XXI etap szkolny - test.pdf

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ETAP SZKOLNY - grudzie ń 1996 (c) Henryk Krzy ż anowski
Uzupe ł nij podane ni ż ej t ł umaczenia.
a/ Jestem pewien, że jego kaszel spowodowany jest paleniem.
I'm sure _____________________________________________________ by smoking.
b/ Nie przeszkadzaj jej. Ona odmawia swoje modlitwy.
Don't ____________her. She is saying ___________________________________________.
c/ Miałam szesnaście lat, kiedy naszą szkołę odwiedziła Cesarzowa Soraya.
I was sixteen when ___________________________ visited our school.
d/ On wie, że wszyscy uważamy go za zdrajcę.
He knows we all consider him ______________________________________.
e/ Kiedy ujrzała Artura, twarz jej pobladła.
When ___________________________ her face turned _______________
f/ Bezrobocie jest najwyższe wśród robotników niewykwalifikowanych.
________________________ is highest among _______________________________
g/ Wszystkie jego książki ukazują walkę pomiędzy dobrem i złem.
All his books show _____________________________________________________
h/ Filiżanki są bardzo delikatne. Obchodź się z nimi ostrożnie.
The cups are very __________________________ them with ____________________
Wpisz brakuj ą ce wyrazy. Ka ż da kreska zast ę puje jedn ą liter ę . Nie wolno zmieni ć ż adnej z liter ju ż podanych.
PRZYKŁAD: Is your _ _ m _ _ _ name Miller?
a/ By excluding Monday and Friday we have _ _ r _ _ _ _ _ down our choice of the date to three days.
b/ I have something important to tell you. Could you _ p _ _ _ me five minutes?
c/ Only those who belong to the _ _ n _ _ circle of his closest collaborators know his intentions.
d/ A small amount of this liquid will easily _ _ m _ _ _ the stains of paint from the window pane.
e/ These birds used to be relatively common a hundred years ago but have now become very _ _ _ _ .
f/ He initially asked for £ 10,000, but I'm sure a mere half of this surn will _ _ t _ _ _ _ him.
g/ The lamp is not heavy; a small screw will be enough to _ _ s _ _ _ it to the side of your bed.
h/ As a composer he is just average, but has a real talent as a _ _ r _ _ _ _ _ _ ; no doubt his shows
draw very large audiences.
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Wyró ż nione grupy wyrazów zast ą p tylko jednym s ł owem, tak by nie zmieni ć tre ś ci ca ł ego zdania.
a/ Our neighbour's dog, Bingo, has been trained to accept food only from the man who is its owner .
Our neighbour's, dog Bingo, has been trained to accept food only from its _______________.
b/ I was late for the morning lecture because I woke up later than I had planned .
I was late for the morning lecture because I ___________.
c/ The job of treating people's teeth requires physical strenght and good judgement of space and
_____________________ requires physical strenght and good judgement of space and shape.
d/ George VI came before Elizabeth II as the English monarch.
George VI ____________ Elizabeth II as the English monarch.
e/ He won over £ 5000 by risking £ 100 on the victory of the horse which eventually came in first.
He won over £ 5000 by ________________ £ 100 on the horse which eventually came in first.
f/ The house that I live in and even the furniture are not mine. They are owned by the Company.
The house that I live in and even the furniture are not mine. They are the _________ of the Company.
g/ We want to find a solution that will bring our countries peace which will continue for a very long
time .
We want to find a solution that will bring ________________________ peace to our countries.
h/ The underground part of some trees can form very complex system.
The ______________ of some trees can form very complex system.
Przet ł umacz na polski.
a/ I my view the design is flawed. ____________________________________________________
b/ How much interest do they pay?___________________________________________________
c/ The hinges need oiling. _________________________________________________________
d/ It strikes me as very superficial. _______________________________________________
e/ It was neither a wasp nor a bumblebee. ________________________________________
f/ It is advertised as bullet-proof. _______________________________________________________
Uzupe ł nij t ł umaczenia zda ń na angielski, nie zmieniaj ą c niczego we fragmentach ju ż przet ł umaczonych. Tam, gdzie w
nawiasie podano, jak przet ł umaczy ć jakie ś s ł owo, nie podano, w jakiej formie ma ono wyst ą pi ć w t ł umaczeniu.
a/ Czerwona furgonetka wiezie sprzęt dla studia, z którego prezydent zwróci się [=ADDRESS] do
okolicznej ludności..
The red van _____________________________________________________ the local people.
b/ Chociaż meble raczej nam się podobały, uważaliśmy, że nie powinny być takie drogie.
__________________________________ we thought ______________________________
c/ Pomimo wcześniejszych ostrzeżeń, że nie będzie się wpuszczać żadnych fotografów, straż
pałacowa zatrzymała około 20 ludzi z aparatami fotograficznymi.
In spite of earlier warnings that _____________________________________ palace guards
d/ Jeśli wędkowanie na Tamizie było w zeszłym roku takie złe, może powinniśmy przesunąć gdzieś
indziej zawody w przyszłym miesiącu? Jeszcze jest czas, żeby to zrobić.
