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PII: B978-0-12-669202-0.50014-2
Technology, Production and Marketing
Elsevier, 2003
Edited by: Inge Russell, Graham Stewart, Charlie Bamforth and Inge Russell
ISBN: 978-0-12-669202-0
Series editors , Page ix
Contributors , Pages xi-xiii
Foreword , Page xv, Alan G. Rutherford
Preface , Pages xvii-xviii, Inge Russell
Chapter 1 - History of the development of whiskey distillation , Pages 1-24,
George N. Bathgate
Chapter 2 - Malt whiskies: Raw materials and processing , Pages 27-73, Timothy
C.S. Dolan
Chapter 3 - Grain whisky: Raw materials and processing , Pages 75-112, Tom A.
Bringhurst, Anne L. Broadhead and James Brosnan
Chapter 4 - Yeast and fermentation , Pages 115-150, Iain Campbell
Chapter 5 - Batch distillation , Pages 153-176, Denis Arthur Nicol
Chapter 6 - Grain whisky distillation , Pages 179-206, Iain Campbell
Chapter 7 - Maturation and blending , Pages 209-240, John Conner, Ken Reid and
Frances Jack
Chapter 8 - Co-products , Pages 243-272, Bob Pass and Ian Lambert
Chapter 9 - Whisky analysis , Pages 275-306, Ross Aylott
Chapter 10 - Marketing Scotch whisky , Pages 309-349, Grant E. Gordon
Appendix , Page 350
Series editors
Graham Stewart PhD DSc FIBrew FIBiol is currently the Director of the
International Centre for Brewing and Distilling (ICBD), Heriot-Watt
University, Edinburgh, Scotland. He previously held the position of
Technical Director responsible for Research and Quality Control at Labatt
Brewing Company, Canada. He is the author of numerous books and papers
as well as co-editor of Critical Reviews in Biotechnology.
Charlie Bamforth PhD DSc FIBrew FIBiol is currently the Anheuser–Busch
Endowed Professor of Malting and Brewing Sciences at the University of
California, Davis. He has held positions as Director of Research for Brewing
Research International in the UK and as Research and Quality Assurance
manager for Bass Breweries. He is the author of numerous books and papers
as well as being the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of the American Society of Brewing
Inge Russell PhD DSc FIBrew FIBiol is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the
Institute of Brewing and is visiting professor at Heriot-Watt University,
Edinburgh, Scotland and an adjunct professor in the Department of
Biochemical Engineering, University of Western Ontario, Canada. She has
over 30 years experience in the fermentation industry as a research scientist
and later of directing Research and Development for Labatt Brewing
Company, Canada. She is the author of numerous books and papers as well
as co-editor of Critical Reviews in Biotechnology.
Ross Aylott BSc CChem FRSC
His post-graduate life started in packaging research and development, and
contract research. He has over 20 years experience with Diageo and its pre-
decessors, working on process, quality and analytical aspects of distilled spir-
its. Currently active in risk management and brand protection, particularly the
brand and generic authenticity of Scotch whisky, gin and vodka. Experienced
extensive overseas travel to support spirits producers and anti-counterfeit
George N. Bathgate BSc PhD CChem FRSC FIBrew
Had an early career as a research and development scientist with Tuborg
Brewery in Copenhagen, Guinness Brewery in Dublin and the Brewing
Research Foundation at Nutfield. He became Technical Manager of
Moray Firth Maltings and Director of Production for Malting and Malt
Distilling in United Distillers plc and recently retired after 35 years in
the industry.
Tom A. Bringhurst BSc (Hons)
Originally entered the Scotch whisky industry with Pentlands Scotch Whisky
Research Ltd (PSWR). During the following 15 or so years he gained exten-
sive experience in the production areas of mashing, fermentation and dis-
tillation, through close involvement in PSWR distillery studies, both in the
context of research projects and specific studies requested by individual
distillery companies. Since 1996, when PSWR became the Scotch Whisky
Research Institute, he has worked primarily on research projects in the
areas of raw materials, cereals and cereals processing, fermentation and dis-
tillation. He is currently Quality Manager, with responsibility for the
Institute’s quality system, which is accredited to ISO 17025, by the United
Kingdom Accreditation Service.
Anne L. Broadhead (Fotheringham) BSc
Is a scientist in the Cereals Group at The Scotch Whisky Research Institute. Her
area of special interest is wheat spirit yield analysis used by Scottish
Agricultural College (SAC) for grading wheat in Scotland.
