Target FCE-SB.pdf

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Bess Bradfield
[]I Richmond
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Unit title
Word building
• Present tense review
• Past simple
• used to and would
• Family and friends
• Home life
• Free time
• Adjective suffixes
• Verb patterns (1): + gerund /
o -ed and -ing adjectives
• Part 1: Multiple
~ checking context
• Relative clauses
• Articles
o Compound adjectives
• Phrasal verbs (1):
• Extreme adjectives
• Appearance
• Personality
• Fashion
• Part 2: Gapped
~ understanding
text flow
• Narrative tenses
• Comparative linkers
• Travel
• Geography and
• Accident and
o Comparatives and
o Verb patterns (2): + gerund
or infinitive
• Easily confused nouns
• Determiners
• Phrasal verbs (2): solving
• Noun suffixes
• Part 3: Multiple
~ reading for
• Future forms
• Other uses of the
gerund and infinitive
• Environment
• Time
• Animals
• Part 2: Gapped
~ finding clues
• Conditionals 0-3
• Conditionallinkers
• Compound nouns
• Collocations (1): prepositions
+ nouns
• Easily confused verbs
• Places
• Advertising
• City life
• Part 1: Multiple
~ checking the
City space
• Modal verbs (1):
obligation, necessity
and advice; ability
• Permission
• Health and fitness
• Food
• Movement
• Part 3: Multiple
~ synonyms and
• Adverbs
• Phrasal verbs (3): health
• Adverb collocations
• The passive
• have / get something
• Science and
• Computers
• Communication
o Negative prefixes
o Collocations (2): verbs +
o Word stem transformations
• Part 1: Multiple
~ thinking about
the options
• Modal verbs (2):
• Coordinating linkers
• Emotions
• Abstract nouns
• Laughter
• Responses
• Phrasal verbs (4): behaviour
• Make and do
• Part 2: Gapped
~ reference words
• Wishes and regrets
o Mixed conditionals
• be
get used to
o Success and failure
• Sport
o Body idioms
• Words with similar meanings
• Collocations (3): adjectives +
• Word families
• Part 3: Multiple
~ matching
Go for it!
• Reported speech
• Reporting verbs
o Fi lm, fiction and TV
o Action and
• Thought
• Expressions with mind
• Phrasal verbs (5): life's
• Words with similar forms
• Part 1: Multiple
~ Part 1 exam
• Participle clauses
• Inversion
• Exam skills
• Art and culture
• The senses
• Music
• Comparative expressions:
like, as, as jf / though
• Collocations (4): verbs +
• Exam skills
• Affixes: review
• Phrasal verbs (6): work
o Exam skills
• Part 2: Gapped
~Part 2 exam
Sound and vision
• Review of tenses and
verb patterns
• Exam skills
• Work
• Crime
• Learning
• Part 3: Multiple
~Part 3 exam
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Use of English
• Part 1: An informal email
• Linkers (1): basic linkers
.. understanding the task
• Part 2: Open doze
.. reading for gist
• Part 3: Word formation
~ the stem word
• Part 1: Multiple choice
~ preparing to listen
• Part 1: Interview
.. personal preferences
• Part 2: An article
• Punctuation and spelling
.. writing an article
• Part 4: Key word transformations
~ foffowing the instructions
• Part 1: Multiple-choice cloze
~ reading for gist
• Part 2: Sentence completion
~ approaching the task
• Part 2: Long turn
.. preparing to speak
• Part 2: A story
• Linkers (2): time linkers
.. writing a story
• Part 2: Open cloze
~ part of speech
• Part 1: Multiple-choice cloze
~ eliminating options
• Part 3: Multiple matching
~ listening twice
• Part 3: Collaborative task
.. understanding the task
• Part 1: A formal email
• Linkers (3): purpose, reason
and result
.. informing the reader
• Part 4: Key word transformations
~ thinking about language
• Part 3: Word formation
~ suffixes
• Part 4: Multiple choice
~ listening to a long text
• Part 2: Long turn
.. comparison
• Part 2: An essay
• Linkers (4): addition,
contrast and summarising
.. writing an essay
• Part 4: Key word transformations
~ key words
• Part 1: Multiple-choice cloze
~ easily confused words
• Part 1: Multiple choice
.. opinions
• Parts 3 and 4: Collaborative
task and discussion
.. discussing opinions
• Part 2: A report
• Formal language
.. writing a report
• Part 2: Open cloze
.. verb forms
• Part 1: Multiple-choice cloze
.. meaning and usage
• Part 2: Sentence completion
~ giving relevant answers
• Part 1; Interview
~ staying caJm!
