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Aspect is a feature of grammar that gives information about the temporal flow of language

Chinese              Grammar Review               Mrs. JI Hua

Grammar Review: Perfect Aspect Particle “


Aspect Particles are added to verbs to tell in what stage an action is.


Perfect Aspect Particle “ is used to indicate the completion of an action.


Place of in a sentence:

              Immediately after the verb (before the objects)

·         This form stresses the object. A further dialogue may be followed on the object.

                            我喝了三杯啤酒。I drank 3 glasses of beer. (3 glasses of beer were consumed.)

                            Further dialogue: 什么啤酒?/ 什麽啤酒?


                            我看了一个法国电影。/ 我看了一個法國電影。I watched a French movie.

                            Further dialogue: 这个电影怎么样?/ 這個電影怎麽樣?


·         The object of Verb is usually qualified by a Number + Measure Word structure or other modifiers to give more detailed information.

                            我喝了两杯花茶。/ 我喝了兩杯花茶。

                            我认识了一个漂亮的女孩儿。/ 我認識了一個漂亮的女孩兒。

                            他看了很多书。/ 他看了很多書。He read a lot of books.



              After the object for “verb-objectverbs

                            Some verbs consist of a combination:  the first character is the verb and the second and                             third the object,  i.e. 喝啤酒 is considered a compound verb with as a verb and 啤酒                            its own object.  


·         This form stresses the event or fact that the action did happen.

                            他去咖啡馆了。/ 他去咖啡館了。He went to a café.

                            (The event that he went to a café” did happen. We know nothing about the name of the                                            café or if he drank any coffee.. )



                            Stress: “the fact that he drank some beer” happened.


·         The structure Verb + Object can be considered as a compound verb, sometimes they are called Verb Object verbs.

                            去商店(shāng diàn=shop)了。 I did go to a shop.

                            你今天下午做什么了?  - 看书了。What did you do this afternoon? Reading books.


                            In this case, there are no modifiers before the object.


                            Compound verbs we have learned so far include:

                            唱歌  吃饭  打工  打球  回家  看书  看电影  跳舞  去学校  上课  聊天  请客  睡觉 

                            唱歌 吃飯 打工 打球 回家 看書 看電影 跳舞 去學校 上課 聊天 請客 睡覺

and Past Tense: Very often, a completed action took place in the past.



                            Last weekend, I met a Chinese girl student in the library.


                            我昨天晚上喝了三杯啤酒。I drank 3 cups of beer yesterday evening.


Negative form of the Perfect Aspect of Action: add 没有 or before the verb.

                            没有吃饭。I didnt eat.

                            喝那杯茶。He didnt drink that cup of tea.

                            看书。/ 看書She didn’t read books.
              Note:               1. You need to DROP in a negative perfect aspect of action.

                            2. Both 没有 and are correct, butis more colloquial.

                            3. as a negative adverb for perfect aspect of action cannot be used in Present and                                 Future tenses.


Interrogative form of the Perfect Aspect of Action:

                            Form 1: add 吗?/ 嗎?at the end of your affirmative sentence.

                                          Affirmative: 我看书了。/ 我看書了。

                                          Interrogative: 你看书了吗?/ 你看書了嗎?


                                          Affirmative: 我看了一本中文书。/ 我看了一本中文書。

                                          Interrogative 1: 你看中文书了吗?/ 你看中文書了嗎?


                            Form 2: add 没有?at the end of your affirmative sentence.

                                          Affirmative: 我看书了。/ 我看書了。

                                          Interrogative: 你看书了没有?/ 你看書了没有?


                            Form 3: Affirmative-Negative: V V

                                          Affirmative: 我看书了。/ 我看書了。

                                          Interrogative: 看没看书?/ 看没看書?


                            Form 4: Other interrogative forms using question words such as what, how many……

                                          Affirmative: 我看了一本中文书。/ 我看了一本中文書。


                                          Interrogative 1: 你看了几本中文书?/ 你看了幾本中文書?

                                          Interrogative 2: 你看了一本什么书?/ 你看了一本什麽書?


For sentences with multiple verbs, follow these guidelines:

·         affirmative statements:  put after the last verb or action

                  He came and drank three glasses of beer!  他来喝了三杯啤酒。/ 他來喝了三杯啤酒

              He went to the library to read. 他去图书馆看书了。/ 他去圖書館看書了。

·         negative statements:  put or 没有 before the first verb       

              He didn't come to eat. 他没来吃饭。/ 來吃飯

·         affirmative-negative questions:  make the first verb affirmative-negative

              Did he come to eat?  他来没来吃饭?/ 他來沒來吃飯?

Do not use “” when: 


A past action is NOT always followed by “”.


For a straight narration of past events, it is not necessary to use unless the completion of the               action is being stressed.




              When you give background information of a completed action, “” is not needed.




is not used with verbs describing state, emotion/will or habitual actions.


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