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Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
512 Forest Lake Drive
Warner Robins, Georgia 31093
Nothing Personal
Copyright © 2007 by Jaci Burton
ISBN: 1-59998-170-X
All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced
in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case
of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: March 2007
Nothing Personal
Jaci Burton
To my editor, Angela James—you are the wind beneath my wings, the
sunshine of my soul, the yin to my yang, the cream to my coffee and the
butter to my toast. Okay, seriously, thank you for always knowing the
difference between lay/lie/laid, affect/effect, awhile and for a while, and
which of my sentences really suck, because there’s only so much
information my limited brain can handle.
And to Charlie—you have always made me feel valued, cherished and
loved, and for that I will be forever grateful.
Nothing Personal
Chapter One
“If you think Ryan McKay’s so hot, Faith, then you marry him.”
Faith Lewis watched in stunned silence as her boss’s bride-to-be
flounced out of the penthouse suite, the train of her designer wedding
gown trailing gloriously behind her.
No more than a moment after Erica Stanton walked out the door in a
huff, Ryan McKay stepped in.
He threw Faith that look. The irritated, things-weren’t-going-his-way-
and-he-wasn’t-happy-about-it look. The same expression crossed his
handsome features at countless business meetings.
“I saw Erica leaving,” he said. “I called to her, but she slipped into the
elevator before I could get there.”
Mere inches separated them. His six-foot frame towered over her, his
crisp, clean scent calling to mind snow-covered mountain breezes. No
man should be allowed to smell that good. Black hair, gray eyes and
broad shoulders, he was the picture of handsome elegance. Her heart
fluttered despite his angry scowl.
“Faith, what’s going on?” Ryan asked.
Offering up a silent thanks a lot to Ryan’s now-former-fiancée, she
braced herself to deliver the bad news. This went way beyond her job as
his executive assistant. “Umm, Miss Stanton has changed her mind
about marrying you.”
Prepared for the inevitable McKay tirade, Faith couldn’t believe the
disappointment shadowing his powerful features. “I see,” he said. “You
couldn’t convince her?”
She’d never seen that defeated look before. Ryan McKay never gave
up. But he was quickly running out of options. He had roughly five
hours to get married or lose control of McKay Corporation and it was now
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