If angling on the Thames _______________________________________________________
next month's competition somewhere ____________________________________________
e/ Obawiam się, że odkąd hotel się zamknął [=CLOSE DOWN], budynek stoi pusty. Z pewnością
będzie potrzebował sporego remontu.
I'm afraid that ______________________________________ empty. It will certainly ___________
a lot of repair.
f/ To że sami określają się jako eksperci ogrodnictwa, nie oznacza, że muszą mieć rację co do
naszych róż.
The fact________________________describe __________________________ about our roses.
g/ Mleko miano dostarczyć [=DELIVER] przed 6-tą, więc nie powinniśmy brać pieniędzy od
mieszkańców, którzy otrzymali je po 10-tej.
The milk _____________________________________________________________ charge
residents ____________________________________________________________
h/ Nowe przepisy będą wymagać, żebyśmy nigdy nie jechali szybciej niż 30km/godz, co eksperci
uważają [=CONSIDER] za maksymalną bezpieczną prędkość w zatłoczonych obszarach miejskich.
The new regulations __________ us ______________________________________________
to be the maximum safe speed in crowded city areas.
Wpisz w odpowiedniej formie czasownik w nawiasach.
a/ The new Mayor [swear in] ___________ on the 5th of May. I [witness] ___________ the ceremony
and was among those few who [fool + not] ______________ by his words.
b/c/ This new method of repairing roads [involve] __________ stabilising the surface of the road
with cement. At present, it [try] __________ on a local road near Oxford. If the method [prove]
______________ effective, it [use] ________________ on a much wider scale.
d/ Most parents strongly oppose their children [send] ___________ catalogues of teen fashion.
e/f/ My comment about Miss Stanley's exhibition [be] ____________ devastating. Since the organizers
[know] _________ about it, I [invite + not] ___________ to the opening. They wanted positive
opinions only.
g/ All that Jerry says now is that he wishes his critics [be] __________ with him on the night of the
h/ We were all shocked when Mrs Hubb [make] ___________ to pay back the money owed by her ex-
husband, whom she [see + not] _____________ for 15 years.
Uzupe ł nij zdania wyra ż aj ą ce w inny sposób tre ść zda ń wprowadzaj ą cych.
PRZYKŁAD: "Hurry up, Sue," said Mother. Mother told Sue ________________
a/ After our neighbours' son was attacked by a bull terrier, I no longer support the campaign to allow dogs into
Lake Park.
If our neighbours' son ________________________________________________
to allow dogs into Lake Park.
b/ "How much will it cost to check all the batteries, Mr Ford?" "It is too early to say."
The day after the breakdown our electrician didn't know how much ________________________
c/ The postmen will end their strike on Wednesday at midnight. Of course it will take several days to deliver all the
letters that have accumulated since the beginning of the strike.
Customers ______________ expect that the next day after the postmen ____________________
___________________________________ their destinations.
d/ "Are the safari tours very expensive? The maximum I would be ready to spend is about $ 500."
"Well, I'm afraid they are from $ 800 to well over $ 10,000."
Even ______________________________ is more _______________ I could pay.
e/ Every month we call technicians who check if there are no leaks in the water tank.
Every month we have the _______________________________ for possible leaks.
f/ I'm sure this time tomorrow we will be entering Sidney harbour. Only a return of the typhoon might delay us.
_____________ the typhoon __________, which is very unlikely, this time tomorrow we will be
entering Sidney harbour.
g/ Doing risky acrobatic figures in pairs is possible as long as you have complete trust in your partner.
Partners who no longer have complete __________________ try risky acrobatic figures.
h/ "It's a pity the TV arrived so quickly that I had no time to dress up for the interview," said Aunt Grace.
Aunt Grace regrets having too little time before the interview. She _______________ clothes on.
Zakre ś l t ę form ę , która nadaje si ę do wstawienia w luk ę . Istnieje tylko jedna mo ż liwo ść poprawnego wyboru.
a/ We should not expect too much from this new method, but it is worth ___________, anyway.
A/ to be tried B/ trying C/ to try it D/ to try
b/ While the dictionary is not cheap, we did find _________ people interested in this kind of activity.
A/ quite few B/ the few C/ few D/ a few
c/ Now I'm ready to believe they are unaware _______ involved in this kind of activity.
A/ about risk B/ concerning the risk C/ of the risk D/ with all risks
d/ The most rational reaction on her part was ______ anything offensive in what they were saying .
A/ to pretend not noticing B/ pretending not to notice C/ to pretend not notice D/ pretending not noticing
e/ If next year's budget is reduced, we _____ the price of the tickets to the gallery.
A/ may have to double B/ maybe double C/ may have doubled D/ can have to double
f/ They have to put _____ a constant stream of people using a path that runs alongside their house.
A/ down for
C/ up with
D/ in for
typed out by Hafferus, proofread by Onamor
B/ off with
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