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Mommy’s Little Mummy
A Mommy’s Little Series Story
By Mia Watts
Resplendence Publishing, LLC
Resplendence Publishing, LLC
2665 N Atlantic Avenue, #349
Daytona Beach, FL 32118
Mommy’s Little Mummy
Copyright © 2012 Mia Watts
Edited by Darlena Cunha and Liza Green
Cover art by Les Byerley, www.les3photo8.com
Electronic format ISBN: 978-1-60735-471-0
Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted
work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain,
is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of
Electronic Release: February 2012
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are a product of the author’s
imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places or occurrences, is purely
To Coca-Cola Company for supplying me with the “crack” that is your product.
Chapter One
August 14, 30 BCE
“We can be together,” Remmao insisted. “There’s a way.”
He darted a look over his shoulder, and his thin black braids swung around his head. The
tips brushed the thick gold collar adorning his shoulders. When he faced Licenius again, he
blinked endless obsidian eyes, lined by royal coal, a mark of his status as Queen’s scribe.
The same anxiety that made Remmao’s voice a hushed whisper, kept Licenius on alert.
As the Roman emissary to Egypt, his situation was precarious at best. Queen Cleopatra was
dead, and in the wake of her demise, the political relationships she coveted were viewed
skeptically by those left behind. Especially those who catered to her whims, like Licenius.
“Impossible,” Licenius argued. “I can’t stay in Egypt. You couldn’t come with me to
Rome safely, either.”
Remmao’s usually serious face relaxed into a smile. His lips appeared unnaturally rosy
and Licenius wondered if he’d colored them with henna for his benefit. His gaze lowered,
appreciating the sculpted bare chest glowing bronze in the desert heat, and the pleated white
linen skirt that displayed Remmao’s finely honed calves to their best advantage.
“I have methods to protect us. It means leaving this and all family behind forever. Do you
trust me?” Remmao asked.
If he’d asked the question mere weeks ago, Licenius would have drawn his sword and
held it at the other man’s throat. A lot had changed in short order. Now all he wanted was to
layer kisses on that fine neck.
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