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ETAP SZKOLNY - grudzie ń 1995 (c) Henryk Krzy ż anowski
Wpisz brakuj ą ce wyrazy. Ka ż da kreska zast ę puje jedn ą liter ę . Nie wolno zmieni ć ż adnej z podanych nad kresk ą liter.
PRZYKŁAD: Is your _ _ m _ _ _ name Miller?
a/ The burglars have left their _ _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ _ in the soft soil on the flowerbeds.
b/ I didn't even try to fit the new tap in the bathroom. We called a _ _ u _ _ _ _ who did it in 30minutes.
c/ Show Mr Jay this picture. It should _ _ f _ _ _ _ his memory.
d/ Conventional _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , even the most deadly, are less destructive than nuclear ones.
e/ My remark was not _ _ m _ _ at making a fool of my opponent. I only wanted to stress my point.
f/ If you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9 by 11, the result is 99.
g/ He bruised his finger as he was _ _ m _ _ _ _ _ _ a nail into the wall in his bedroom.
h/ We were very much _ _ p _ _ _ _ _ _ by the boy's excellent play. It's hard to believe he is only six.
Uzupe ł nij podane ni ż ej t ł umaczenia.
a/ Nie będzie ci łatwo znaleźć zastępstwo na Wigilię Bożego Narodzenia.
It won't be easy for you to _____________________________________________________ Eve.
b/ Ile zapłaciłaś za te kolczyki?
How much __________________________________________________________________.
c/ Ulotki informacyjne wydane w tym roku podają niewłaściwy numer przychodni.
The information ________________________________________ the wrong number of the clinic.
d/ Trudno jest wykreślić kąt prosty bez linijki.
It is _________________________________________________________ without a ruler.
e/ W Polsce należy zapłacić podatek dochodowy do końca kwietnia.
In Poland you have to _________________________________________________________.
f/ Rzeźbiarz, który wykonał ten posąg, nie był wielkim artystą.
________________________________________________________ statue was not a great artist.
g/ Kampania reklamowa nowego gatunku kawy będzie bardzo kosztowna.
_________________________ campaign of a new brand ________________________________
h/ Od roku 1990 Generał przeżył cztery zamachy na swoje życie.
Since 1990 the General __________________________ attempts on his life.
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Przet ł umacz na polski.
a/ It was striped but had no hood. ____________________________________________________
b/ Are you a teetotaller? ____________________________________________________________
c/ Don't tease her. ________________________________________________________________
d/ Even his next of kin shouldn't know. _______________________________________________
e/ Normally, he is second fiddle to his brother. ________________________________________
f/ As a minor, he can't do it. _______________________________________________________
Wyró ż nione grupy wyrazów zast ą p tylko jednym s ł owem, tak by nie zmieni ć tre ś ci ca ł ego zdania.
a/ Be careful. This dog can attack you with its teeth .
Be careful. This dog can __________ you.
b/ For most of the year the River Fenton is not at all deep .
For most of the year the River Fenton is rather ___________.
c/ For the best effect, the crushing of coffee beans should be done before drinking.
For the best effect, the _________ of coffee should be done before drinking.
d/ I have a lecture at 10 and another at 12:30. In the time between these two I'll go to the library.
I have a lecture at 10 and another at 12:30. In the ________ I'll go to the library.
e/ This plastic is very light; it will stay on the surface of water without sinking .
This plastic is very light; it will __________ on water.
f/ In the American South the owning of people by other people was legal until the 1860s.
In the American South __________ was legal until the 1860s.
g/ Be careful! The cutting part of this knife can be very sharp.
Be careful! The ________ of this knife can be very sharp.
h/ Every book in our library is covered in brown paper folded around it .
Every book in our library is _________ in brown paper.
Uzupe ł nij t ł umaczenia zda ń na angielski, nie zmieniaj ą c niczego we fragmentach ju ż przet ł umaczonych.
a/ Dla mnie najgorszą datą konferencji byłby 1 marca. Nawet 20 luty byłby trochę lepszy.
For me _____________ conference ____________ 1 March. Even 20 February
b/ Jeśli weźmiemy samochód Tatusia zamiast naszego, nie uwierzą nam.
__________________ Daddy's car instead _______________________________________ us.
c/ Jako że dziewczęta wydają się być bardziej skłonne niż chłopcy do uczenia się języków, nie
powinno być żadnych problemów ze znalezieniem kilku, które mogłyby pracować jako tłumaczki na
As girls tend to be better language learners ____________________________________________
________________________________________________________ as translators at the camp.
d/ Musi trochę potrwać zanim słuchacze zorientują się [= REALISE], jaka jest prawidłowa odpowiedź.
