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How to edit radial exposure and brightness (and remove vignetting)
How to edit radial exposure and brightness (and remove vignetting)
Get even exposure from center to corner throughout the photo. Most lenses, all home digital cameras and all photos taken with a single flash
will produce uneven radial exposure.
Mac version is for all versions of Photoshop and Elements and all OS versions.
Windows version is for all versions of Photoshop, Elements, Fireworks, Paint Shop Pro, Corel Draw, Illustrator and other software that
supports Photoshop plug-ins. See list .
Radial Density plug-in - Tutorial
of the plug-in
Edit radial exposure
Edit radial brightness
Even exposure throughout the photo from center to corner
Create radially transparent masks for radial color-correction
The radial density filter plug-in works with these image modes (Windows and Mac)...
8,16 bit / channel: RGB, Grayscale, Duotone, CMYK, Multichannel, Lab.
Radial Density
filter controls
This is the Radial Density plug-ins control panel (Mac). Click the
image to enlarge. The control panel and preview area can be
changed by dragging the edges.
The filter has only three basic sets of controls:
1. radius of the density filtering.
2. radial exposure filters.
3. radial brightness filters.
Example -
The Radial Density plug-in is
the only one of its kind for
correction of uneven radial
exposure and brightness.
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How to edit radial exposure and brightness (and remove vignetting)
What is "Density"?
"Density" refers to the combined effect of exposure and brightness -- and to some extent saturation.
"Radial density" refers to the changes in these from the center to the corner of an image.
What is "Vignetting"?
"Vignetting" refers to radial change in exposure by the lens of the camera.
Lenses - especially wide-angle lenses and home digital cameras - do not expose evenly, but tend to expose the corners less
than the center If you were to photograph a monochrome white surface under uniform light, you would get an image of the
vignetting of the lens that looked somewhat like this...
Vignetting is clearly visible in this photo...
Below we will show you how it looks after being corrected with the plug-in.
The plug-ins filtering controls
Here you can set the radius and type of the spread.
Diffusion is generally not something to be concerned, so just leave it at 50.
Radius %
This changes the size of the correction in percent of the image size. In effect
this will change the acceleration of the fade-out.
Radius = 0
Radius = 50
Radius = 100
Diffusion %
This slider is not something you should be too concerned about. Just leave it at 50.
Diffusion blends the individual compensation steps into each other and produce a more smooth effect.
Without any diffusion the individual steps of the radial compensation gradient will be very clear and may appear as rings. Too much diffusion on the
other hand may appear grainy.
The rest of the controls are for correcting radial exposure and radial brightness.
You can raise or lower exposure - which is quite different from brightening and
darkening. Density is the combination of exposure and brightness, so you have
two similar sets of sliders - one for each. Each set contains four controls.
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How to edit radial exposure and brightness (and remove vignetting)
The radial brightness controls are similar to the exposure controls with one
important exception: if you are working with layers in RGB, or Grayscale,
image mode, then you can create radial transparency for exact correction
With transparency you can create radial correction layers. This means, for
example, that if your image has a radial discoloration, then you can create a
correction layer with the plug-in and correct it. To do this you will have to work on
an extra layer in Photoshop and then adjust color after creating transparency.
Finally blend with the original. We will show how below.
Retouch levels
As with most Power Retouche plug-ins you can control the amount of
retouching in the lights, mid tones and darks.
White Alert and Black Alert will apply their respective colors to areas in the
preview that are pure white or pure black. You can change the color of the
mask by clicking in the colored rectangle.
Examples of Radial Exposure
Original, with vignetting
To get a perfect result, we had to focus the filtering to mid tones by setting Lights to 0 and Darks to 50.
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How to edit radial exposure and brightness (and remove vignetting)
Radial exposure
This is a different case where the central face has become underexposed because of the hard light to the left. In order to correct this we used radial
exposure to raise the face and also a bit of radial brightness to darken the edges.
Central exposure raised.
Creating frames and working with transparency
With the Radial Density plug-ins controls you can also create frames. If you use the transparency option, you can create toned frames.
In the first instance we simply reduced radial brightness. Since the background is white, this creates a gray frame.
In the second instance we wanted a warm frame, so we copied the picture of the baby and pasted it onto a monochrome warm background. We then
used the plug-in on the baby-layer to create radial transparency.
Radial brightness reduced
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How to edit radial exposure and brightness (and remove vignetting)
Radial transparency
When the left image is pasted on a warm monochrome background
You could also create a create a toned frame by making the center transparent and pasting the result onto the original image and then editing the top
layer with the transparent center with other plug-ins. In the following example we edited the transparent top layer with Power Retouche Color Editor.
After creating a layer with a transparent center, we toned it with the Color
Corrector plug-in.
The result of combining the two layers
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