COM - jReviews v1.2.RC1.rtf

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jReviews is a review and rating system (or PHP review script) for Joomla, one of the most powerful Open Source Content Management Systems on the planet.

With jReviews you can easily build a sophisticated review site or add a review section to your existing Joomla site.


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Unlimited sets of rating criteria and advanced custom field management allows reviews and ratings of everything, even on the same website! (i.e. movies, music, cars, restaurants, hotels, websites, software, mobile phones, service providers, recipes, travel, books, consumer electronics, articles, you name it).

The advanced custom field management tool that is built into jReviews allows the creation of custom forms with unlimited number of fields for each category. You can position the fields practically anywhere you want in content and content listings.

jReviews integrates into Joomla so the ratings & review information is visibile throughout the site.

The review system enables you to run a site with both user and editor reviews. Users can vote on the usefulness of others' reviews, report inappropriate reviews and get ranked based on the number of reviews they have posted and their usefulness.

Additionally, jReviews comes with a Yahoo style directory listing of content sections and categories, and you can setup different directories, to allow users to easily navigate through your site. The jReviews section and category listings allow ordering by editor ratings, user ratings, most reviewed, most popular. Sorting on custom fields is also possible!

jReviews uses AJAX to provide a better user experience without page reloads for your site visitors and for the administrator. jReviews also uses patTemplate engine which means you can easily change its appearance.

Summary of jReviews' main features
Rating and reviews

·         Use it for user reviews, user & editor reviews or editor reviews only.

·         Define which users are to be considered editors or administrators can make any review an editor review.

·         Create multiple sets of rating criteria, assignable to content categories.

·         Select a rating scale of 1-5,1-10,1-100.

·         Review usefulness voting and inappropriate reporting.

·         User ranking based on number of reviews posted and usefulness.

·         New review notification.

Content submission

·         Users can submit new items in any of the categories.

·         Allow anyone or just registered users to submit a review or an item. This can be automatically published or held for moderation.

·         Automatic thumbnails are generated for uploaded images and images are shown as mini-galleries for each content item.

·         New content notification.

Custom fields

·         Create multiple groups of custom fields, assignable to content categories for new content submissions.

·         Custom fields include: text, textarea, email, website, select list, integer, decimal, code - can be used for buy now buttons, multiple select list, checkboxes, radio buttons.

·         Easily assign images to custom fields with preset values (i.e. select lists, checkboxes and radio buttons)

·         Sort content lists on ascending/descending order based on standard content data (title, date, hits, author), on review information (user and editor ratings) and on custom fields (i.e. price)

·         Backend editor for custom fields makes it easy to add and edit custom fields for existing content

·         Place custom fields anywhere you want inside content items and content lists by adding the appropriate tags to the provided com_content template.

Advanced search

·         Allows users to search for items using the custom fields defined in the administration. These can be select lists, text inputs, etc.

·         The administrator can decide which fields should appear in the advanced search form.

·         There can be many different advanced search forms depending on the different forms you put together with the custom fields.

Directory listing

·         Create multiple directories by assigning categories to them. Each directory can be setup as a different menu on your site. This provides another level above sections to group and present content.

·         The directory layout is customizable in terms of section and category columns. Categories can be presented in bullet lists or separated by commas.


·         JReviews comes with a great set of modules to enhance the look and usability of your site.

Integration with other extensions

·         Integration with Community Builder so user name always links back to profile and avatar is displayed with reviews and on user rank page.


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