Operation Guide for Toptest and BRD files.doc

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Board View Operation Guide

Operation Guide for Board View Files
~ Toptest with *.BRD files~

1. Save both files (Board View.exe and TM270.BRD) to your computer.
(C:¥boardview files¥)


2. Execute Boardview.exe by double clicking on the file we download in step1 and a window named  TOPTEST BV2000 will pop up.



3. Move the cursor to File -->Open

4.Select TM270.BRD we download in step 1 and click Open(or double click on


5. A model of TM270 will be shown on the screen.


6. Move the cursor to Device. and a window named Search Device will pop up
(pressing D is also workable)

7. Key in the component location which you want to know (ex:U10) and click Ok


8. The component location U10 will be shown and marked white .


9. You can have the screen zoom in by double click (on the component).


10. Click on each pin and you can see its definition on left , down side.


11. You can inquire signals by pressing N or clinking on Net


12. Key in the signal you wanna know (ex:+1.8VS) and click OK.


13. All pins connected to +1.8VS will be shown on the screen.

14.You can select Help -> Content for operation help .


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