
Background Information for Teachers and Parents
People have always celebrated the coming of spring, the
time in the year when days finally grow longer than
nights, animals and plants burst into life, and everything
is new. Eggs are one kind of new life. In ancient Persia
and Egypt, people found eggs and colored them to
celebrate spring. Eggs also became a special gift from
landlords to their tenants and parents to their children to
celebrate the end of the Lenten fast. People held contests
for rolling eggs, just as they do every Easter on the White
House lawn in Washington, D.C.
Easter and the Jewish Passover. The name Easter itself
comes from the Teutonic goddess of spring, Eastra.
Nothing represents the new life of spring better than
rabbits, which are a kind of hare. One legend tells of
EastraÓs friendship with a hare and how she eventually
grew angry with him and banished him to the heavens
where he became the constellation Lepus , but she also
gave him the power, once a year, to lay eggs. Perhaps
from this tale has sprung the Easter bunny, who regularly
appears with a basketful of eggs and new spring flowers.
New clothing is also part of springtime. People once
believed that not wearing something new at spring
festivals was very bad luck. Perhaps thatÓs why many
people liked to show off new clothes in a parade on Easter
Sunday, which always comes within a week of the first
full moon of spring. The Easter season is when Christians
celebrate the resurrection of Christ. It is close to the time
for Passover, when Jews celebrate the liberation of the
Jews from Egypt. In Spanish this period in spring is called
Pascua , which refers to the time of both the Christian
The Easter bunny made his first appearance about 500
years ago in Germany, and a couple of hundred years
later he made his way to America along with the
Pennsylvania Dutch. But Easter as we know it was not
much celebrated in the United States until Civil War
times, when it became a time for consoling those who
had lost loved ones. A flower called the Bermuda lily
became so common at such ceremonies that it became
known everywhere as the Easter Lily.
¨ 2003, www.FunLessonPlans.com
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Instructions for Assembling the Pop-Up Easter Card
Copy of the pop-up Easter card printed or photocopied on 8 1/2Ñ x 11Ñ heavy white or yellow
paper. 24 lb. works well.
Yellow, pink or pastel colored construction paper for the backing, 9Ñ x 12Ñ size.
Crayons or markers - Children can color the pictures and write names on the Easter cards.
Scissors with sharp points.
Glue stick or paste.
Ruler - Can be used as a straightedge to hold against the folding line when making folds.
After the children have colored the pictures, an adult or older
children will need to handle the cutting and folding. Sharp
pointed scissors are used to cut all of the heavy, solid lines,
which are shown in blue on the pop-up card picture.
For pop-up pages, the folded lines are always of two kinds.
The first kind is folded up like an A. This is a ridge fold like
the ridge pole of a house. The second kind is folded down
like a V. This is a gutter fold like a drainage gutter. The key
below shows the A-Ridge fold as square red dots while the
V-Gutter fold is shown as green rectangular dots.
Cutting Lines
Ridge Fold - Fold up like an A.
Gutter Fold - Fold down like a V.
When all the pop-up folds have been made, fold the con-
struction paper in half to be used as the backing. Put a little
paste around the edges on the back of the pop-up. A glue
stick works well for this. Press the pop-up firmly against the
backing. Carefully fold it all down flat and then open it to
watch it POP-UP.
You can free hand cut the edge of the construction paper back-
ing to follow the border at the top and bottom of the pop-up
picture. See the cut border of the pop-up card on the left.
Since adult help is required, this is a good project for small
groups or for older brothers and sisters in an after-school
daycare center.
You can also use the Easter cards as a sample to devise your
own pop-up projects.
¨ 2003, www.FunLessonPlans.com
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