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In tro ................................................................................................................................. 4
T h ree D ifferen t P en ta to n ic S ca les .........................................................................5
P en ta to n ic m a jo r......................................................................................................5
P en ta to n ic m in o r......................................................................................................6
B lu es p en ta to n ic ........................................................................................................7
H o w Ev ery b o d y Ós R ela ted ..........................................................................................8
A F ew M o re N u g g ets B efo re W e G et S ta rted ...................................................8
T im e T o P la y !..................................................................................................................9
A P en ta to n ic M a jo r..................................................................................................10
M o v a b le P a ttern 1.................................................................................................10
A P en ta to n ic M a jo r, 1 st p o sitio n ......................................................................10
M o v a b le P a ttern 2.................................................................................................11
A P en ta to n ic M a jo r, 2 n d p o sitio n .....................................................................11
M o v a b le P a ttern 3.................................................................................................11
A P en ta to n ic M a jo r, 3 rd p o sitio n .....................................................................12
M o v a b le P a ttern 5................................................................................................13
A P en ta to n ic M a jo r, 5 th p o sitio n .....................................................................13
M o v a b le P a ttern 6................................................................................................13
A P en ta to n ic M a jo r, 6 th p o sitio n .....................................................................14
W h ere T h e R u b b er M eets T h e R o a d : P ra ctica l, R ea l-W o rld W a y s T o
U se T h e P en ta to n ic M a jo r S ca le ..........................................................................15
H o w T o U se Ea ch Ex a m p le ...................................................................................15
Ex a m p le 1: G p en ta to n ic m a jo r......................................................................16
Ex a m p le 2: A p en ta to n ic m a jo r....................................................................17
Ex a m p le 3: D p en ta to n ic m a jo r..................................................................... 18
F # P en ta to n ic M in o r................................................................................................. 18
M o v a b le P a ttern 1.................................................................................................19
F # P en ta to n ic M in o r, 1 st p o sitio n .....................................................................19
M o v a b le P a ttern 3...............................................................................................20
F # P en ta to n ic M in o r, 3 rd p o sitio n ...................................................................20
M o v a b le P a ttern 4 ..............................................................................................20
F # P en ta to n ic M in o r, 4 th p o sitio n ...................................................................21
M o v a b le P a ttern 5...............................................................................................22
F # P en ta to n ic M in o r, 5 th p o sitio n ...................................................................22
M o v a b le P a ttern 7...............................................................................................23
F # P en ta to n ic M in o r, 7 th p o sitio n ...................................................................23
W h ere T h e R u b b er M eets T h e R o a d : P ra ctica l, R ea l-W o rld W a y s T o
U se T h e P en ta to n ic M in o r S ca le ........................................................................ 24
H o w T o U se Ea ch Ex a m p le ................................................................................. 24
Ex a m p le 1: A p en ta to n ic m in o r....................................................................25
Ex a m p le 2: D p en ta to n ic m in o r....................................................................26
Ex a m p le 3: E p en ta to n ic m in o r ....................................................................27
F # B lu es P en ta to n ic ...................................................................................................28
M o v a b le P a ttern 1................................................................................................28
F # B lu es P en ta to n ic, 1 st p o sitio n .......................................................................28
M o v a b le P a ttern 3...............................................................................................29
F # B lu es P en ta to n ic, 3 rd p o sitio n ......................................................................29
M o v a b le P a ttern 4 ..............................................................................................30
F # B lu es P en ta to n ic, 4 th p o sitio n .....................................................................30
M o v a b le P a ttern 5................................................................................................31
F # B lu es P en ta to n ic, 5 th p o sitio n .......................................................................31
M o v a b le P a ttern 7...............................................................................................32
F # B lu es P en ta to n ic, 7 th p o sitio n ......................................................................32
W h ere T h e R u b b er M eets T h e R o a d : P ra ctica l, R ea l-W o rld W a y s T o
U se T h e B lu es P en ta to n ic S ca le ............................................................................33
H o w T o U se Ea ch Ex a m p le ..................................................................................33
Ex a m p le 1: E b lu es p en ta to n ic .......................................................................34
Ex a m p le 2: G b lu es m in o r................................................................................35
Ex a m p le 3: A b lu es m in o r...............................................................................36
B o n u s M a teria l: F iv e C la ssic B lu es L ick s ......................................................37
C la ssic B lu es L ick # 1.......................................................................................... 38
C la ssic B lu es L ick # 2......................................................................................... 38
C la ssic B lu es L ick # 3 ......................................................................................... 38
C la ssic B lu es L ick # 4.........................................................................................39
C la ssic B lu es L ick # 5.........................................................................................39
F in a l T h o u g h ts............................................................................................................39
¨ 20 0 5 D a n D en ley . A m a z in g G u ita rS m . A ll rig h ts reserv ed . T h is b o o k m a y n o t b e p u b lish ed , rep ro d u ced , tra n sm itted ,
em a iled , p h o to co p ied , sca n n ed o r o th erw ise d istrib u ted o r p ro d u ced in a n y fo rm w ith o u t th e p rio r w ritten co n sen t o f th e p u b lish er .
