Downton Abbey [3x06] [ENG].txt

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[0][300]Subtitles by MemoryOnSmells|
[376][387]Thank you.
[526][579]I know we sound like parrots, Tom,|but I would like to help, if I can.
[579][600]So would Mary.
[611][632]My wife is dead.
[644][667]I'm past help.
[667][688]But thank you.
[732][766]The guests looked for you|to say goodbye.
[766][786]I was here.
[831][878]I hope you'll let me know|if there's... anything I can do.
[878][898]Anything at all.
[910][930]Thank you.
[930][977]I'll come with you.|Save him getting the car out twice.
[977][1020]You're both very welcome to stay|for some dinner. I don't think so.
[1020][1048]Grief makes one so terribly tired.
[1064][1084]Goodbye, my dear.
[1100][1134]Now that it's over,|try to get some rest.
[1294][1315]Is it over?
[1315][1350]When one loses a child,|is it ever really over?
[1402][1437]Cheer up, Mr Barrow.|A long face won't solve anything.
[1437][1495]Leave him alone. He knew Lady Sybil|better than any of us. Except you.
[1495][1524]We were the two who really knew her.
[1524][1557]I must say,|your grief speaks well for her.
[1557][1596]Thank you for that.|Thank you for saying that.
[1617][1650]Are you sure you wouldn't like this|in the dining room, ma'am?
[1650][1698]No, thank you. I'd like to eat|quickly and have an early night.
[1730][1753]How was the service?
[1753][1775]Oh, quite nicely done.
[1787][1824]But you know how it is|when you bury someone young.
[1824][1844]When you lose your child...
[1858][1889]there's nothing worse|under the sun.
[1909][1951]I was wondering if I... might try|to take her out of herself.
[1951][1978]Perhaps give a little lunch party,|nothing formal.
[1978][2009]Just Lady Grantham and the girls.
[2027][2052]And I could cook something special.
[2083][2120]Well,|we don't have to decide that now.
[2120][2156]But I don't understand|why they haven't let him out.
[2156][2189]Mr Murray hasn't been to see|Mrs Bartlett yet.
[2189][2230]And when he does, she may not want|to repeat the things she said to me.
[2230][2252]She must be made to repeat them.
[2252][2293]Even then, would we have enough|to overturn the verdict?
[2293][2334]How can we prove she was cooking|that pie, not something else?
[2334][2366]Because something else|would have been found.
[2395][2436]Look, I'm not saying|it'll all be done by Tuesday.
[2445][2478]But this is the moment|we've all been waiting for.
[2526][2548]What's the matter?
[2565][2590]It's so nice of you to say "we".
[2600][2618]I mean it.
[2618][2648]We need some good news|in this house, Anna.
[2658][2685]And this is it. This must be it.
[2760][2798]I thought I might move back in here|tonight, if you'll have me.
[2798][2852]Not yet. I think I'd rather sleep|alone for a while yet.
[2870][2906]Well, if you're sure.|I'm sure.
[2932][2968]Cora... Let's not go through it|all again. I'm not arguing.
[2968][3022]You listened to Clarkson and|so should I have done, but Tapsell|has a reputation as an expert.
[3022][3070]And you believed him. Dr Clarkson|knew Sybil's history and he did not.
[3086][3131]You believed Tapsell because|he's knighted and fashionable.
[3131][3158]And has a practice in Harley Street.
[3158][3216]You let|all that nonsense weigh against|saving our daughter's life!
[3216][3251]Which is what I find|so very hard to forgive.
[3265][3295]Do you think I miss her|any less than you?
[3295][3319]I should think you miss her more.
[3331][3372]Since you blocked the last chance|we had to prevent her death.
[3417][3444]I'll say good night, then.
[3444][3457]Good night.
[3703][3726]How's the baby doing?
[3726][3760]I envy her.|She doesn't know a thing about it.
[3796][3826]You ought to think|about getting a nurse.
[3835][3867]Mrs Rose will leave,|once the baby's weaned.
[3867][3915]Perhaps a local girl.|But I'm not staying.
[3915][3941]Or at least just until I find a job.
[3956][3986]Well, there's no rush.|God, no!
[3997][4041]Tom's right. He has to start to make|a life for himself some time.
[4041][4066]Some time, yes. Not right away.
[4088][4118]And anyway,|now that the funeral's over,
[4118][4146]we ought to think about|the christening.
[4154][4200]Do you know|what you'd like her to be called?|I'd like to call her Sybil.
[4222][4237]Of course.
[4263][4300]You don't think it might be|a little painful?
[4308][4348]Very painful, at first,|but I think it's right.
[4364][4413]I want to remember her mother|whenever I look at her.|Of course you do.
[4413][4440]And she would want to be remembered.
[4459][4483]I'll go and see Mr Travis|this afternoon.
[4483][4502]Why Mr Travis?
[4509][4530]To... fix the date.
[4530][4556]But Sybil will be Catholic.
[4580][4622]My daughter is Irish and|she'll be Catholic, like her father.
[4699][4733]It's time I started my morning.
[4838][4856]Mrs Patmore!
[4864][4883]Oh, Ethel.
[4883][4921]Mrs Patmore, I wonder if I could|ask for your advice. Well, I...
