zaświadzcenie o szkoleniu okresowym BHP wersja angielska.doc

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zaświadczenie o szkoleniu wer.angielska



(Name of organizer of training- stamp)





About termination of training  in sphere of safety and sanitation of work



Mr/Mrs/Miss          (…)                             

                                    (Name and surname of trainee)


Day born              (…)       In  (…)


It has finished (…)

                             (Full name of training - Serve kind ofi training and group of person, it is assigned for which)



Organize in the form (…)              by (…)             

                                              ( Form of training)                  (Name of organizer of training)


In period from day (…)     r. for day (…)  


There was purpose of training:



By participants of training of knowledge possessed and abilities from range of safety and sanitation of work




Certification issue on base § 16 section  3 of the Ordinance of the Minister of Economy and Labour dated 27 July 2004 concerning work safety and health training, Journal of Laws Nr 180, item 1860 as amended,





    (…)           ,day (…)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

    (Locality)       (Date of exposure of certification)






According to register number of certification: (…)





                                                                                                                              (Seal and signature of person authorized                   

                                                                                                                                           by organizer of training)


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