Zła krew. Mauvais Sang.txt

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00:00:01:/SubEdit b.3875 (http://alfa.icis.pcz.czest.pl/~subedit)/
00:00:32:He asked her, "Will you?"
00:00:36:She said neither yes nor no...
00:00:38:that's the way of girls|and boys.
00:01:04:The Night Is Young
00:01:34:This one, too, same thing.
00:01:35:Every one--suicide, suicide,|suicide, suicide.
00:01:41:Jean didn't kill himself!|It was her, the American woman.
00:01:44:One of her hatchet men.|Jean was pushed.
00:01:47:-There were witnesses.|-People are blind.
00:01:50:Jean was always depressive.
00:01:51:You don't die of it.
00:01:53:He got worse after Valerie died.
00:01:55:No, it was the American.
00:01:57:That's why she came over.
00:01:59:Jean couldn't pay,|so she eliminated him.
00:02:02:It's a warning.
00:02:04:-Death isn't always that simple.|-lt is.
00:02:08:And it's my turn now.
00:02:09:So let's split.|We'll leave town.
00:02:12:No, the American will find us|sooner or later.
00:02:15:Like she found|that other woman...
00:02:17:with a bullet in the stomach|or the head.
00:02:20:-ln any case, I'm not budging.|-So we'll find the money.
00:02:28:There she is! It's her!
00:02:31:It's all over.
00:02:35:I can't watch this.
00:02:41:Not here, not in broad daylight.
00:02:43:You've nothing to be afraid of.
00:02:56:How do you explain this dreadful|heat hitting Paris?
00:03:01:Is it Halley's Comet?|It's worse than in Washington.
00:03:03:Marc is sure you killed Jean.
00:03:07:Why would we?|Corpses never pay their debts.
00:03:13:Look, Michael double-crossed us.|He disappeared with the money.
00:03:19:I know, Marc. They've all gone--|Michael, Jean...
00:03:24:It's your bad luck|you're the only one left.
00:03:26:So you must pay. You were always|the reliable one.
00:03:30:At least,|that's how I remember you.
00:03:33:Leave Michael to us.
00:03:35:But in the meantime,|I'm flying back in two weeks.
00:03:39:So you have two weeks.
00:03:42:I could never...
00:03:43:If you don't pay,|you'll pay for it.
00:03:46:Of course you can.|"Never" is such a childish word.
00:03:50:You're too old for that, Marc.|Two weeks!
00:04:07:I can't grasp what's going on.
00:04:10:It's too fresh, too new.
00:04:16:I can't forget a thing; emotions|no longer replace each other.
00:04:19:They seem to accumulate,|to pile up and never heal.
00:04:23:I was really scared just now...
00:04:25:and that fear will stay with me|to the end.
00:04:28:Well, let's beat it, Marc.
00:04:31:No, I've stopped running.
00:04:36:I would gladly|finish Michael off myself.
00:04:40:That laboratory job|was our only chance.
00:04:44:-The Darley Wilkinson thing?|-That's the one.
00:04:48:It's impossible.
00:04:50:We've always managed before,|Hans.
00:04:53:Only Jean was quick-fingered|enough to pull it off.
00:04:59:You're right.
00:05:03:-What?|-Jean's son, Alex.
00:05:07:Jean and Valerie called him|"Tongue-tied."
00:05:10:That's right.
00:05:12:The child wouldn't talk.
00:05:14:In fact, I remember|that during the first months...
00:05:17:Valerie began to think|that he was dumb.
00:05:20:He never made a sound.
00:05:22:Jean said he'd become almost|as fast as him with his hands.
00:05:27:The last time I saw the boy was|10 years ago. He was 13 or 14.
00:05:32:Jean had been|teaching him to shoot...
00:05:35:in the forest of Ramboillet.
00:05:37:Valerie was still alive,|but already seriously ill.
00:05:41:I could find his address and...
00:06:02:-We must go, Lise.|-Already?
00:06:06:Were you crying?
00:06:07:No, it's the same allergy|I had in the summer.
00:06:11:Such heat in midwinter!
00:06:57:Can I drive it?
00:06:59:Not tonight. lt'll be yours|when I buy the 750.
00:07:02:It's too old and plodding|for me now. I'll take you home.
00:07:06:No, let's go to your place,|Alex.
00:07:11:I'm working tonight.
00:07:13:-Not tonight.|-I must.
00:07:34:-I feel like it.|-I do, and I don't.
00:07:38:-I must go.|-Even though I want to?
00:07:40:I'd have to be quick,|and you don't like that.
00:07:44:-I don't care.|-You say that now.
00:08:22:Let me do it.
00:08:44:Boys are so slow...even you.
00:08:51:You say I'm prettiest|afterwards...
00:08:54:but that's when you leave.
00:08:58:-I could come round later.|-Not tonight, Lise.
00:09:01:Especially tonight.
00:09:04:You promised not to make a fuss.|How can you lie like that?
00:09:09:You're not in love.|One day, you'll understand.
00:09:14:One day or two, perhaps.
00:09:20:Will you do the ventriloquist?
00:09:24:Hello, little sphinx.
00:09:28:Hello, Alex, sing me that song.
00:09:33:Close your pretty eyes
00:09:41:Close your pretty eyes,|my little Lise
00:09:44:because life is a dream
00:10:01:Alex, it's Thomas.
00:10:02:I've just heard about|your father. Call me.
00:10:41:-Hello, Tongue-tied.|-Nobody calls me that anymore.
