2DArtist Magazine Issue 028 April 2008.pdf

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Issue028 April 2008 $4.50/ €3.25 / £2.25
Being home to some of the most talented artist around, read our latest interview with the Concept Artist;
Jaime Jones and also Art Producer, Shawn Sharp from Arenanet
Skectbook of Serg S
Shawn Sharp, Jaime Jones, Kev Crossley & Nick Percival
WanKok Leong, Marcel Baumann & Nykolai Aleksander plus more!
Making Of’s
Late Afternoon by Andreas Rocha plus more!
Speed Painting: ‘Man-eating plants!’ by Ignacio Bazán Lazcano & Daniel Ljunggren
Hello and welcome
to ISSUE 028 of
2D Artist! Spring is
oficially upon us,
bringing with it the
famously erratic April
weather. To keep
your spirits up through
this turbulent time of
wind, rain and snow
(yes, we really have
had snow here in
UK in April!), we’ve
got an issue which is
jammed-packed with
the best artwork, articles and artists that we can ind. This is the month
of the Making Of, with not one, not two, not even three, but four fantastic
articles that delve into the creative process behind our favourite pieces
of artwork. Anne Pogoda returns to talk us through the creation of her
inspiring matte painting “Stranded” and on PAGE 147 , Andreas Rocha
tries out different painting techniques with “Late Afternoon”. And if you like
Andreas’ work, look out for an interview with him in the May issue of 2D
Artist where we ind out what makes this digital artist tick! We also revisit
the Guild War franchise this month, in a pair of in-depth interviews with
Arena.net Art Producer Shawn Sharp ( PAGE 09 ) and Arena.net Concept
Artist Jaime Jones ( PAGE 21 ). Over on the other side of the Atlantic,
British artist Kev Crossley discusses how he reconnected with what he
loved about art and on PAGE 46 , veteran 2000AD artist Nick Percival
talks about freelancing, comic books, animated projects and just about
everything else under the sun! For those of you who have been eagerly
following our tutorials, Mike Corriero moves onto the conception and
creation of imaginary creatures in the second part of his Creature Concept
Design series, while on PAGE 108 , Tiberius Viris makes the most of April’s
unsettling weather and shows us how to convert a sunny image into a
breathtaking storm scene. And if those tutorials aren’t enough for you,
why not check out our Speed Painting challenge on PAGE 97 , where last
month’s interviewee Daniel Ljunggren, along with conceptual artist Ignacio
Bazán Lazcano, tries his hand at answering the “Man-eating plants!” brief,
with the usual entertaining results! There’s plenty to get your teeth into this
month, so simply sit back, relax, and head on over to the contents on the
right to experience the best that the CG world has to offer!
What’s in this month:
Shawn Sharp
Art Producer at ArenaNet
Jaime Jones
Concept Artist at ArenaNet
Kev Crossley
Concept and Freelance Artist
Nick Percival
Freelance Artist
The Sketchbook Of Serg S
10 of the Best 2D Artworks
Stylised Challenge
This Month’s Finalists/Last Month’s Making Ofs
Speed Painting
‘Man-eating plants!’
Matte Painting
Part Three: Adding a Storm to our Scene
Creature Concept
Part 2 of Mike Corriero Tutorial Series
Project Overview by Yu Cheng hong
The Antagonist
Project Overview by Yu Cheng hong
Project Overview by Anne Pogoda (Azurelle)
Digital Art Masters
Free Chapter Promo
Late Afternoon
Project Overview by Andreas Rocha
About us
Zoo Publishing Information & Contacts
Lynette Clee
Bobby Brown
Imogen Williams
Lynette Clee
Lynette Clee
Tom Greenway
Richard Tilbury
Chris Perrins
Lynette Clee
Jo Hargreaves
Lead Designer
Chris Perrins
Free Stuff!
Wherever you see this symbol, click it to
download resources, extras and even movies!
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Issue 028 April 2008
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Every month, many creatives and artists around the world contribut to
3DCreative & 2DArtist Magazine. Here you can read all about them. If you
would like to be a part of 3DCreative or 2DArtist Magazines,
please contact lynette@zoopublishing
was born in the North of
England in the early 70’s and
by the age of four learned that a
monster lived in the abandoned
house down the street. After that he saw monsters
everywhere, so rather than go mad he decided to
make a living drawing them instead. His services are
employed by the Games Industry and anyone else
who needs monsters in their products.
Shawn started out in advertising
as an illustrator and graphic
designer. Eventually work in
traditional pen and paper RPG
companies led to a job offer to art direct computer
games in 1990. He’s now the art department
producer at ArenaNet, makers of Guild Wars.
is an award-winning artist with
work that covers concept and
production art for ilm, TV,
videogames and a regular
output of moody comic book art. Specializing in
character and creature design, his clients include
MTV, Marvel Comics, EA, Activision, 2000AD, Upper
Deck, Wizards of the Coast and many others. He
is currently developing his own original projects for
Film and animation and is preparing for the day when
monsters will rule the earth
was born in St. Petersburg,
Russia and moved to the United
States when he was about
ten. He has studied illustration,
ine art and design at various
institutions and now works as a concept artist for
the video game/ilm industry. He’s currently with
Interplay working on Fallout Online. In his spare
time he started a forum to educate and discover new
Visual Development artists in So.Cal.
Would You Like To Contribute To
3DCreative Or 2DArtist Magazines?
We are always looking for tutorial artists, gallery submissions, potential
interviewees, Making Of writers, and more. For more information, please
send a link to your work here: lynette@zoopublishing.com
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Issue 028 April 2008
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is currently working as a
Freelance Matte Painter/CG
Artist for both the feature ilm
and games industries, and also
as an Environment Illustrator for various projects and
clients. His work has also been featured in several
prestigious books, such as Expose 5 and D’Artiste
Matte Painting 2.
works as a Concept Artist
and 3d Artist at Avalanche
Studios, in Sweden. He has
been working in the games
industry for about seven years and enjoys it now
more than ever. Daniel prefers creating paintings
that are ictional and that will trigger the viewers’
currently produces assets as
a freelance Artist for various
companies including everything
from creatures, environments,
structures, illustrations and icons. His work has
been featured in a number of promotional outlets,
including ImagineFX, Ballistic Publishing’s Expose
4 and 5 and Painter Books, Corel Painter X and
Design 360 (China). His client list includes Radical
Entertainment, ImagineFX and Liquid Development.
Ignacio Bazán
is a Concept Artist/Digital
Illustrator in Buenos Aires,
Argentina. He worked as a
Game Artist and Illustrator for
4 years, and now works as a Concept Artist. He’s
worked for NGD Studios, Globalfun, Gameloft and
now works with Timegate Studios and Sabarasa
is a Montreal based Concept
Artist & Illustrator. Since
leaving school in 2006 he’s
works at ODD1, an Indie game
studio, as well as doing freelance jobs. He is mainly
self-taught and his main “weapon” is Photoshop,
although he is still addicted to his trusty pencils.
Is a 2D artist working on
concepts, illustrations and
such. She graduated from the
Art Akademy and now works
freelance in Berlin, Germany. Anne made her irst
attempts at digital art in 2003. For 3 years she has
been working on 2D illustrations and concept art with
a Wacom Graphire in Photoshop and Painter. She
will also be learning ZBrush 3 and Maya and would
like to do some game or ilm related stuff later.
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