In tro
T h e p en ta to n ic sca les
p en ta to n ic sca les a re v a ria tio n s o f th e m a jo r a n d m in o r sca le.
A n d a s th e n a m e im p lies, p en ta to n ic sca les h a v e fiv e n o tes (w ith th e
ex cep tio n o f th e b lu es p en ta to n ic
p en ta to n ic sca les
b lu es p en ta to n ic, m o re o n th a t la ter).
P en ta to n ic sca les a re u sed th ro u g h o u t b lu es, ro ck a n d co u n try m u sic.
T h ey a re p ro b a b ly th e sim p lest sca les to p la y b eca u se th ey h a v e few er
n o tes th a n th eir m a jo r a n d m in o r co u n terp a rts. S o , co n seq u en tly , th ey
a re m o re co m m o n a m o n g g u ita rists.
B u t ju st b eca u se th ey a re q u ite co m m o n , d o esn Ót m ea n th ey Óre sta le
so u n d in g . N o , n o . In fa ct in th e h a n d s o f a g u ita rist lik e B .B . K in g , Eric
J o h n so n o r Eric C la p to n , th ey ca n b e sim p ly a sto n ish in g .
Y o u w ill d o y o u rself a g rea t serv ice b u t d o in g so m e serio u s stu d y o f th e
p en ta to n ic sca les. I ca n tell y o u fro m p erso n a l ex p erien ce th a t th ey w ill
a lw a y s b e w ith y o u a s a g u ita rist.
P en ta to n ic sca les h a v e a d elig h tfu lly Ðo p en Ñ q u a lity . T h is is d u e to th e
la ck o f certa in n o tes th a t a re fo u n d in th e d ia to n ic sca les (m a jo r a n d
m in o r).
B est o f a ll, p en ta to n ic sca les a re ea sy . W ell, a t lea st th a tÓs m y o p in io n .
I th in k th ey Óre ea sier fo r o n e sim p le rea so n : th ey h a v e few er n o tes!
T h in k a b o u t it. T h e d ia to n ic sca les a n d m o d es h a v e sev en n o tes.
P en ta to n ic sca les o n ly h a v e fiv e. T h a tÓs a lm o st 30 % less n o tes!
A n y w a y , I h a v e la id o u t ev ery th in g h ere fo r y o u in a step -b y -step
m a n n er. M a k e su re y o u d o m o re th a n ju st lea rn th e sca les. G o th e
ex tra m ile a n d lea rn h o w to apply a n d u se th e sca les. IÓv e tried to g iv e
y o u a to n o f ex a m p les o f h o w to d o ju st th a t.
S o , g ra b y o u r g u ita r, ro ll u p y o u r sleev es a n d letÓs g et sta rted !
In tro
b lu es p en ta to n ic
T h ree D ifferen t P en ta to n ic S ca le s
T h ere a re essen tia lly th ree d ifferen t p en ta to n ic sca les:
P en ta to n ic M a jo r, P en ta to n ic M in o r a n d B lu es P en ta to n ic.
Ea ch h a s its o w n u n iq u e ro le to p la y (n o p u n in ten d ed ) in th e
g u ita r w o rld . H ereÓs h o w th ey co m p a re.
Pentatonic major
T h e P en ta to n ic M a jo r
P en ta to n ic M a jo r is b u ilt o n th e m a jo r sca le. B u t it lea v es
o u t th e 4 th
P en ta to n ic M a jo r
d eg rees o f th e m a jo r sca le. H ereÓs a sid e-
b y -sid e co m p a riso n o f C m a jo r a n d C P en ta to n ic m a jo r:
C M a jo r: C , D , E, F , G , A , B , C
th a n d 7
a n d 7 th
th d eg rees
d eg rees
C M a jo r: C , D , E, F , G , A , B , C
C P en ta to n ic M a jo r: C , D , E, G , A , C
N o tice th a t th e C P en ta to n ic d ro p s th e F a n d th e B fro m th e C
m a jo r sca le. T h a tÓs b eca u se F a n d B a re th e 4 th a n d 7 th
d eg rees.
T h ree D ifferen t P en ta to n ic S ca le s
Pentatonic major
a n d 7
Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin