TSR 2419 CGR2 The Complete Gladiator's Handbook.pdf

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The Complete Gladiator's Handbook
Written by Walter M. Baas (Character Creation and Arenas) and Colin McComb (the other stuff)
Edited by Newton Ewell
Color Illustrations by Brom
Black and White Art by Tom Baxa and Brom
Art Coordination by Peggy Cooper
Graphic Design by Sarah Feggestad
Production by Angelika Lokotz
Maps Drawn by Diesel
Special Thanks: Rich Baker for the compilation of combat possibilities. Prof. Pericles Georges of Lake Forest College for invaluable direction.
Timothy B. Brown and Troy Denning for creating Athas. Kevin Pohle for martial arts help. David J. Zenz for weapons. Karen
Boomgarden, Anne Brown, Michele Carter, Bruce Nesmith, Doug Stewart, Dori Watry, and David Wise for editorial assistance.
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ISBN 1-56076-616-6
TSR, Inc.
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............................................. 4
The Gladiatorial Coliseum of Nibenay ............ 62
The Natural Arena at Raam ........................ 64
The Tyr Gladiatorial Stadium ........................ 66
Uriks Pit of Black Death .............................. 68
Arena Variations and Obstacles ..................... 70
Life in the Stands .................................... 71
Dirty Tricks .......................................... 76
Fan Culture .......................................... 77
Gambling on the Games .............................. 80
In This Corner: Arena Opponents .................. 81
Arena Animals ....................................... 87
The Arena as Court ................................. 88
Chapter I : Character Creation ........................ 6
Gladiator Kits .......................................... 6
Beast Trainer ....................................... 6
Blind Fighter ....................................... 9
Arena Champion ................................. 11
Convict ............................................. 13
Professional Gladiator .............................. 14
Jazst ................................................ 16
Montare ............................................. 18
Reaver ............................................. 21
Gladiatorial Slave ................................. 22
Arena Managers .................................... 25
Arena Necromancers ................................. 26
Renowned NPCs of the Arenas ..................... 26
Chapter 5: The Gladiator Campaign ............... 90
PCs as Gladiators .................................... 90
Living Conditions .................................... 90
Stables ................................................ 91
Free Gladiators ....................................... 92
Training ................................................ 93
Awards and Rewards ................................. 100
Punishments ....................................... 101
Escape and Revolt! ................................. 102
Social Life .......................................... 103
Keeping Score ....................................... 104
Fame and Infamy .................................... 106
Patrons ............................................. 116
Trading Gladiators ................................. 116
Games Outside the Cities ........................... 118
Expenses ............................................. 119
Chapter 2: Gladiator Abilities ........................ 28
Armor Optimization ................................. 28
Unarmed Combat .................................... 28
New Proficiencies .................................... 28
Weapon Proficiencies ................................. 31
Chapter 3: Combat .................................... 32
New Weapons ....................................... 32
Armor ................................................ 38
Combat Possibilities ................................. 40
Standard Attacks ................................. 41
Special Attacks .................................... 41
Unarmed Combat ................................. 44
Barehanded Maneuvers ........................... 45
Tactics ................................................ 45
Martial Arts .......................................... 47
Bleeding Damage .................................... 50
Hit Locations .......................................... 52
The Upper Hand .................................... 55
Chapter 6: Running Tournaments .................. 122
Games ................................................ 122
Advanced Games .................................... 123
Concluding the Game .............................. 124
Handicaps .......................................... 125
Chapter 4: Arenas of Tyr .............................. 56
The Criterion at Balic ................................. 56
The Palace of Gladiatorial Combat in Draj ......... 58
The Forest Arena of Gulg ........................... 60
Appendix ............................................. 126
Punching Table
.................................... 126
Wrestling Table
.................................... 126
Martial Arts Table
................................. 127
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