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James Brosnan BSc PhD
Was previously Process Development Scientist at United Distillers (now
Diageo) and is currently Research Manager at the Scotch Whisky Research
Institute, with responsibility for raw materials and primary production
Iain Campbell BSc PhD FIBrew FIBiol
Recently retired after 41 years at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. As a
Senior Lecturer in the International Centre for Brewing and Distilling he
taught distillation and maturation, including operation of the ICBD experi-
mental distillery. Previous publications include the textbook Brewing
Microbiology and editing the series of Proceedings of the four-yearly series of
Aviemore Conferences on Malting, Brewing and Distilling.
John Conner PhD
His first degree was in Pharmacy and after obtaining a PhD he carried out
postdoctoral research at the Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology,
University of Strathclyde. This was on projects jointly funded by the
Government (BBSRC) and industry (Chivas Brothers Ltd) on flavour changes
in whisky during maturation which resulted in the development of a clearer
understanding of ways in which the whisky matrix can enhance or suppress
the release of aroma compounds. He is currently a research scientist with the
Scotch Whisky Research Institute and is working on Maturation and Product
Integrity related projects.
Timothy C. S. Dolan BSc PhD FIBrew FIBiol
Held several senior positions in malting, brewing and Scotch whisky distilling.
He was successively a Research Scientist, Malting, Laboratory, Technical and
Industry Technical Manager in three major companies: Scottish and Newcastle
Breweries, ABM (Malting) Ltd and The Highland Distilleries Company Ltd
before early retirement in 2000. He has a strong interest in education, manage-
ment, research and publication, and is a Fellow of the IGB, IoBiol and RSC. He
is a Chartered Biologist and Chemist, as well as being a Member of the
Chartered Management Institute, and has been knighted for services to
Grant E. Gordon MBA
Has over 20 years commercial experience spent working in a variety of senior
management roles at William Grant & Sons, specializing in the international
marketing of Scotch whisky brands. He was closely involved in the early
development of single malt Scotch whisky, largely pioneered by Glenfiddich
(the world’s leading brand), owned by the fifth generation family firmWilliam
Grant & Sons. He is Director General, Institute for Family Business (UK);
Deputy Chairman, William Grant & Sons Ltd and Non-Executive Member
of the Board, Laurent-Perrier S.A. His education includes Harvard Business
School (OPM30), Kellogg Graduate School of Management (MBA),
Northwestern University and HEC Lausanne University, Switzerland
(Licence Sciences Economiques et Commerciales). In addition to his interest in
Scotch whisky, he is closely involved in family business education where he is
the Founding Director of the Institute for Family Business (UK), an indepen-
dent, not-for-profit association promoting the success and sustainability of
family firms.
Frances Jack BSc PhD
Is a research scientist, responsible for sensory evaluation at the Scotch Whisky
Research Institute. She obtained her first degree in Food Science from
Strathclyde University in 1990. This was followed by a PhD in 1994, again
from Strathclyde University, the focus of this research being on sensory
method development and exploration of relationships between sensory and
analytical data.
Ian Lambert CChem MRSC MCIWEM
Has been Environmental Manager with Diageo (Scotland) Ltd since 1990. His
early career was in the heavy chemicals industry, followed by 21 years in
several roles in the field of water pollution control; both as regulator and
Denis Arthur Nicol BSc
Has extensive experience in the alcohol industry including: Analytical
Chemist at Hiram Walker & Sons (Scotland) Ltd; Manager at the Tormore
Distillery, Speyside; General Manager at the Laphroaig Distillery, Islay;
Project Scientist at Long John International, Laboratory Manager at James
Burrough Distillers Ltd; Laboratory Services Manager at Allied Distillers Ltd
and Technical Manager at Demerara Distillers Ltd, Guyana, South America. In
addition he is a teacher of Chemistry, Physics and Science.
Bob Pass BSc
Has been involved in both the technical and marketing aspects of Distillers
Feeds for 25 years. He is currently the Marketing and Technical Manager,
Animal Feeds for Diageo, the world’s largest producer of alcoholic drinks.
Before joining Diageo he was with Pentlands Scotch Whisky Research, a
research organization funded by the whisky industry where he was head of
the by-products section. He had also previously worked with BP Proteins
on the technical marketing of yeast biomass protein (cultured aerobically on
normal paraffins) and with Dow Chemical.
Ken Reid PhD
Has 16 years experience in Scotch whisky research, with his work focused
mainly on whisky maturation chemistry. He graduated from Heriot-Watt
University, Edinburgh with a degree in chemistry and in 1989 he gained his
PhD (on the subject of whisky maturation chemistry), whilst based at Reading
Scientific Services Limited, Reading, England. He then joined the Scotch
Whisky Research Institute where he is now the Research Manager in charge
of the areas of Maturation and Product Protection.
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