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Daniel E. Williams, FAIA
Forewords by David W. Orr and
Donald Watson, FAIA
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:
Williams, Daniel E.
Sustainable design: ecology, architecture, and planning / Daniel E. Williams.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN: 978-0-471-70953-4 (cloth)
1. Sustainable architecture. I. Title.
NA2542.36.W548 2007
Printed in the United States of America
La aritmetica non e opinione
—arithmetic is not an opinion.
The media has saturated us with the measurements, the “arithmetic,” on how badly
we have been doing as stewards of our home: global warming, drought, sprawl,
asthma, and obesity are direct results of the way we have chosen to live. Implicated
in the equation of global climate change is the way we plan, design, and build on the
land. We have consumed precious natural landscape and depleted vegetation, soils,
and water, using up the resource base that has been our benefactor. To understand
what it might take designers to change this arithmetic, we must first understand
both the magnitude and complexity of what brought us to this point, and second,
we must learn ways to change our direction.
We do know that we must aggressively commit to designing sustainably—that
is, designing within the limits of our natural resources and natural laws. Some
choices are obvious and readily available to us. For example, we can develop and
employ renewable resources, find alternatives to scarce and diminishing resources,
and use less more efficiently and wisely. This does not mean accepting a lower qual-
ity of life but, instead, designing ways to achieve a higher quality of life for the pre-
sent and future by designing for an “unplugged” life that functions well without
exploitation of nonrenewable resources and increases renewable capacities for pre-
sent and future generations.
The scope of global issues that account for the arithmetic of climate and cul-
tural change demands more of us. This book reviews the range of impacts that plan-
ning and design might undertake to redress global consequences. The collection
of design principles and practices set forth in this book illustrates the meaning of
deep sustainability , which is a commitment beyond the standard energy-efficiency
responses—demonstrating the best of what sustainable design can accomplish. This
book presents multiple scales and a comprehensive overview of sustainable-design
principles and practices, which are defined to set high but realizable goals, and these
principles and practices are illustrated by examples and case studies.
Sustainable design is an approach to design based on natural-systems function-
ing—what Ian McHarg aptly titled his book Design with Nature . The considerable
energy in nature can provide enough to power a sustainable future if we listen and
learn from it. Designs that use the available site energies are approaching sustain-
ability—these designs connect everything and are the ecological model.
Climate change is everyone’s challenge, and architects must play an important role commensurate with
their impact.
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