gim trans 09.pdf

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Egzamin w trzeciej klasie gimnazjum z języka angielskiego A1
kwiecień 2009
Zadanie 1.
Jack, why aren’t you answering the phone? I hope you’re already back from school. Dad will
be late as usual. I’m calling to tell you I have to stay at work longer today and if my bus
comes on time at 6.30, I’ll be back at 7.00. The neighbours are coming at 7.30 for the party so
I want you to do some shopping. Can you get some fruit? I don’t think bananas or apples will
be fresh in the supermarket. Buy oranges then, two kilos, and put them on the table. I forgot to
leave you any money on the bookshelf in the bedroom as usual, but check in the kitchen
cupboard. You should find about five pounds in there. See you in the evening. Bye!
Zadanie 2.
There's nothing to do when I get home from school so I just turn the TV on or go on the
Internet. I don't get lots of homework and I can't afford to go out so I just stay at home with
my friends and we watch TV. On Saturday and Sunday I watch even more!
I don't have much time to watch TV. I watch TV from time to time, I think I watch two or
three hours a week, but not every evening. I am at school all day and then I have a part-time
job and a lot of homework to do. My mum records my favourite shows for me and I watch
them all on a Saturday evening if I have the time!
I don’t have a TV! Everyone at school says it must be awful for me not to have a TV. But, the
truth is, I’ve never had one so I don't miss it. I sometimes watch something at my friends’ . I
have a computer so everything I really need to see I can get on the Internet.
Zadanie 3.
Kate: Hello, this is Kate speaking.
Jeff: Hello, Kate, it’s Jeff. Kate, I want to ask you a few questions about the dance school
you go to.
Kate: No problem, Jeff. What do you want to know?
Jeff: First, where is it?
Kate: It’s in the city centre, next to the station.
Jeff: Oh, I thought you go to that famous dance school near here, opposite the supermarket.
Egzamin w trzeciej klasie gimnazjum z języka angielskiego A1
kwiecień 2009
Kate: No, it is too expensive. They wanted £2.50 for each lesson and at my school
I only pay £2.
Jeff: On which days is the school open?
Kate: It’s open every day except Thursdays. Classes for teenagers are on Mondays, then on
Tuesdays and Wednesdays there are ballet classes for small kids, and our classes are
again on Fridays.
Jeff: I see. Thanks a lot, Kate. Bye!
Kate: Bye, Jeff!
Zadanie 4.
4.1. Why don’t we meet at the coffee shop at 10 o’clock?
4.2. Give my love to your sister.
4.3. My name’s Tom.
4.4. How are you doing at school?
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