
(2146 KB) Pobierz
Volume 54 Number 6 November 2008
The Meyers Manx Vollkommen Art DOTVW 2008 Strange VW’s and more...
The Oficial Magazine of the Volkswagen
Club of Victoria Inc.
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Calendar of Events
November 14th and 15th
Special Events with Bruce Meyers.
See details on page 6 for full details.
November 15th
Pre Day of the Volkswagen Drive-In Night.
See Ad on page 7 for full details.
November 16th
Day of the Volkswagen 2008.
See Ad on page 2 for full details and DOTVW
Programme on page 6.
November 25th
VWCV General Meeting.
Bell’s Hotel at 8pm.
157 Moray St, South Melbourne.
November 28th - 30th
VolksFest 2008. South Australia
For full event details visit:
Christmas at Lloyd’s and VWCV Club Meeting.
See Ad on page 15 for full details.
January 25th
Australia Day Evening Cruise.
See December issue for full details.
Picnic at Hanging Rock.
See future issues for full details.
Kennett River Weekend.
See future issues for full details.
April 10th - 13th
Bug-In 2009 Bendigo Victoria.
See Ad on back cover for details
or visit www.vwclub.com.au.
The Oficial Magazine of the Volkswagen Club of Victoria Inc.
VWCV Committee
President Dean Holden 0412 500 588
Vice-President Brian Reed 9481 5673 breed@bigpond.net.au
Secretary Michael Cronin 0419 684 181
Treasurer John Farlow 0418 357 416 farlowj@internex.net.au
Additional Committee Members John Stevens
& Richard Graham
Public Oficer John Stevens john.stevens@justice.vic.gov.au
Motorsports Co-ordinator Michael Clark 9878 1554
Social Secretary Richard Graham 0418 527 862
Membership Secretary Andrew Mengyel
vwcvmembership @ yahoo.com.au
Technical Oficer Bill Malkoutzis & Andrew Ermel
Editor Tony Albers 0408 330 894 wagensville @ hotmail.com
Assistant Editor Andrew Ermel 03 9369 1360
AndrewE @ brimbank.vic.gov.au
Web Master David Holinger david.holinger@rmit.edu.au
Advertising Manager Dean Holden 0412 500 588
Club Historian Chris Scane 0417 593 573
4 Kombis to the Kape
The Overland Telegraph Line, not a problem for
the Syncro Group. They did it without a snatch
strap, tow rope or jack and many people said it
was not possible.
8 The Art of being Vollkommen
Speed, Style or Art?
VWCV General Meetings
Melbourne Club meetings are held every fourth Tuesday
of every month at 8pm at Bell’s Hotel, 157 Moray St,
South Melbourne, unless advised of an alternative venue
in the Club Newsletter.
WVCV Annual Membership Fees
• Single One Year Full Membership $55
• Single 3 Year Full Membership $150
• Additional Family Membership $20 (per extra member).
• Membership Joining Fee $10 (irst year members only).
To join the Club, please complete the membership form inside
this Newsletter and forward together with cheque for payment
to the Club’s postal address as quoted on the form.
VWCV membership also available on line www.vwclub.com.au
Wagensville News is a monthly Newsletter of the Volkswagen
Club of Victoria Inc. Correspondence, articles and items of
news are invited and should be sent to:
VWCV Editor
GPO Box 1215 Melbourne VIC 3001
Email wagensville@hotmail.com
28th November 2008
For information on Motorsports Events
contact Michael Clark VWCV Motorsports
Co ordinator on 9878 1554
4 Kombis to the Kape, Overl and Telegraph Lin e
6 Day of the Volks wagen 2008
DISCLAIMER All material in this magazine represents the opinions of the author(s) and does not carry any endorsement by the Editors of Committee unless otherwise stated. Any material
advertised for sale does not carry any endorsement by the Club and the onus is on the purchaser to ensure the purchased goods meet their requirements. Each VWCV Committee Member is
a volunteer, carrying out Club duties in their own leisure time. The Club has no paid oficials, only enthusiasts dedicated in furthering the interests of the club and it’s members. Could members
please bear this in mind when contacting Club Committee Members.
wagensville Deluxe November 2008
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2 Volkswagen Club of Victoria Inc.
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President’s Report
Dean Holden, VWCV President
Letter to the Editor
Dear Tony
The prospect of returning “Down Under” for Winnie
and myself is a dream come true. Of course we
graciously accept and thank the VWCV for your
efforts. In such a light, it endears us with the
warmest feelings for each and every member of
the Volkswagen Club of Victoria.
In this tumultuous world we live in, such a kind
gesture is most gratifying, if not rare.
On our previous visit to Australia in the 90’s, we
weren’t able to visit the Melbourne and Geelong
areas, so this will truly be a treat and we are
looking forward to meeting as many of you as
possible during our stay.
Sincerely Bruce Meyers
Hello everyone and welcome to the November
08 edition of Wagensville Deluxe. We have sent
the November magazine out very early to ensure
you have your copy well prior to the Day of the
Volkswagen on Sunday the 16th of November.
The Club Committee and the Day of the VW 08
organising team have been putting some hard
yards to ensure that the big day runs smoothly and
is enjoyed by all. We are expecting a strong turn
out again this year with the off road and VW Buggy
guys planning to turn out en-mass, the Water
Coolers needing more space, the growing Rat
class numbers expected to swell again this year
and a number of classic Porsches planning on a
making an appearance this year also.
We will have strong attendance by our VW Traders
again this year, and both South Yarra Volkswagen
and Shannon’s will have product displays and their
sales team’s on hand to talk to you about their
new vehicles and products. The team from South
Yarra will also be demonstrating the self parking
abilities of the new VW Tiguan Compact SUV
during the day. Will be interesting seeing a VW
park while the driver sits with their arms folded!
There will also be a good number of food traders
be on hand, offering coffee, ice cream and hot
food from the race course Kiosks.
So there will be lots to see, lots to buy, lot’s to eat
and you might even take home a trophy if you
entered your VW in the Show and Shine.
Depending on when you receive your copy of the
November Deluxe Magazine, you may still be able
to pre pay your Show and Shine entry into the Day
of the VW 08. Pre entries close on 3rd November.
We are still looking for volunteer helpers to assist
on the day. So if you can spare an hour during
the day to assist with judging, manning the gates
or working on the club stand please let us know.
These events are run by volunteers so please
assist if you are able.
Don’t forget that we also have some pre Day
of the Volkswagen activities happening on the
evenings of Friday the 14th and Saturday the
15th of November. On the Friday we have the
Bruce and Winnie Meyers welcome BBQ at Mick
Conway’s place in Geelong, Saturday we have a
movie night at the Luna Drive-In, Dandenong.
Onto December, we have Christmas BBQ
courtesy of Lloyd Davis at Volkwerke.
For full details on all these events see Ads or
Calendar of Events in this issue.
See you all at the Day of the Volkswagen.
Editor’s Note
Thanks Bruce
as you can well imagine everyone down under
is gearing up for the Day of the Volkswagen
and the excitement is building in anticipation of
having you as our guest for the day.
The Volkswagen Club of Victoria, Mick Conway
and the Buggy Group, club members and
everyone involved in everything Volkswagen,
welcome you and Winnie and hope your stay
with us is enjoyable and one to remember.
Tony Albers, VWCV Editor
4/20 Advantage Rd Highett VIC 3190
T 03 9555 5440 Brad 0419 356 105 Jono 0413 879 275 busnbug.com
wagensville Deluxe November 2008
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