It must take some time before _______________________________________________________
e/ Jak szybko przyzwyczaił się pan do noszenia munduru w biurze?
How quickly _______________________________________________ a uniform in the office?
f/ Proszę, nie przyjmujmy [= TAKE] nowych członków do naszego chóru przed festiwalem! Jeśli
poślemy tam tylko dobrze wyszkolonych śpiewaków, mamy pewność zdobycia jednej z nagród.
___________________________ our choir before the festival. __________________________
the well-trained singers there, we are certain __________________________________
g/ h/ Robotnikom, którzy będą robili remont na Cowley Road, nie wolno tknąć starego dębu, o którym
sądzi się, że ma 400 lat. Grzywna za zniszczenie go byłaby wyższa od rachunku za remont.
The workers __________________________ the repairs on Cowley Road __________________
the old oak that ___________________________ The fine for damaging it __________________
the bill for the repair.
Wpisz w odpowiedniej formie czasowniki w nawiasach.
a/ In the end I decided [tell + not] ___________ my aunt about the incident. I can imagine what she
[say] ___________ about it: that I [be] ______________ cruel to my dog.
b/ No more than five deer [shoot] ______________ in the area since guns with telescopic sights
[forbid] ________________ by the Forestry Department.
c/d/ I am glad to say that the complaints we made about the dirty beach seem [work] ___________
– at present the wastebins [empty] ___________ every day and the sand [change] _________ once
a week.
e/ In this little book you will find safety regulations for all sorts of emergency, e.g.: when a gas pipe
[damage] ______________, the firemen first [cut off] __________ electricity supply and then [install]
_________________ ventilators to drive out the leaked gas.
f/ I don't know why you were so upset; after all, when the divorce proceedings [start] ____________,
Peter and Sue [live + not] _______________ together for at least two years.
g/h/ Two weeks after the course [begin] __________, all the parents who [feel] _____________ that
the progress that their kids [make] __________ [be] ___________ too slow [invite] ______________
to contact the psychologist. Not many of them did.
Uzupe ł nij zdania komentuj ą ce tre ść zda ń wprowadzaj ą cych.
PRZYKŁAD: "Hurry up, Sue," said Mother. Mother told Sue ________________
a/ We first carefully weighed the parcel and only then discovered that the manufacturer had put the exact weight
on the label.
We needn't __________________ because its weight ________________________
b/ "How badly did it hurt when you touched the wire?" asked the doctor.
The first question that the doctor asked me was how ____________________________________
c/ I'm afraid that our protest will not be taken seriously as long as we only express our own opinions.
I think our voices will not be heard if we only speak for _________________________
d/ In the end I'll go to Copenhagen alone, as our Danish colleagues will be busy on Monday. I don't like it.
I wish somebody _______________________________________________ me.
e/ Dad is sure that one day Cindy will be selected for the national team. He will celebrate this day with a bottle of
French champagne.
Daddy will open _________________ day ___________________ national team.
f/ "How serious is your boss about the deadline?" I asked Arthuer after the meeting. "I don't know," was the
When I spoke to Arthur after the meeting he said ____________________________________
g/ Mr McCoy has no trace of a Scottish accent because his family left Scotland when he was two.
If Mr McCoy ___________________ he _____________________________ with a Scottish accent.
h/ "But Daddy, can't Pam and I take a little sip of wine? Just to celebrate Granny's birthday?" "No, absolutely not."
I treat it as a matter of principle never ______________ my children _______________ alcohol.
Zakre ś l t ę form ę , która nadaje si ę do wstawienia w luk ę . Istnieje tylko jedna mo ż liwo ść poprawnego wyboru.
a/ Even if you speak English all the time you probably cannot avoid ______ for one of the natives.
A/ to take you
C/ being taken
D/ to be taken
b/ Do you think it is ________ for the baby? I would heat it.
A/ warm enough B/ enough warm C/ warm sufficiently D/ sufficient warm
c/ As regards the most recent case of drug use, we think it is our duty to apply the school regulations
even if many parents would expect ______________
A/ we won't
C/ us not
D/ us not to
d/ Don't press any of the bottom keys, _______
A/ don't you
C/ do you
D/ won't you
e/ If over twenty boys _____ about it, how do you want to keep it secret?
A/ are discussing B/ are to be told C/ will be saying D/ are to say
f/ This time of the day all the lines are engaged, so I doubt whether she'll be able to get ____ to us.
A/ about
C/ over
D/ through
typed out by Hafferus, proofread by Onamor
B/ taking
B/ us to
B/ will you
B/ down
Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin