Blue Velvet.txt

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Mummy Likes Blue Velvet
Man I like Heinekin
You want me to pour the beer Frank?
Nah I want you to fuck it, yes pour the fucking beer
And many other lines from this excellently shot drama from around 1988. Frank(Denis Hopper) Kidnaps the husband and 5 year old son of a caberet singer(Isabella Rossilini) and uses them as randsom, the payment is unspeakable. A young pair of inquisitive people (Kyle Maclochlan and Laura Dern) team up to try and solve the mystery of blue velvet. Fantastic use of emulsion film by Tecnicolor. Artist, Photgraphers and Movie Directors will appreciate it's wide contrast, vivid lighting, and scenic mood lights, my favs at the start. Bright blue sky, shiny white picket fence, yellow daffodils blowing in a gentle breeze amoungst brillian green grass, then pan to a black wet road with a red fire engine passing, with a waving fireman next to a 101 spot dalmation dog.. Ive just described about ten seconds of the classic David Lynch flick, seed to show your love of this one. Enjoy :)
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