Zestaw 12 - Nauka i technika.doc

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A.    Uzyskiwanie, udzielanie informacji


W bibliotece w Edynburgu korzystasz z katalogu komputerowego. Nie możesz znaleźć poszukiwanej pozycji książkowej.


- Poinformuj pracownika biblioteki o problemie z katalogiem.

- Zapytaj, czy możesz tę pozycję odszukać w inny sposób.

- Zapytaj, jak długo potrwa procedura odszukania jej dla Ciebie.

/ Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminujący/




A: Yes, how can I help you?

B:  I’ve used the computer catalogue to search for one book and I can’t locate it there.

A: Have you checked if the book is available in our library?

B:  It should be. It is in the catalogue but there is no shelf-mark. Do you think I could find it in some other way?

A: What is the book?

B: It’s here. The first item.

A: Yes, I see. You should fill in this form for special document supply.

B: OK, thank you. How long will I have to wait?

A: Some books are stored in a different building. I’m afraid the book will be here on Friday.

B: Oh, that’s the day after tomorrow. I can wait till then, yes.

A: OK. Just ask at the desk here.

B: Thank you very much indeed.




B.     Relacjonowanie wydarzeń



Opowiadasz znajomym z zagranicy o wizycie w muzeum techniki. Powiedz:


- w jakich okolicznościach doszło do zwiedzania muzeum,

- które eksponaty podobały Ci się najbardziej i dlaczego,

- dlaczego spędziłeś/spędziłaś tam cały dzień.

/ Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający/



A: I’m just coming back from the Museum of Technology.

B: Did you like it there?

A: Oh, yes. I always wanted to go there. It was really interesting. I spent all day there.

B: All day?

A: Almost. I was asking friends if they wanted to go but they said they weren’t interested in science or technology. So today morning I decided to go there on my own.

B: So you had a day to yourself?

A: You can say so, yes. I really liked many things I saw there, especially an old typewriter from the 19th century. You see, the guide told us how it had changed over the years. I must say it was interesting to see how people managed without computers then. The guide also showed us a copy of the steam engine and explained how it worked. I can’t imagine my car with that old engine. It was so slow. I think there were no car or train crashes then.

B: So you liked those two and you looked at them all day?

A: No, of course not. There were other exhibits, also many which are contemporary. It took me all day to go from the past to the present. And if you stop for a minute or two at each exhibit, time flies. I had a break for lunch and I came back to finish it. It’s a large museum.

B: That’s true. But you have spent a good day.

A: Yes, I think it was good.




C.    Negocjowanie



Koledze/Koleżance z zagranicy bardzo podoba się Twoje polskie mieszkanie i chce wykonać szereg zdjęć w jego wnętrzu.


- Wyraź zgodę na zrobienie tylko zdjęć okolicy z okna mieszkania.

- Odrzuć propozycję nakręcenia filmu kamerą cyfrową i podaj uzasadnienie.

- Zaproponuj rozwiązanie kompromisowe i wyjaśnij, dlaczego uważasz je za lepsze.

/Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający/




A: If you like this flat, you can take a few pictures as you wanted. I think the view from the window is worth a picture. Just look at the park over there.

B: Yes, I know. Actually, I wasn’t interested in pictures. They wouldn’t be enough. I wanted to film your flat with this digital camera. One short video clip for each room. I really like the interiors.

A: Why? I can’t see anything special about it. Please don’t make any films. I really wouldn’t like my flat to be on the Internet. You never know with these digital cameras. You don’t really need a film. Nothing moves in front of the camera. They are just pieces of furniture. Photographs would be OK.

B: But I would like you to be in the film. You would be the proud owner of the flat.

A: I’ve got a better idea. I think you like this flat now, but after some time you will not see anything beautiful there. That’s why it would be a better idea if you took only photos – as many as you want, but without me.

B: But the film is so much more natural.

A: OK, you can take photos of details and make one clip of all the rooms, bathroom and kitchen. But only one clip, it’s really a small flat. In this way you will have your film and pictures.

B: All right. I still can’t see why, but let it be your way.

A: Thank you.



Zadanie 2 Rozmowa na podstawie ilustracji



The picture shows a young woman looking into a microscope in a scientific laboratory. The woman looks about 25 years old. She’s got blond hair tied in a ponytail. She’s dressed in a white lab uniform. On the table around the microscope there are a lot of wires and cords joining various types of equipment. In the bottom left-hand corner I can see some papers. Above the table there is a shelf with two other pieces of equipment. The wall in the background is red.



1.      Is the job of the woman in the picture easy or difficult? Why do you think so?


It is really hard to say if the woman’s job is easy or difficult. If she only observes various small organisms and minerals under the microscope and writes down what she can see, it may be easy. But if she has to analyze everything, it may not be so easy. Her job requires a lot of attention, I think. Such a person needs to have special professional education to work like this.



2.      Would you like to work as a scientist? Why? /Why not?


I don’t know if working as a scientist is for me or not. I think I would prefer a job where I can see the immediate results of what I do. As a scientist I would have to wait for the results for a long time. To be a scientist like the woman in the picture, one has to be very patient and hard-working. Sometimes, it requires long hours working in dangerous conditions, for example in a chemical laboratory.

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