[4921][4962]I suppose you know|I'm working for Mrs Crawley now.|I had heard.
[4962][5000]She's been ever so kind to me|and I'd hate her to suffer for it.
[5000][5050]She's hired me as cook/housekeeper|but, to be honest,|my cooking's a little rusty.
[5050][5066]Oh, yes?
[5066][5104]She's giving a lunch party|to help her Ladyship in her sorrow.
[5104][5143]She'll tell me to keep it simple,|but I'd like to surprise her.
[5143][5174]OUR Ladyship?|Mrs Crawley wants to show sympathy.
[5174][5206]I know you don't want to stop her.|Of course not.
[5206][5252]Might you help me|prepare a few dishes? Tell me how|to make them. I'll do the work.
[5252][5293]Please? Look, I don't mean to be|rude or personal, Ethel.
[5293][5355]But Mr Carson's made it very|clear... That no-one from the house|is to have dealings with me.
[5355][5398]You're not afraid I'll corrupt YOU,|are you? I am NOT!
[5398][5443]Then why should Mrs Crawley|be punished for showing me kindness?
[5546][5584]You don't look as optimistic|as you did, Bates. Something wrong?
[5584][5614]Not that I'm aware of, Mr Durrant.|Really?
[5614][5634]You seem downcast.
[5634][5675]I wondered if some scheme|to improve your lot had gone awry.
[5697][5740]If you know|something to suggest my fortunes|have taken a turn for the worse,
[5740][5767]perhaps you'd be kind enough|to share it with me.
[5767][5794]Am I kind enough to share it|with him, Craig?
[5806][5826]I don't think I am.
[5880][5914]Did you hear about|Tom's announcement at breakfast?
[5914][5940]He wants the child|to be a left-footer.
[5953][5998]Papa, I know it's hard...|There hasn't been a Catholic Crawley|since the Reformation.
[5998][6020]She isn't a Crawley.|She's a Branson.
[6020][6068]The only chance that child|will have of achieving anything is|because of the blood of her mother.
[6068][6088]Well, I don't agree.
[6088][6113]And besides, Sybil...|That's another thing.
[6113][6154]I think it's ghoulish to call her|after Sybil. Well, I don't.
[6197][6218]No, there's no need to cook.
[6218][6267]Just fetch some ham from Mr Bakewell|and make a light salad.
[6267][6290]You can't go wrong with that.
[6290][6316]And Lady Grantham won't want more.
[6316][6350]I'd like to make a bit of an effort,|to show our sympathies.
[6350][6388]It's a nice idea, Ethel,|but I'd like to keep it safe.
[6388][6410]I'll walk up to the house later.
[6436][6472]What is your plan for the child?|What do you mean?
[6472][6494]Well, if Branson takes her away
[6494][6540]to live with him in Liverpool|or wherever he comes to rest.
[6540][6589]Presumably, it will be his influence|that governs her upbringing.
[6589][6627]I hadn't thought about that.|Then, I suggest you do.
[6627][6642]And soon.
[6658][6679]What does Cora say?
[6696][6726]Not much. Not much to ME, anyway.
[6737][6763]She still holds you responsible?
[6763][6800]She's wretchedly unhappy,|if that's what you mean.
[6822][6860]I will not criticise a mother|who grieves for her daughter.
[6860][6904]I think she's grieving for|her marriage, as well as for Sybil.
[6904][6956]Robert, people like us are NEVER|unhappily married.
[6976][6999]What do we do if we are?
[6999][7020]Well, in those moments,
[7020][7066]a couple is unable to see as much|of each other as they'd like.
[7085][7106]You think I should go away?
[7106][7145]Or Cora could go to New York|to see that woman.
[7145][7176]It can help|to gain a little distance.
[7176][7219]I... I can't seem to think straight|about any of it.
[7219][7239]My dearest boy.
[7248][7302]There is no test on Earth greater|than the one you've been put to.
[7302][7341]I do not speak much of the heart,
[7341][7368]since it's seldom helpful to do so.
[7379][7434]But I know well enough|the pain when it is broken.
[7459][7476]Thank you, Mama.
[7500][7528]Don't you have any work to do?|I'll clean the silver later.
[7529][7577]Mr Carson told us to wait for him.|I wouldn't mind YOUR hours!
[7577][7601]What's the matter?
[7601][7641]You look very...|Very what?
[7641][7667]I don't know exactly.|Stop gabbing, Ivy.
[7667][7706]Remember,|you've my work to do tomorrow.|You off to see the rich farmer?
[7706][7746]Whatever he makes, he earns it.|It'd be nice to be your own boss.
[7746][7798]No farmer's his own boss.|He takes his orders from the sun and|the snow and the wind and the rain.
[7798][7826]Oh, I see!|Is this the new servants' hall?
[7826][7859]What have they done|with the old one, I wonder!
[7898][7939]What are you staring at?|A cat can look at a king.
[7939][8004]Well, not at a cook!|Get on with whatever you're doing.|I'll be back before the gong.
[8040][8065]I don't know what I'm doing here.
[8065][8090]You're here because you're kind.|Am I?
[8102][8128]This is a list of what you'll need.
[8128][8163]I'll come in on Thursday|and see how you're getting...
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