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Test 5



1              Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. You can see the first letter of each word.

0              What’s your favourite TV channel? BBC World, it’s very interesting.

1              My friend’s a j__________. He writes for the Times.

2              The Office is a great c__________ series. It’s very funny.

3              What’s on TV tonight? I don’t know. Look in the TV g__________.

4              Which search e__________ do you use most? Google?

5              I like to know what’s happening in the world so I always read the i __________ news.

6              I love listening to p__________ -in shows. You never know what people will say.




2              Circle the correct answers: a, b or c.

Celebrity Big Brother
One of the most talked about TV programmes in Britain is Celebrity Big Brother. It is a
(0) __________ TV show but with famous people. Usually they are people who have been forgotten and want to get back into the (1) __________ columns. The celebrities don’t often
(2) __________ with each other but they often (3) __________ and sometimes have terrible arguments, shouting at each other. I don’t know why they can’t (4) __________ with each other. Maybe they are just acting so that they are written about in the (5) __________ newspapers. Some people think these shows are stupid but a girl who I used to (6) __________ loved them.

0               a) soap                            b) reality                            c) documentary

1              a) headline                            b) newsagent’s                            c) gossip

2              a) fall in love              b) split up with                            c) go out with

3              a) fall out                            b) fall down                            c) fall in

4              a) come on                            b) get on                            c) go on

5              a) gossip                            b) headline                            c) tabloid

6              a) get out with              b) fall out with                            c) go out with




3              Complete the text with one word in each gap.

I listen to the radio a lot and I often listen to phone-in shows. They can be really funny.
On the other (0) hand   they can be really boring, too. I’ve (1) _______________ listened to one, it finished a few minutes ago and I’ve (2) _______________ forgotten most of what was said. It was about schools in England. I haven’t been to school (3) _______________ about 20 years but people were still talking about the same problems. I don’t think anything
(4) _______________ changed (5) _______________ I was at school. I’ve
(6) _______________ telephoned to a phone-in show but maybe one day I will.




4              Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: active or passive. 

One of the most popular TV shows in Britain is Dr Who. It (0) (show)     has been shown    on BBC television since 1963 and there have been 9 actors who (1) (play) _______________ the part of the Doctor. It (2) (watch) _______________ by millions of people each week. The doctor (3) (fight) _______________ many enemies, the most famous are the Daleks, a kind of robot. The Doctor (4) (travel) _______________ through time but doesn’t usually know where he will stop. A lot of people say they (5) (watch) _______________ the programme from behind the sofa because it is very frightening but it isn’t really frightening at all because it is obvious that the monsters (6) (make) _______________ of plastic! I liked it best when the doctor
(7) (play) _______________ by Tom Baker about 30 years ago. He (8) (act) _______________ very well and was very funny.




5              Circle the correct words.

0              I have never seen / saw a better film than this.

1              Oh, no! Look what you have did / done!

2              Johnny isn’t here. Oh. Where has he been / gone?

3              Why haven’t you done / you haven’t done your essay?

4              Have you heard about Dennis? Yes, I have / heard.

5              Has he eaten lunch? No, he haven’t / hasn’t.

6              Ssh. We haven’t finished our test yet / still.

7              You’re late. Where have you been / gone?

8              Has your dog come / came home?





CD Track 6 

1              Listen to a man making a speech at his friend’s wedding. Circle the correct answers: a, b or c.

1              Tony and Tina
a) have been married for a long time.
b) are going to be married soon.
c) have just got married.

2              The speaker has known Tony
a) for 7 years.
b) since they were 7.
c) for a long time but we don’t know how long.

3              Tony
a) always did his own homework.
b) never did any homework.
c) copied his friend’s homework.

4              Tony invited
a) one of his ex-girlfriends to the wedding.
b) all of his ex-girlfriends to the wedding.
c) none of his ex-girlfriends to the wedding.

5              The speaker has
a) never had any problems.
b) sometimes had problems.
c) often had problems.

6              The speaker has learned
a) that there is no secret to Tony and Tina’s    relationship.
b) that he can find someone as good as Tina.
c) about Tina’s secrets.





1              Read the description of the six radio stations. Match the questions (1-7) to the correct station (A-F). There is one extra heading.


Online Radio

BBC stations online

A Radio 1: is the station for all other new music. There is pop music, alternative rock and some dance music. During the day, the DJs talk a lot and there are quizzes and competitions. The music isn’t as important as the fun. In the evening, the music gets stranger and the DJ’s get quieter. Sometimes you think that the DJ’s who work during the day just want to be famous but the DJ’s on the evening shows are people who really love music.

B Radio 2: is for older listeners who like pop and rock music. There is lots of music from the 1960’s and 1970’s but there is other music too like folk, country, blues and jazz. There are some documentaries about music, for example the story of the Summer of 1967, The Summer of Love.

C Radio 3: is the classical music station but they have started to play some World Music from Africa and other places. They also look at some of the more ‘intellectual’ rock musicians like Brian Eno and David Byrne. If you don’t know who they are, you can find out on Radio 3.

D Radio 4: says it is the home of intelligent speech. They have news, documentaries, comedy and quizzes. A lot of people like to listen to the Today  programme in the mornings because it’s much better than breakfast TV. The longest running soap opera in Britain is a radio show about a farming village called ‘The Archer...

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