COM - ComboMAX v3.4.0 (Phil Taylor).rtf

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ComboMAX allows your visitors to leave comments and feedback on your Joomla articles. These comments are show at the bottom of the article, along with links to their homepage and with full smiley support


Highlighted ComboMAX Features:

·         Suggest A New Feature!
We would love to hear from you! Suggest new features in our online tracker

·         Simple to use - no programming needed
Installs as a Joomla Component and Mambot in one click

·         Accept comments from passing visitors
No need to register to leave comments if configured

·         Moderation of Comments
You can hold submitted comments until you have approved them

·         Report Bad Comment Feature
Allows the reporting of comments that are 'bad' or offensive

·         Full support for basic formatting and Smiley Icons
Express yourself in your comments - let peple know you are winking ;-) = Wink

·         Subscribe to an articles comments
Receive an email when new comments are posted on the article your commented on

·         Template based output
Complete control on what shows where and even what fields are available or displayed

·         Very easy to configure
All configuration is done in Joomla Admin Console

·         Info Bar
Displays the current rating and links to Read More, Read Comments and Write Comment

·         Hides visitors emails from Spam Bots
However you as administrator can see the email addresses, the web browser the user used and even his or her's IP Address.

·         Your feature here?......
We would love to hear from you! Suggest new features in our online tracker


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