• Part 1: A formal letter
• Pronouns
.. organisation and cohesion
• Part 4: Key word transformations
.. making changes
• Part 3: Word formation
,. the whole word
• Part 3: Multiple matching
.. listening for clues
• Part 2: Long turn
.. talking for one minute
• Part 1: An informal letter
• Word order
.. range
• Part 4: Multiple choice
.. attitude
• Parts 3 and 4: Collaborative
task and discussion
.. Listening
• Part 2: Open cloze
.. the whole context
• Part 1: Multiple-choice cloze
,. collocations
• Part 2: Set text (an article)
• Appropriate language
.. a set text
• Part 4 : Key word transformations
.. keeping the meaning
• Part 3: Word formation
.. word families
• Part 1: Multiple choice
.. Part I exam summary
• Parts 3 and 4: Collaborative
task and discussion
.. a full response
• Part 2: A review
• Opinions
.. writing a review
• Part 2: Open cloze
.. usage
• Part 3: Word formation
.. words with a similar form
• Part 2: Sentence completion
.. Part 2 exam summary
• Part 1: Interview
.. Part 1 exam summary
• Part 2: Long turn
.. Part 2 exam summary
• Part 1: An informal email
• Preparing for Part 1
.. Part 1 exam summary
• Part 2: Open cloze
.. Part 2 exam summary
• Part 1: Multiple-choice cloze
.. Part 1 exam summary
• Part 3: Multiple matching
.. Part 3 exam summary
• Part 2: A formallelter
• Preparing for Part 2
.. Part 2 exam summary
• Part 4: Key word transformations
.. Part 4 exam summary
• Part 3: Word formation
.. Part 3 exam summary
• Part 4: Multiple choice
.. Part 4 exam summary
• Parts 3 and 4: Collaborative
task and discussion
.. Part 3 exam summary
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The CD-ROM Exam Trainer
There are t wo ways you can use the CD·RO M. You can do a
norma l pra ct ice test un der exam condi t ions , or you can use
the Exam trainer to get ext ra t ips and ad vi ce abou t how to
do each question. You ca n also pr in t out you r scores to see
how you improve whi le you are stud yi ng.
FeE (First Certificate in English) is an exam set by the
Un iversity of Cambridge ESOL examinations. If you pass, you
will get a qualification which shows that you have an upper-
intermediate level of English and that you can:
• use English in a range of situations with native or non-
native speakers
• understand written texts such as letters, newspaper
articles and fiction
• understand spokBn English in a range of situations such
as extracts from the radio, and talks and interviews
• pick out factual detail and identify opinion and attitudes
from longer reading and listening texts
• follow instructions and ask and answer questions
• express opinions and offer advice
• take part in a conversation on a wide range of topics
• make notes in English while somebody is talking in
The format of the exam
Number of Task type
I timing
Part 1
Multiple choice
Pa rt 2
Gapped text
Part 3
Multiple matching
2 Writing
Part 1
Compulsory task
1hour 20 minutes
Part 2
Choice of five tasks
About Target FCE
3 Use of English
Part 1
Multiple-choice cloze
Target FeE will help you improve your English, practise the
question types used in FeE, and develop the skills you need
to pass the exam. Each of the 12 units in the book looks at
one of the topics that could appear in the exam, and contains
sections on grammar, vocabulary and word building, as wel l
as rea listic exam practice on all five papers.
45 minutes
Part 2
Open cloze
Part 3
Word formation
Part 4
Key word
Exam practice
4 Listening
Part 1
Multiple choice
Each unit includes work on all five exam papers, so there are
plenty of opportunities to practise every part of the exam.
The exam tasks are supported by Exam tips, which give you
helpful hints on how to do that task. The Workbook contains
lots more exam practice questions.
(discrete items)
approx. 45 minutes
Part 2
Part 3
Mult iple matching
Language focus and Vocabulary
Each unit introduces and re-uses important topic vocabulary.
The Grammar and Word building sections systematically
practise the key language areas you could need for the
exam. There is also a Language summary section at the back
of the book (pages 156 to 167), which looks at the language
points covered in the lessons in more detail. You can get
further pract ice of the language points and vocab ulary in the
Workbook and in the On target? review units.
Part 4
Multiple choice
(long text)
5 Speaking
Part 1
3 minutes
J4 minutes
Part 2
3 minutes
Long turn
3 minutes
Part 3
Collaborative task
Part 4
4 minutes
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