00:10:45:Do you know who I am?
00:10:47:-About your father, l--|-We'd lost touch.
00:10:51:Do you remember Marc?
00:10:54:He doesn't believe|it was suicide.
00:10:56:He thinks the American did it.
00:10:58:It's all the same to me.
00:11:00:He's working on a big job...
00:11:03:your father|was going to do with him.
00:11:05:I don't want to know.
00:11:07:Marc thought of you.
00:11:10:Jean said|how quick-fingered you are.
00:11:13:There'll be lots of money.
00:11:16:Your eyes lit up--|quite right, too.
00:11:18:Young people need money.
00:11:22:if you pay women|when you're young...
00:11:24:you'll be less aware|of growing old.
00:11:29:M. Alex le Vogan.
00:11:30:This is the Forensic lnstitute.
00:11:33:Your father's remains|are in the morgue.
00:11:35:We await your instructions.
00:11:38:Please call us immediately.
00:11:47:This is Marc's chance|to save himself.
00:11:50:It's nothing to do with me.
00:11:52:You may change your mind.|It's easy at your age.
00:11:57:Here's the address.
00:11:59:It's an old|horsemeat-butcher's shop.
00:12:02:We'll expect you tonight.
00:14:14:Who saw the card? Who wants|to play? 100 francs...200?
00:14:19:Once more, anyone can win...|keep your eye on the cards.
00:14:22:The black loses, the red wins.|Just follow my hand.
00:14:25:Winner takes all. Red wins,|black loses. Who saw the red?
00:14:30:100 francs--who wants to play?|You, sir? 100? 200?
00:16:20:No, I didn't listen|to the messages.
00:16:24:I don't want to know.
00:16:28:Yes, an orphan at last.
00:16:31:Yes, it's my chance|to start again.
00:16:34:No, I'm leaving Paris|without a trace.
00:16:38:I wake up|with a belly of cement.
00:16:42:Yes, it's been like that|ever since that place.
00:16:46:Very heavy, yes.
00:16:50:No, not even the bike.
00:16:56:But I'll find|my speeding smile again.
00:16:59:The morgue tracked me down,|but I'm not calling them back.
00:17:04:I'm off to the coast tomorrow...
00:17:07:and I'm leaving you|all my books.
00:17:10:And Lise, too.
00:17:13:She's a great girl. I really|love her, and she loves me.
00:17:17:She already lights her fags|like me.
00:17:19:She must owe nothing|to anyone, anyone!
00:17:23:I'm leaving her, and|I don't know how to tell her.
00:17:26:You call her, Thomas,|and take care of her.
00:18:18:Little Lise, I'm going away!
00:18:21:First to the coast,|and then we'll see.
00:18:23:One single change|can bring about a total change.
00:18:26:One severed bond|can sever all others.
00:18:28:It's like a crime,|and I'm the killer.
00:18:32:I left my gun at the scene|of the crime...
00:18:34:but you must be wiped clean|of my prints.
00:18:37:I know your youth will preserve|your puzzled incomprehension.
00:18:41:That's good.
00:18:42:I'm off.
00:18:44:Lise, don't wait for time|to pass. Forget me at top speed.
00:18:48:Sleep with boys and with men.
00:18:51:I remember your first drawing.
00:18:53:One of your best.|With the title--
00:18:56:"When a girl spreads her legs...
00:18:58:"her secrets fly away|like butterflies."
00:19:00:But no lovemaking|without precautions.
00:19:03:Lise, I won't see|or touch you again...
00:19:05:as long as life hasn't wiped|my fingerprints from you.
00:19:10:Forget me, be wonderful.
00:19:12:I kiss you, Lise, I truly do.
00:19:15:Forever and never, Alex.
00:19:20:I enclose the keys to the bike.|It's yours now.
00:20:49:-Look.|-It's him ! Let him in.
00:21:03:This is Jean's son.
00:21:12:-About your father, l...|-They'd lost touch.
00:21:16:Put your bags down, Tongue-tied.
00:21:20:Do you want a drink?
00:21:47:So you've decided to come?
00:21:50:We'll see. I want to start|a new life, and it's expensive.
00:21:55:That's fine.|There'll be money enough.
00:21:59:I've left a clean slate.
00:22:02:That's good.
00:22:05:You can move in here.
00:22:13:Anna will make up your bed.
00:22:18:-This is Jean's son, Anna.|-"Tongue-tied."
00:22:35:She's half asleep.
00:22:38:Have you changed clothes?
00:22:47:Alex will need a bed|for a few days.
00:23:04:It's bloody hot.|Let's go out for some air.
00:23:10:Haven't you noticed|anything new?
00:23:15:You've changed the seat covers?
00:23:17:And the mats.
00:23:19:It cost me a fortune.|I'm very pleased with it.
00:23:23:Hans is very vain.|Now, to business.
00:23:25:We have only two weeks.
00:23:27:Jean said you're as quick|with your hands as him.
00:23:33:Have you heard of STBO?
00:23:36:-Don't you read the papers?|-Never.
00:23:39:STBO is a new disease. Syndrome|of...something or other.
00:23:43:I can't remember.
00:23:44:-It's killed thousands.|-And it's only beginning.
00:23:47:It attacks lovers|who make love without feeling.
00:23:50:The younger you are,|the higher the risk.
00:23:54:It's enough if one partner|makes love without love...
00:23:57:for both to be infected.
00:24:00:-Right, Hans?|-Right.
00:24:02:STBO is a retro virus.
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