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Sole Survivor
By Matthew Scrivens
Published by JMS Books LLC
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Copyright 2012 Matthew Scrivens
ISBN 9781611522662
Cover Photo Credit: Yuri Arcurs
Used under a Standard Royalty-Free License.
Cover Design: Written Ink Designs
All Rights Reserved
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No portion of this book may be transmitted or reproduced
in any form, or by any means, without permission in writing from
the publisher, with the exception of brief excerpts used for the
purposes of review.
This book is for ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It contains
substantial sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which
may be considered offensive by some readers. Please store your
files where they cannot be accessed by minors.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and
incidents are solely the product of the author’s imagination
and/or are used fictitiously, though reference may be made to
actual historical events or existing locations. Any resemblance to
actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Published in the United States of America.
* * * *
Sole Survivor
By Matthew Scrivens
The sand felt soft beneath his bare feet, and the water licked
his toes. The rays of the sun danced on the ocean, almost causing
him to sneeze. His skin was deliciously hot and a little achy.
Probably have a little bit of sunburn, Adam Huntington
thought as he kicked at the water. The briny smell of the sea
tickled his nose, and the screeching of seagulls filled the air. He
smiled as he looked around at the amazing sight, a picture-
perfect day: the blazing sun, the brilliant blue sky, the crashing
waves causing a fine mist to cool him down. There was nothing
better than a lazy day at the beach. Yes, a picture-perfect day.
Then in walked George Gary Smith.
This can’t be! He’s dead. THIS CAN’T BE! He doesn’t
belong here! Adam stood frozen, his heart hammering. Fear
clawed at him. Sweat poured down his face. His brain felt ready
to explode. His vision narrowed to a tunnel. All he could see was
George Gary Smith. All he could hear were the screams—the
blood-curdling screams of people being tortured, being
tormented, being killed. They always came with this monster.
Adam struggled to speak. His lips wouldn’t move. His voice
strained to come out, but only a whisper emerged. “GGGet the
ffffuck awwway fffrom meeeee!”
The creature smiled: his maw a cavernous grin, his dead
eyes staring, his skin shifting like it didn’t fit right.
Adam couldn’t move. He knew he had to—his life
depended on it. He couldn’t move! His mind screamed at him to
run, to fight, to yell and draw someone’s attention. HE
COULDN’T MOVE! Helpless! Help!
“Time’s up, boy!” George Gary Smith hissed and reached
for him.
Chapter 1
Adam leapt from his bed screaming, his heart still
pounding, his arms flailing. It took a few moments for his eyes to
adjust to the shadowy darkness and for him to realize where he
was. There was no cage, no bars, no shackles; he was in his
own bedroom—not that other room . He knew the door and
windows were locked. He didn’t need to check this time.
Adam sat on the edge of his bed, breathing hard, his throat
sore, instinctively rubbing his wrists where shackles had once
been. He turned on his bedside lamp, illuminating his bedroom
and scattering the shadows. This was the second time that week
George Gary Smith had shown up in his dreams. The doctors had
assured Adam it would happen less and less over time, which
seemed to be accurate, but it still scared the hell out of him. He
looked down at his bed: sheets twisted up, pillows tossed around,
and a big sweat spot the size of his body in the center.
George Gary Smith was dead and buried, rotting in hell
where he belonged. And, yes, “George-Gary-Smith,” not
“George” or “Smith” or any other variation. Adam didn’t know
why, but he always referred to the monster by his full name.
Adam looked over at the clock on the bedside table; it was
a little after four. He yawned but knew he’d probably not be
getting anymore sleep that night. He stood and bundled up his
damp sheets. Grabbing fresh linens, he remade the bed. This
ritual was empowering because it felt like he was taking the
nightmare and throwing it away. Fresh sheets, fresh start.
He wasn’t due at the center until 10 A.M., but he took a
shower anyway. He decided to perform his morning spiritual
practice early. Adam wasn’t religious, but he was definitely
spiritual. Having looked death brutally in the face, he’d
discovered there was more to life. So each morning, before
getting out of bed, Adam spent twenty minutes meditating,
twenty minutes reading something uplifting, and twenty minutes
journaling. He’d only committed to five minutes of each but found
he enjoyed the time so much he put aside an hour for himself
each morning instead. This spiritual practice had been a definite
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