Cymatics - A Study of Wave Phenomena and Vibration - A Complete Compilation of the Original 2 Vols 1967-1974 by Hans Jenny (2001).pdf

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A Study of Wave Phenomena and Vibration
A complete compilation of the original two volumes by Hans Jenny.
Volume 1, 1967
The structure and dynamics of waves and vibrations.
Volume 2, 1974
Wave phenomena, vibrational effects and harmonic oscillations
with their structure, kinetics and dynamics.
Dedicated to the memory and research of Rudolf Steiner
Dedication: Revised Edition, 2001
With gratitute to Maria and Ea Jenny, A. Koster, and especially Max Savin.
To the Sound which unifies all phenomena, generating the vast world of form in its "triadic" nature.
Hans Jenny (1904-1972)
Publisher's Confession
A Comentary on Cymatics by John Beaulieu, N.D., Ph.D.
Foreword by Christiaan Stuten
Volume I
17 Problems of Cymatics
21 Experimental Method
35 Examples of Cymatic Phenomenology
63 The Tonoscope
69 The Action of Vibration on Lycopodium Powder
85 Periodic Phenomena Without an Actual Vibrational Field
93 Sound Effects in Space. Spatial Sonorous Patterns
100 Color Plates
101 The Spectrum of Cymatics
121 The Basic Triadic Phenomenon
Volume II
129 Cymatics
135 The Wave Lattice as a Configuring Field
137 Circulation in the Wave Train
141 Changes of Phase in Matter at the Same Frequency and the Same Amplitude
145 The Influence of Vibration on Flowable and Solid Substances
155 The Oscillating Water Jet
159 Vibrational Processes in a Capillary Space
163 Vibrational Figures Revealed by Schlieren Photography
165 Rotational and To-and-Fro Effects
169 Ferromagnetic Masses in the Magnetic Held Under Vibration
179 The Morphology of Lichtenberg Figures. A Carrier System
187 Polygonally Pulsating Drops. Three-Dimensional Structures Under Vibration
197 Deflection of the Electron Beam Due to the Interaction of Oscillations at Two Different Frequencies.
Pathways of the Mechanical Pendulum.
207 Harmonic Vibrations rn a Concrete Medium
239 Cymatic Effects in a Wider Context
269 The Biological Aspect
279 Historical Review. Methodological Preview
291 Index and Categorized Index Notes
295 References
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